Sunday, September 30, 2012
ive got tumblr now for posting on it mroe and even real sonn
here it is here
- hi whats going on
- Who really are you?
- Alex Kralie of the Marble Hornets slenderventures and fighting Slender Man or as now called President Slender
- Who are you
- i just told you
- im Alex Kralie
- of the Marble Hornets slenderadventures
- and fighting Slender Man
- or as now called president Slender of Slendermerica
- take a pic then
- timestamp dat
- im disguysed as someguy else for Sledermans evil servents not finding me
- o u
- i would like to know who you actually are
- im Alex Kralie
- from the Marble Hornets slenderventures
- and fighting Slender Man
- stop saying that
- Then stop asking me who I am.
- Tell me your real name
- prove it
- read it for all the proof to ever been dreamed of by you or otherguys to for it
- i dont get it
- is this supposed to be a joke
- or...
- what dont you get i can clear it up for you
- SlenderSlayer is my friend i fight Slender Man and now Presidet Slender with him thats his blog
- im Alex Kralie
- yeah, no
- yes
- its true
- that blog is actually really poorly written
- i know the truth can be and truly is scary but its true
- and the truth
- and i get its some big running joke for you but you're not amusing
- i know
- im Alex Kralie
- from the Marble Hornets slenderadventure
- and fighting Slender Man
- or called now President SLender of Slendermerica
- will you stop
- You're kind of lame bro
- then dont talk to me
- you staarted the conversation and talking to
- lol
- what
- so how old are you?
- 20
- im in film schol or at least was hahahahahahhahahahhaha
- o is this your big plan
- documenting all the people calling you a liar
- good work
- do you intend to post this too
- thats my blog of my fight against the Slenderspiracy
- hardly
- its full of fb chatlogs
- its my blog i would know
- and nothing else yet
- bullshit
- take the time to fucking read it
- then tell me that
- you seem mad
- a little
- youre trying to tell me whats in my blog without reading it
- nice youtube fail bro
- thats my vlog
- you dont even look like alex kralie man
- after my old one or called Marble Hornets got taken over by AlexProxie of the slenderspiracy i made that one to show the truth
- man
- all of this is just
- so bad
- its real life terror and terrafying stuff by Slender Man
- yeah but
- i mean
- you have videos
- im assuming of you
- and you cant even hide your face
- no thats not me
- if you're going to pretend to be someone
- liar liar pants on fire
- thats Moose smith a megafake trolelr guy
- Look up his channel
- its Moose Smith
- and he is also on your channel
- sooo...
- because i edit his megabad videos
- because theyre so aweful
- and bad
- see
- thats him
- Do you ever sit there
- and think
- about how awful all of this is
- it is literally terrible
- and you should feel terrible
- no because its real
- and youre not using the word literally right
- How not?
- something cant be metaphorically terrible
- so there was no reason for you to specify that it was literally terrible
- well it was
- and is
- You are wasting time with this
- you've put like
- months in to it
- and yet
- its just
- sobad
- its real life terror
- nope
- it's slightly terrifying how bad it is
- I'll give you that.
- its terrafying about it is Slender Man and The Rake and other scary guys and monster creatorous things to
- why dont you just create your own series man
- this is my series its megaterrafying for having Slender Man in it and now as slenderpresident
- i mean one where you dont pose as alex kralie
- i am Alex Kralie
- the other one is AlexProxie
- a servent of President Slender
- because its not funny
- just a bit sad tbh
- you havnt even read the whole entire thing of my megaawesome adventures for fightinng Slender Man
- tell me please
- what you gain by failing to pretend to be someone else
- are you that sad
- im not sad
- im Alex Kralie
- whats your middle name?
- richard
- Alex Richard Kralie
- wrong
- alex said liek
- forever ago
- hah that was a trick by me watch Marble Hornets again i never said or told my middle name
- his middle name doesnt even start with an 'r'
- i never said that
- true
- the real alex did
- i am the real one
- the other ones a Proxie
- misspelling proxy bro
- no its Proxie
- prove it
- youre the one whos not captalizing it
- It's not a noun
- yeah it is a person place or thing
- a noun
- okay
- i was wrrong
- i will admit
- i derped
- but it's not a proper noun
- well thanks to admitting for it
- and it's proxy
- not proxie
- to each his own
- yeah, no
- that's not how the english language works
- you didnt invent the english language
- neither did you
- i never said i did
- I never said I did.
- i know
- and the fact is
- you have no grasp of basic grammar and spelling
- thats not true
- It is, though
- Lol, wow.
- It's perfectly true.
- its not did you even read my blog or SlenderS;ayers blog to?
- too*
- we have perfect english language
- Not even remotely.
- It's so horribly written that you should just delete it and hope people forget
- about it entirely!
- no people already know about us were the only hope for the whole antire world to live by us were hard not to know
- SO many spelling mistakes.
- I hope you're a troll
- Because otherwise you're kind of pathetic...
- im not im the one and only true Alex Kralie
- See though, he's loads more intelligent than you are.
- the Proxie of me hahahahhahahahha no hes not hes dumb and works for President Slender
- Anyways.
- I am done conversing with you.
- Have a nice night.
- you to
- too*
- Why do you waste time on this?
- on what
- This account
- All you do is go in and make stupid comments no one cares about
- trying to keep a joke no one finds funny going
- because it lets guys folloe my adventures of klilling President Slender and thats to be no joking of it
- See, i can't tell if you think you're funny or what
- let me help you
- by assuring you that you are not
- im not tryin g to be funny im trying to save the world of america and other places to from slender doom and deestruction
- Oh, so you are trying to be funny
- Are you genuinely this stupid
- Or is that an act
- neither not stupid or act real life adventure of fighting slender
- My goodness, I hope you're acting
- here now might explain better of why i do what i do here
- no, stop it
- Cut the act, please
- If you do
- I wil dislike you slightly less
- just watch it it has so much explaining of stuff
- youll understand much better
- at eleeast doing more and better to fight slender menace than you
- hey guy i saw you try to get me banned from tribetwelve group and why
- why do you even hate me so much and alot im suspicous of you for being in on the slenderspiracy
- whaste my time on what fighting for freedom and truth of slenderspiracy is not waste of time
- nobodys raeging xcept you guy im just saying the truth and telling it to
- i dont know about that you were reaging pretty hard in tribetweelve group
- cmon lets be adults guys just admit it you were huge raging guy
- funs not the pouint of my questing battle of slender its to show the truth to guys who not know it like you
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