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Nothing much, I just got home from my sister Jane's

Yeah, I am a little depressed since I found out Jeff and her like each other again

oh thats to bad well good to hear they least arent dead from proxies or slenderclones to that would be way bad and worse

Hm? I heard that name before
Who is this 'Slender'

President Slender hes a waybad evil guy of rule and conquring america now slendermerica
and now with a slenderclone army

Wait, is his full name Slender Man?

it was but he conquered america made it slendermerica now President Slender

I might have heard him from somewhere then

hes way bad and terrafying guy

When I was little, the kids where I lived kept disappearing

that was probly him or servents of him he eats kids its terrable

It sounds like it! but I've heard the stories

thats the real most important story to read its the stroy of me and slenderslayer and quest to stop slenderman now President Slender

yeah its a way awesome story to read

Interesting, I'll read it when I have more time

I thank you! but yeah, honestly tonight I was just searching for someone to talk to I am always alone

thats to bad and sorry to hear it

My sister is better than me, I mean she got the man I have always loved for years to fall in love with her

that doesnt mean shes better than you just bad luck in life sometimes

both my parents are dead, I am alone in this world

sorry to hear that who killed them

I.. I don't know, I was asleep and in the morning I found then lying cold and still in their own blood

oh probly slenderman or proxies serving his bidding

No, my sister saw who it was

She said it was a young man with long black hair and a sickly slit smile

Yeah, so I just feel so a
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