- 1:46UrotsukIGive the name
1:46Kill1mesWhat timing, right?
- Talk to you later then,
1:47DarkSlayer 3I dont need drugs to be high
1:47Kill1mesBye all
1:47DefretherBye Ryan.
1:47Tyranical TyranisI'm sat in the garden. The birds dont know close I am to them.
1:47DarkSlayer 3It's natural
- Welcome to purgatory, please grab a cookie and sit down ~
~ Also please read our chat policy
1:47DefretherAsh, Name, please?
1:47Tyranical TyranisI could crush them :3
1:47DarkSlayer 3Cool
1:47Requiem of IceMeta Meta Meta Meta Knight! Hmm...I wish I had a doughnut....
1:47DarkSlayer 3Sounds calming
1:47DarkSlayer 3k
1:47Grammatikspeaking of birds
1:48DarkSlayer 3Yes?
1:48DefretherSpeaking of birds
1:48UrotsukII HATE BIRDS
1:48BRVRhttp://prntscr.com/31ynp1 I'm driving my storage airship.
1:48DefretherTITS GALORE
1:48Grammatiknoah omfg yes
1:48Tyranical TyranisHow's that chirpy fuck?
- fuck ducks
1:48GrammatikFUCK TURKEYS
1:48UrotsukIFuck owls
1:48Mr.stache65This morning Jim asked if I had any drugs. I said I had cleaning equipment... He then said that it was even better and he would shove the mop up his ass. 0-0
1:48Grammatikfuck pigeons
1:48UrotsukIfuck cocks
- i mean
- fuck roosters
1:49Tyranical TyranisI'd fuck a cock
- there's no way i can fix that
1:49DarkSlayer 3I told my friend to go fuck himself
- Requiem of Ice has left the chat.
1:49DarkSlayer 3He's an ashole
- bye
1:49Fatal DiseaseI want to see the poles
- c:Spinpasta
- Why...
- WhyAmIReadingThis has joined the chat.
1:50Fatal DiseaseIs... the fucking Sink the Bismarck winning.
1:50AlexKrailhi WhyAmIReadingThis
- Tyranical Tyranis has left the chat.
- Tyranical Tyranis has joined the chat.
1:51Tyranical TyranisK
- VeryAverageJoe has joined the chat.
1:51AlexKrailhi VeryAverageJoe
1:51WhyAmIReadingThisHi Krail
- Wolfenmaus has joined the chat.
1:51AlexKrailhi Tyranical Tyranis
1:51Mr.stache65Hello there joe
1:51AlexKrailhi Wolfenmaus
1:51WolfenmausSomeone mentioned Laughing Jack before I got disconnected.
- Which was a shame.
1:51VeryAverageJoeguys guess what?
1:51Fatal DiseaseThis is me.
- When I find out that a FUCKING POEM is winning on SP
- http://prntscr.com/31yox8
1:52AlexKrailwhats SP
1:52VeryAverageJoeGuys, guess what
- Freakish16 has joined the chat.
1:52AlexKrailwhats that
- hi Freakish16
1:53VeryAverageJoeMy pasta got put up! Bright Ideas
- First try to
1:53AlexKrailheres a warning frend its going to get deleted
1:53Mr.stache65I read your pasta earlier joe
- Deadpool the merc has joined the chat.
1:53AlexKrailthey have a delete everything policy or atleast LOLSKELETONS does
- hi Deadpool the merc
1:54Deadpool the mercHello
1:54DarkSlayer 3Hey
- Merc with a mouth
- MooseJuice has left the chat.
- MooseJuice has joined the chat.
1:54Mr.stache65its actually up to standards. No big spelling mistakes. Not too cliche. Pretty good, overall.
1:54Deadpool the mercHELLO
1:54VeryAverageJoeThaks mr stache
1:54Tyranical TyranisMerc with a muff
1:54VeryAverageJoewell I had a bit of help from an moderagor
- *moderator
1:55AlexKrailhi MooseJuice
1:55Deadpool the mercdid anybody see Rulk today?
- moderagor?
1:55Mr.stache65What did he help you with?
1:55VeryAverageJoelooking over spelling and grammer
1:55Deadpool the merc*Grammar
1:55AlexKrailRulk storyline made me want to asassinate Jeff Loeb
1:55DarkSlayer 3Oh, okay
1:55AlexKraili almost did it
- gtg see ya
- George Huxley has joined the chat.
1:56Deadpool the merc*got to go *see you
1:56Mr.stache65Don't be an ass, deadpool. Almost Everyone makes that mistake.
1:56AlexKrailhi George Huxley
1:56George HuxleyHi people :~)
1:56Deadpool the mercI'm not being an "ass"
1:56AlexKrailyeah, VeryAverageJoe you cant use acronims here there all grammar nazis
- VeryAverageJoe has left the chat.
1:57George Huxley>there
1:57AlexKrailbye VeryAverageJoe
- Freakish16 has left the chat.
1:57Mr.stache65He made a spelling mistake. So what? Plus, you corrected something that doesn't need to be corrected.
1:57Tyranical Tyranis>ass
- >cussing
- >2014
1:57AlexKrailbye Freakish16
- Deadpool the merc has left the chat.
1:58Thelastvictom112yea just finished my creepypasta and about to post it ^_^
1:58Tyranical TyranisAcronym of VeryAverageJoe
- Lol
- Superplankofdeath has joined the chat.
1:58George HuxleyReading is by far the best mod; he managed to kick me for calling him Riding
1:59Fatal DiseaseGeorge.
- I cannot make fun of that.
- It'll be...
- wat
1:59AlexKrailwow he sounds like a megahuge nazi George Huxley
1:59Thelastvictom112im gona go though it make sure all slpeeing mistakes are gone and post it
1:59AlexKrailhi Superplankofdeath
1:59George HuxleyFat; hi
1:59George HuxleyHows it going?
- WhyAmIReadingThis has left the chat.
1:59Mr.stache65damn auto-correct. One day I shall kill you
- >Fat.
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