Copyright Notification: “Cannibal Corpse - Hammer Smashed Face”
Our automatic content protection system has identified that your sounds, “Cannibal Corpse - Hammer Smashed Face”, contain copyright material from the track “Hammer Smashed Face” which is a copyright work owned or administered by Unknown. We’ve blocked the upload of your sounds for the time being.
What can I do about it?
If your sounds contain the copyright material in part only, you may edit your sounds to remove the copyright work and re-submit your sounds to SoundCloud.
If your sounds contain copyright material in part only, you may edit your sounds to remove the copyright work and re-submit your sounds to SoundCloud.
If you believe that copyright material has been mistakenly identified in your sounds, or if you have used copyright material but have all necessary rights, licenses and permissions from the rights holder to upload and share this material on SoundCloud, you can dispute the claim by clicking on the link below.
I want to dispute the copyright claim.Return to dashboard
i was just trying to upload some trulygood music for people to listen of