- The Jurkerpeople out the moment?
- 10:29Valak43and they have sewed twins together to see if they would fuse or something
- 10:29OfficialUboaBut my pastawss nominated for potm
- I didnrt even know tht
- 10:30DeoxysMutationlike im Treehouse of Horrer XII
- 10:30The Jurkeroh pasta of the month
- 10:30Rundevilpotm is pot of the month
- 10:30TwilightKnowledgepot myum
- 10:30Rundevilbest strain grown that month
- 10:30Valak43Is it strange that im so fascinated by nazi medical experiments?
- AlexfromtheMarbleHornets has joined the chat.
- 10:30DeoxysMutationkinda but not really
- 10:30AlexfromtheMarbleHornetshi guys
- 10:30Rundevilnah, nazi fetichism is common.
- 10:30TwilightKnowledgeFleish shrozt.
- 10:30The Jurkerwhat is your pasta called trey?
- 10:30TwilightKnowledgeGibberrish
- 10:30Dream HackedAhoy there!
- 10:30DeoxysMutationmy friend is incredibly interested in occult stuff.. he has incerted pentagrams drawn on the walls of his room.. fucking wierd
- 10:31AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsincerted? thats not even realgoodenglish
- 10:31TwilightKnowledgethe devil is your bud
- 10:31Valak43soooo hes a satanist?
- 10:31DeoxysMutationi ment Inverted lol typo
- prettymuch
- 10:31AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsoh
- 10:31DeoxysMutationi find it really creepy
- 10:31The Jurkersatanist?
- 10:31Rundevili am indeed twilight
- 10:31TwilightKnowledgeYeah.
- 10:32AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsYou worship for Satan Rundevil?
- 10:32TwilightKnowledgeNo.
- 10:32AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsbut he just said he was a satanist i thought
- 10:32The Jurkerstop him when hes doing his rituals or else your house will be haunted by ghosts...
- 10:32Rundevillol no. No Gods/No Managers
- 10:32TwilightKnowledgeand BEN
- 10:32Valak43not ghosts
- 10:32DeoxysMutationim not a satanist one of my friends is.. its really wierd
- 10:32AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsoh
- that sounds to be creepy
- 10:33DeoxysMutationyea
- i dont like going over there..
- 10:33TwilightKnowledgesocial rage?
- 10:33Valak43Mr.Crowley
- 10:33The Jurkerdo you hang with him
- 10:33DeoxysMutationi very rarely see him
- 10:33TwilightKnowledge...
- 10:33Rundevili have a friend who painted a giant goats head pentagram on his wall. he's an atheist, just thinks its funny
- 10:33The Jurkerwhere did you meet him?
- 10:34DeoxysMutationmostly cause i avoid him.. you would want to stay away from that guy
- 10:34AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsValak43 Aleister Crowley wasnt a satanist he made of Thelema
- 10:34TwilightKnowledgeDevil buy more than God.
- 10:34Valak43Yes
- 10:34Rundevilhuh?
- 10:34The Jurkerthen hes not an atheist...
- 10:34Valak43but he used black magic
- 10:34AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsyeah
- 10:34TwilightKnowledgeMEGADEATH with that!
- 10:34Rundevilyes he is
- 10:34Avenging AngelPokemon_Bloody_Red
- 10:34AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsi like him though he seems t obe realsmart with his thinking on morals
- 10:34Avenging AngelPlease delete it
- 10:34DeoxysMutationsooo im just going to stay the fuck away from that guy
- 10:34Valak43I believe that satanism is called lay veyudan satanism
- 10:35The Jurkeryeah
- 10:35DeoxysMutationwhy delete bloody red i havent read it but why
- 10:35Rundevili could paint upside down crosses all over my walls and be an attest. shits jokes.
- 10:35Avenging AngelIt's one sentence..
- 10:35TwilightKnowledgemore...virgins.
- 10:35Avenging AngelThat's why..
- 10:35DeoxysMutationit is?
- im going to have a look
- OfficialUboa has left the chat.
- 10:35AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsthat was a really badpasta im not scared of it at all
- 10:36DeoxysMutationwtf
- 10:36AlexfromtheMarbleHornetswhat
- 10:36DeoxysMutationthat sucked
- 10:36Valak43hm
- 10:36AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsyeah i know
- 10:36TwilightKnowledgei want to sleep...with Slenderman.
- 10:36AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsi run from slenderman
- 10:36TwilightKnowledgeI'm crazy.
- 10:36DeoxysMutationyea im voting for delete bloody red
- 10:36Avenging Angel._.
- Joseph.
- 10:36AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsme to i vote for deleting of it
- 10:36Avenging AngelYou edited it.
- 10:36AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsno i didnt
- 10:37DeoxysMutationoh
- 10:37The JurkerSlendy is my buddy
- 10:37DeoxysMutationthat would explain alot
- 10:37Kid link812CE318 3C04 812CE31A 8030 812CE33C C48C 812CE33E EE80 D0309260 0004 812FEE80 3F00 D0309260 0001 812FEE80 3FC0 D0309260 0002 812FEE80 4080 D0309260 0008 812FEE80 4100
- typo
- 10:37AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsstop spamming for it
- 10:37The Jurkerwtf
- 10:37DeoxysMutationuh random action replay code?
- 10:37Valak43spam
- 10:37TwilightKnowledgeuseless code
- 10:37HomahSamsin2024I don't have time for this...
- 10:37Kid linkAmazing_World_of_Gumball,_The_Grieving what i ment to put
- Kid link was kickbanned.
- 10:37DeoxysMutationdoes it do anything?
- 10:37The Jurkerwtf
- 10:37ThatLastNoteMan...where's PEZ when you need him?
- Kid link has left the chat.
- 10:37Dream HackedI laughed for some reason.
- 10:38Valak43Mr.Crowley would you ride my white horse? Mr.Crowley its symbolic of course
- 10:38DeoxysMutationoh its a super mario 64 code
- Lei Omaki has left the chat.
- 10:38The Jurkera creepy code?
- 10:38DeoxysMutationidk il have a look
- 10:38TwilightKnowledgeDEATHCODE.hex
- 10:39DeoxysMutationnope... its a goomba size modifier (WTF)
- 10:39AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsim waytired of lost episode pastas there notscary and there all for the same thing but different shows
- 10:39TwilightKnowledgeGOOMBASTEALLIFE.avi
- 10:39The Jurkerhe was kickbanned for posting it maybe its a secret scary ass SM64 code?
- 10:39AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsSM64?
- 10:39DeoxysMutationthen why wasnt i banned for mentioning it?
- 10:39Valak43hahaha
- 10:40ThatLastNotemaybe it was the code for the secret cow level?
- 10:40DeoxysMutation... shit i just jynxed myself
- 10:40The Jurkerlol
- 10:40TwilightKnowledgewhat
- 10:40Dream HackedHe stretched the chat.
- 10:40DeoxysMutationsecret cow level wtf
- 10:40HomahSamsin2024Stop talking about it...
- 10:40TwilightKnowledgewhat is this
- 10:40AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsOH SUPER MARIO NINTENDO 64
- 10:40ThatLastNoteShhhhhhhh-moooo
- 10:40The JurkerYEAH
- 10:40DeoxysMutationyea
- 10:40Rundevilpoop
- dood
- 10:40AlexfromtheMarbleHornetssorry of caps were on
- 10:40TwilightKnowledge???
- 10:40AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsi had caps on
- sorry of it
- 10:40The JurkerME TOO
- 10:41DeoxysMutationi have a copy of Creepyblack that i bought of Ebay
- 10:41AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsyeah i know
- 10:41Valak43love hate sex pain its all the same to me
- 10:41TwilightKnowledgeHummm...pain.
- OfficialUboa has joined the chat.
- 10:41AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsthats wierd its three diffrent stuff to me
- 10:41ThatLastNoteonly three?
- 10:41The Jurkeri saw a copy of pokemon quartz once in a Garage.
- 10:41TwilightKnowledgeI love pain.
- 10:41ThatLastNotewhich two are the same?
- 10:42DeoxysMutationcreepyblack is kinda fun
- 10:42AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsoh i meant for four stuff
- 10:42DeoxysMutationi dont understand why everyone hates it
- 10:42TwilightKnowledgeLove is Pain. LOLD4RK
- 10:42ThatLastNoteAND THEN Sex is Laughter *instant record-name GOLD*
- 10:42AlexfromtheMarbleHornetshate and pain are closer for being related to each other and sex can be pain if im way too big for her
- 10:43TwilightKnowledgeBig **** you have?
- 10:43AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsslighly for being above averaged size
- 10:43Bladethepuppetwth
- did i just
- read
- 10:44AlexfromtheMarbleHornetswhat
- 10:44TwilightKnowledgeC**k description.
- Valak43 has left the chat.
- Lei Omaki has joined the chat.
- 10:44AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsyeah mine
- 10:44ThatLastNoteand then this was chatroulette
- 10:44Bladethepuppet._.
- 10:44Rundevilhahaha someone just mixed chris crocker up with chris chan.
- 10:44Dream HackedIt's about Omegle now.
- 10:44DeoxysMutationi just read this hilarious pokemon trollpasta
- 10:44AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsthe one sentence one
- 10:44The Jurkerwhat?
- 10:44ThatLastNoteyeah, right, and I'm cleverbot
- 10:45TwilightKnowledgeKids are little shit on COD.
- 10:45AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsthe one from earlier with only one sentence
- 10:45DeoxysMutationThe_Creature_of_the_Road
- 10:45AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsthat one
- 10:45The Jurkeri hate COD
- 10:45AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsno not that one
- 10:45TwilightKnowledgeMe too. It's crap.
- Unamed face salesman has joined the chat.
- 10:45Dream HackedWelcome.
- 10:45AlexfromtheMarbleHornetshi
- 10:45Unamed face salesmanevening
- 10:45DeoxysMutationi thought the end of creature of the road is hilarious
- 10:46AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsyour name reminds of me to slenderman Unamed face salesman
- 10:46DeoxysMutationwhat is slenderman?
- 10:46AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsbut you spelled unnamed wrong
- 10:46Rundevilcod would be good if it weren't for all the players.
- 10:46Unamed face salesmanwhy thank you
- 10:46ThatLastNoteCOD-Cod-Similar: Cod Piece- Armor used to cover the crotch. Thusly COD=PE[censored]
- brb
- 10:46TwilightKnowledgeMINDBLOW
- 10:46Rundevilcock armour; neat.
- 10:46Dream HackedYou don't have to censor it.
- 10:46The Jurkerdid you know faggots is a food?
- 10:47TwilightKnowledgeYes.
- 10:47AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsslenderman is a verybadmonster with a big and tall scary noface i ran from him waylots in my slenderadventure of Marble Hornets
- 10:47DeoxysMutation......
- 10:47TwilightKnowledgeG-Man brother
- 10:47RundevilI love pork faggots
- 10:47DeoxysMutationvery descriptive there..
- 10:47Bladethepuppetouch
- 10:47AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsme too pork is good but why did you call us to be faggots
- 10:47The Jurkerhttp://britishfood.about.com/od/eorecipes/r/faggots.htm
- 10:47AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsoh
- 10:47Rundevilhttp://blog.ohinternet.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/02/2220459531_b4e528d6f2.jpg
- 10:48DeoxysMutationis that thing you mentioned at the end a creepypasta u made?
- 10:48AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsthey call cigarettes fags too
- the british
- 10:48Rundevilhyou're hilarious alex
- 10:48AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsthats what they call it
- thanks
- 10:48Bladethepuppetyeah i will keep looking videos....
- ObliterationoftheSelf has joined the chat.
- 10:48DeoxysMutationwhere is everyone from?
- 10:48Rundevila creepy pasta about pork faggots? me gusta
- 10:48ObliterationoftheSelfSup beyotch.
- 10:48TwilightKnowledgehttp://cakeheadlovesevil.files.wordpress.com/2009/04/27386_1_468.jpg?w=529
- 10:49ObliterationoftheSelf*es
- 10:49TwilightKnowledgeDon't look.
- 10:49AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsthe midweest thats where my slenderadventure began but now im hiding of Vermont
- 10:49DeoxysMutationuh why?
- 10:49The Jurkerim not from the us
- thats all ill say
- 10:49DeoxysMutationuh alex is this a creepypasta u made or are making?
- 10:49Rundevilim in the midwest too.
- 10:49Unamed face salesmanI roam the south
- 10:49AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsbecause Vermont is a socool state but veywaymany forests of being baddanger maybe i shouldnt have hid here slenderman likes to be in forests
- 10:50TwilightKnowledgeI'm in Canada.
- 10:50Rundevilhe's pretending to be the guy from the videos.
- 10:50DeoxysMutationim from japan
- 10:50The Jurkerlol
- 10:50OfficialUboaI am from Tennessee
- 10:50
- 10:59Rundevilcleric is he who controls.
- 10:59Unamed face salesmanclerico of madness
- 10:59ClericofMadnessWTF
- 10:59ObliterationoftheSelfThat'd be you, sir.
- 10:59ClericofMadness>clerico
- 10:59Dream HackedMy my.
- 10:59The Jurkeri said deoxys was japanese...
- 10:59TwilightKnowledgeJP FTW
- 10:59The Jurkernot you
- 10:59TwilightKnowledgeYes me.
- 10:59WeirdowithcoffeeCLERICO CRITTERS
- 10:59Rundevilwe are all japanese at heart, truly
- 10:59ObliterationoftheSelfClericough: It stops the coffin!
- 11:00TwilightKnowledgecupcakes
- 11:00AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsjapenese guys are waysmart we shouldnt make fun of them
- 11:00Dream Hacked;D
- 11:00The Jurkeryeah
- 11:00Avenging AngelYou depressing people only make this depressing person more depressed when you argue.
- >.<
- 11:00DeoxysMutationwhat?
- 11:00AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsgood job for being japenese Cleric
- 11:00TwilightKnowledgeuh?
- 11:00WeirdowithcoffeeCLERIC ISN'T JAPANESE
- 11:00Dream HackedLawl.
- 11:00WeirdowithcoffeeDAFUQ
- 11:00The Jurkerlol
- 11:00AlexfromtheMarbleHornetshe said he was
- 11:00Avenging AngelEVERYBODY JAPANESE
- 11:00DeoxysMutationJEZUS
- 11:00TwilightKnowledgeStop teasing lil' Cleric.
- 11:01ObliterationoftheSelfHe must be one percent or less cuz I've seen him and he isn't at all. :3
- 11:01AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsim not i said good job of him
- 11:01Rundevilg'night homies. got school on 8 hours, need some sleep.
- 11:01AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsgoodnight
- 11:01DeoxysMutationkk night
- 11:01Avenging AngelLol
- I get straight A's and I stay up every night,
- And sleep in class.
- 11:01Dream HackedThis would have turned ugly D:
- 11:01Bladethepuppetbye
- 11:01OfficialUboaZombie jesus
- 11:01The Jurkerits 10:01 one here so yeah school in 8 hours
- Rundevil has left the chat.
- 11:01TwilightKnowledgeFuck school. I got my diploma.
- 11:01Bladethepuppethere its
- 9:01
- 11:01Unamed face salesmanim at 8:00
- 11:01TwilightKnowledge11:02 here
- 11:01ThatLastNotein response to the question about my location: http://maps.google.com/maps?hl=en&tab=wl
- 11:02TwilightKnowledgeWe bombing your location.
- 11:02The Jurkerim still in High School
- 11:02ObliterationoftheSelfI need to drink all my sleep, stay off school, get 8 hours of drugs and get good grades in milk!
- Gunnyman has left the chat.
- 11:02ClericofMadnessPokemon_Bloody_Red
- ...
- 11:02DeoxysMutation.....
- 11:02TwilightKnowledgeBest school evar.
- 11:02Avenging AngelCoffeyville, Kansas?
- ..
- 11:02ObliterationoftheSelfinb4 raeg
- 11:02Bladethepuppetyou do drugs oblit?
- 11:02Avenging AngelCLERIC
- 11:02Bladethepuppeto.o
- 11:02Dream Hacked^ Cleric
- 11:02DeoxysMutationsomeone delete bloody red.. its one sentance
- 11:03Avenging AngelDON'T DELETE IT
- 11:03ObliterationoftheSelfNO I DON'T of course I do
- 11:03ClericofMadnesslol sentance?
- 11:03TwilightKnowledgeOne.
- 11:03Avenging AngelIT IS POSSIBLY,
- 11:03Dream HackedIt's terrible!
- 11:03Avenging AngelTHE BEST THING I'VE EVER READ
- 11:03ClericofMadnessAlso how can people tease me?
- 11:03BladethepuppetBladethepuppet o.o 9:02 Dream Hacked ^ Cleric
- wth im not cleric
- 11:03ClericofMadnesshuh
- 11:03Dream Hacked?
- 11:03ClericofMadness
- 11:03Bladethepuppet--_--
- 11:03AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsi wasnt teasing of you is aid good job of it
- 11:03The Jurkerits not unfinished
- 11:03ObliterationoftheSelfThis chat is BANANAS. B-A-N-A-N-A-S.
- 11:03The Jurkerhe was killed while making it
- 11:03Bladethepuppetlol
- 11:03TwilightKnowledgeUMAD, BLOODYRED?
- 11:03Dream HackedAnyway, It shouldn't even be there. It's not even remotely creepy let alone funny.
- 11:04The Jurkerand the killer decided to post it...
- 11:04DeoxysMutationi bet that cleric just editid it
- 11:04AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsthast a soverybadpasta and notscar\y
- like jeff the killer
- 11:04Avenging AngelLooks like Joseph edited it.
- See what you do?
- ;3
- 11:04TwilightKnowledgeP.E.T.A : People eating tasty animals.
- 11:04AlexfromtheMarbleHornetshahahahaha thats realfunjoke
- 11:04Avenging AngelNot overused or anything..
- 11:04TwilightKnowledgeI know. It's lame.
- 11:04DeoxysMutationhey lol i jsut found this
- ((Graphical Quality)) edited by ClericofMadness 2 minutes ago Added categories: OC, US
- 11:05ThatLastNoteCorrection: P.E.T.A: People Enjoying Tastless Acronyms
- 11:05AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsthat to
- 11:05AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsno im not
- 11:05ObliterationoftheSelfPETAfile.
- 11:05Avenging AngelBOY WITH THE BREAD
- 11:05DeoxysMutationha
- 11:05Avenging Angel<3
- 11:05ThatLastNotenot you
- Twilight
- 11:05TwilightKnowledgeNo. P.e.t.a is shit zoophiles.
- 11:05ObliterationoftheSelfAnd PETAbear loves you youngins! Gets you YOUNG!
- 11:05DeoxysMutationand i foun d this too
- "Forgive You?" edited by ClericofMadness 2 minutes ago Added category: US
- 11:05Bladethepuppetlol
- 11:05AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsthey try to give of killing whales to get rights in courts of lawyers its megaridiculous
- 11:05The JurkerPETA kills more animals than it saves them.
- 11:06ObliterationoftheSelf^
- 11:06Bladethepuppetrly?
- wow
- 11:06AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsyeah
- 11:06Bladethepuppethow ironic
- lol
- 11:06DeoxysMutationi hate how our country keeps hunting whales wtf did they do to them
- 11:06ClericofMadnessDon't mess with the US category people
- If you do, I'll eviscerate you.
- 11:06ObliterationoftheSelfOr the messy hammer of dhoom falls upon you.
- 11:06AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsUS is a notgood country of my opinion
- 11:06ThatLastNotePshhhh politics/current news/relevant irl stuff: boooooring
- 11:06ClericofMadness>notgood
- 11:06TwilightKnowledgeThe boss of P.E.T.A is a freak.
- 11:06ClericofMadnessYou seem to smash adjectives together
- 11:06TwilightKnowledgeohfuck
- 11:06DeoxysMutationholy shit,,
- 11:07AlexfromtheMarbleHornetswe go to war with manylots of people just for oil and religion reasons and its notgood
- 11:07Avenging AngelMy_Forever
- :3
- 11:07ObliterationoftheSelfB-b-b-but it's my hobby, Cleric!
- 11:07TwilightKnowledge:3
- 11:07ClericofMadness"manylots" ?
- 11:07DeoxysMutationHA i found something
- Talk:Pokemon Bloody Red edited by Mr.Saber 37 minutes ago
- 11:07Dream HackedI think someone based their poem on the "Forgive you?" poem I wrote.
- 11:07The Jurkeryeah Japan hunts many whales
- 11:08Bladethepuppetomg http://www.petakillsanimals.com/proof/
- 11:08TwilightKnowledgepffffffffffffffffffffffffff
- Y
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