Horror for life.
I usually read creepypastas with enough thought, paranoia factor,
subtlety (though not limited to it) to get me reading. I also have an
affinity for troll pastas with the exception of HTPs (unless they are
well written). I'm 14, male and living in Somers, New York. I'm also a
self-proclaimed grammar nazi on this wiki, so expect to see me
correcting grammar mistakes in pastas a lot (I will check your user
submissions list or leave a message in your talk page if permission is
required). I'm also an administrator here so feel free to ask me any
questions concerning the editing (or the chat). Mostly minor edits and
chat. I have an affinity for metal music, and classic rock. Some of my
favorite bands are:
Electric Wizard, Led Zeppelin, Tool, Reverend Bizarre, and lots more.
I became a chat moderator on February 23d, 2012, and an admin on April 19th, 2012. Happy days!
My Personal Quote: "The pen is not what is mighty, what is mighty is the one who wields it."
ME TIE DOUGH-TY WALKER! - First read it in the original book. Nostalgic (even though I'm 14, hah.)
Squidward's Suicide
- Incredibly unsettling. The only bad thing I can say about this pasta
is that it spawned many cruddy clone lost episode pastas.
Suicidemouse.avi - Another inspirational lost episode. Boring to most, genius to others (like me).
BEN - Awesome, but like Squidward's Suicide, spawned way too many cruddy clone pastas.
Salvation - Very cool ritual pasta, the one that got me into ritual pastas as a whole.
Frown Cat - Hilarious, especially since I never found Smile Dog scary in the first place.
Love - Beautiful, just beautiful.
The Cleansing
- The most disturbing pasta I have ever read, hands down. Words will
not describe the terrible feelings it gave me after I first read
it...major cheers to the author of this nearly flawless pasta. In fact, I
think the only thing wrong with it is how much it scared me!
Cupcakes - Greatest fanfic ever. You could actually see Pinkie Pie doing that and feel Rainbow Dash's suffering...
Family Heirlooms - This was some NASTY shit! Nuff said.
"We were. We were slender." - Probably the best Slendy pasta I've seen on site.
The Russian Sleep Experiment - So damn creepy. So realistic, so plausible, which is what makes it so awesomely disturbing.
Only sign this list if you DON'T like me!:
WE ARE FRENIMIES! I'm kinda indiferent about you...If you ever existed at one time, click here! 23:45, March 29, 2012 (UTC)
"There are two kinds of angry people in this world: explosive and
implosive. Explosive, which is the most common, is the type of
individual you see screaming at a grocery store cashier for not taking
his coupon. Implosive, the least common, is the cashier at the store who
remains quiet at his job day after day until he then finally loses it
and just shoots everyone in the store. You're the cashier." - Dr. Buddy
Rydell, Anger Management
"Humans are the workers in a biiig corporation. If there was not
Boss (man upstairs) do you really think we would have reason to behave
or follow rules? The belief--or more correctly, the fear--of a higher
power keeps the people in check. It's a security blanket for the masses
to explain away guilt, causality, and/or reasoning for otherwise
unexplainable events." - ClericofMadness
"If you admit you are an asshole, you aren't that big of an asshole." - CrazyFerret
"As for religion, it's also a way for elites, traditionalists,
cretins and other unsavory characters such as dictators to exercise
control over us. Whether or not they really believe in what they preach,
it serves as a deterrent to their subjects to rebel as well as making
their controlling edicts seem justified by claiming to be fighting for a
good cause. The Bible contains more holes than the ending of ME3." -
"When clean hands go foul, angels are easily broken. And I broke one. I broke one because I could." - Khanate, Wings From Spine
"Beliefs are what cause the brain to stop functioning. Believe in nothing..." - Maynard James Keenan
"Pirates are evil!!? The Marines are righteous!!? These terms
have changed throughout the course of history! Children who have never
seen peace and children who have never seen war have different values!
Those who stand at the top determine what is right and what is wrong!
This very place is neutral ground! Justice will prevail, you say? But of
course it will! Whoever wins this war becomes justice!!!!" - Donquixote Doflamingo, One Piece
"How about getting on Guy Fawkes masks and gathering together
outside the White House and watching it explode?" - BlittleMcNilsen
Creepypasta Wiki: Active chat moderator
Saki Wiki: Active sysop
Electric Wizard Wiki: Founder
Unanything Wiki: Active sysop
One Piece wiki: Active editor and chatter
Total Drama Island Wiki: Inactive editor and chatter
UnMario Wiki: Inactive editor
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