- GraydonLI am stuck on the goddamn smelter demon
7:30The Damn BatmanGraydon PM me
7:30Mrchrisrocks23fucking patty's day
7:30Sanguinante PrimoYe, Wolf.
7:30BeccaLovegoodWh#at the fuck did i just see
7:30Sanguinante PrimoTaking a break
7:30Princess Monogatari>smelter demon
- omg
- Welcome to purgatory, please grab a cookie and sit down ~
~ Also please read our chat policy
7:30Clayman9WhyAmIReadingThis you crazy tyrant
7:30Princess Monogatarithat sounds like
7:30Sanguinante PrimoFor a few hours/days
7:30Punchwolf980Yay! :3 I'm glad you're taking a break. You needed it.
- Make it days xP
7:30Ennaryzmisread as crazy cunt
7:30Princess MonogatariFlamelurker from Demon's Souls
7:30EnnaryzYeah, I'm done
7:30Mrchrisrocks23"the word is divine"
7:30WhyAmIReadingThisClayman, your liberty of expression has just been revoked
- Pay taxes or die
- You'll also need to go to the gallows
7:31Sanguinante PrimoMaybe xD
7:31WhyAmIReadingThisEnd of decreet
7:31Clayman9For Liberty!
7:31EnnaryzNick reminds me of one of those guards off TES
7:31Mrchrisrocks23I didn't do shit
7:31WhyAmIReadingThisew liberty
7:31Punchwolf980If not, just enjoy every second you can =P
7:31Princess MonogatariNick
7:31Clayman9and lots of FREEDOm
7:31Princess MonogatariIs that really you?
- MedicTF2 has left the chat.
- Death's Secretary has joined the chat.
- Devincooper64 has joined the chat.
7:31Mrchrisrocks23HI there:3
7:31Lil' Miss RarityWhy
7:31EnnaryzNick has been replaced by Cousin Derek
- either that
- orrrrr
7:32Devincooper64yOu know what would be an awesome collab?
7:32AlexKrailhi Devincooper 64
7:32Devincooper64The Lumineers and Modest Mouse
7:32AlexKrailhi Death'
7:32WhyAmIReadingThisYes, Maria?
7:32Ennaryzhe's been cursed by the ffs7
7:32Mrchrisrocks23Hi dev
7:32Clayman9I wanna colab on a pasta
7:32Mrchrisrocks23Hi dea- wut o.o?
7:32Lil' Miss RarityI am taking my algorithm for categorization and applying it to new page patroller
7:32Clayman92 people one idea
7:32Death's SecretaryUm, I just realized, but none of my pastas are categorized under OC anymore...
7:32AlexKrailDeath's Secretery
- *
7:32Lil' Miss Raritythat will sniff out spinoffs
7:32Mrchrisrocks23its to early
7:32Devincooper64I want that to happen If The Lumineers and Modest Mouse dont collab ill cry ;_;
7:32Princess Monogatarigraydon
7:32Death's SecretaryYes, Alex?
7:32AlexKraili was just saying hi
7:32Death's SecretaryOh.
7:32WhyAmIReadingThisOh wow! Make sure to add something to narrow down serial killers
7:33Mrchrisrocks23alex, you may have fucked my computer up
7:33Lil' Miss RarityLike I said
- a points system
7:33Mrchrisrocks23with the wall
7:33EnnaryzFucking hypochondria is acting up again
7:33Clayman9What if it goes mad with power! (It obviously has intelligence)
7:33Death's SecretaryBut seriously, why isn't my pastas considered OC anymore?
7:33Punchwolf980So, who else is enjoying Dark Souls 2?
7:33EnnaryzI wish I had some anti-anixety medication or something
- I fucking hate this
7:33Mrchrisrocks23I am playing heavy rain
7:33Lil' Miss RarityWe deleted the OC category
7:33Death's SecretaryOh.
7:33Princess MonogatariZy
7:33Sanguinante PrimoI'm about to play Skyrim, maybe
7:33AlexKrailim not a megabig hacker how could i destroy your computer thats a false acusation
7:33Death's SecretaryThank you, Rarity.
7:33Princess Monogataripls don't become grammm
7:33Punchwolf980Dark Souls 2 has been so fantastic :D
7:33Clayman9Can any form of pasta involving the internet still be around?
7:33Mrchrisrocks23Its lagging like shit
7:33EnnaryzI'm not
- I lready am
- :D
- I am
- Framm
- :)
7:34Mrchrisrocks23because its still processing your wall and chat at da same time
7:34Devincooper64Yes, internet pastas are allowed
- but try to be creative beyond the
7:34Clayman9Cause I know haunted files are out lawed
7:34EnnaryzNO NO NO
7:34Princess MonogatariI'm going to weep in my corner
7:34AlexKraildoes it usually do that i can give you tech advice
7:34EnnaryzI am
7:34Devincooper64"OMG SATAN.EXE"
7:34Punchwolf980Even though it has absolutely no guidance for where you should be going.
7:34Princess MonogatariDevin
7:34Mrchrisrocks23its fine alex
7:34Princess MonogatariPsi
7:34Clayman9I should make one about the wiki
7:34Sanguinante PrimoDef
- Hai
7:34Death's SecretaryWell, I'm going now my questions are answered. Thank you all, and stay frosty!
7:34DefretherHey Cas
7:34Jacket MikeUser blog:VeryAverageJoe/The beginning!
7:34Princess Monogataripunch
7:34Jacket Mike2 days later.
7:34Mrchrisrocks23*pats you on the back* hug?
7:34Jacket MikeHe leaves.
7:34DefretherThey know it's me, Cas
7:34Jacket MikeWith a rage blog.
7:34DefretherI told them.
7:34Sanguinante PrimoK
7:34Devincooper64actually, imma not hang here for now, got to get work done
7:34Princess Monogatarihave you beaten the Pursuer yet?
7:35Devincooper64adios :D
7:35Sanguinante Primou fail
7:35BeccaLovegoodidm relaly drunsk again
7:35Clayman9Has anyone made a pasta about this wiki?
- fuck
7:35WhyAmIReadingThisBye Devin
7:35Sanguinante PrimoCouldn't even make a day
7:35Ennaryzwho is my chat doppelganger?
- as in
7:35BeccaLovegoodEY NICK
7:35Mrchrisrocks23Dark souls is actually really easy XD
7:35BeccaLovegoodI DONE IT
7:35Ennaryzwho am I alike?
- Death's Secretary has left the chat.
7:35Jacket MikeBecca is, Zy.
- Devincooper64 has left the chat.
7:35Princess Monogatarithe first one yeah
7:35Clayman9I like TitanFall
7:35AlexKrailby Death's Secretary
7:35Ennaryzait, really?
7:35Punchwolf980Dark Souls 1 is really easy, the sequel has been challenging
7:35DefretherWow, thanks for making me feel wonderful, Cas. .-.
7:35BeccaLovegoodi kidna spellinf drusnk rights
7:35Punchwolf980Very challenging
7:35AlexKrailby Devincooper64
7:35Jacket MikeYeh.
7:35Princess Monogataripunch
7:35Ennaryzgimme a reason, tho
7:35Princess Monogatariarmor
7:35Mrchrisrocks23who is my chat double?
7:35WhyAmIReadingThisTyping 'drusnk' doesn't count, Becky
7:35Jacket MikeBecause she acts exactly like you.
7:35Clayman9Is anyone liking TitanFall
7:35KEI (Glitch)XD
- fuck it
- all it does is derp
7:35Jacket MikeSexual innuendos and other shit.
7:35Princess MonogatariDo I have a dopplegänger?
7:36Mrchrisrocks23damnit william ain't here
- makes sense
- although
- haveb't I#
- kinf of
- improved?
7:36Princess MonogatariTitanFall
- no
7:36Mrchrisrocks23I think becca is my dopple
7:36EnnaryzI'm not that bad when it coemst pt that anumore
7:36Jacket MikeYes.
7:36WhyAmIReadingThisWell...eeeeh...not really that much, Zyr, I'm afraid
7:36Ennaryz*comes to that
7:36Princess Monogatarigiant robot yes
- fps no
7:36Ennaryzwelll fck
7:36Princess Monogatariso titanfall no
- Clayman9 has left the chat.
7:36EnnaryzI thought I did, but ok
7:36WhyAmIReadingThisKeep working on that
7:36Jacket MikeI think there was even a time I thought Becca was actually Zy.
7:37AlexKrailmy doppleganger or aka impersinating guy is AlexProxie from being sent by President Slender to impersinate me
7:37BeccaLovegoodBECSALAS IS ZYYY
7:37Princess MonogatariWho's mine?
7:37BeccaLovegoodshuitrd up.
- fs
7:37Mrchrisrocks23who's mine?
- plz
- KEI (Glitch) has left the chat.
7:37AlexKrailin the MarbleFakehornets megafake series and only one real one now
7:37Jacket MikeNow I want to know my doppelganger.
7:37Princess Monogatariä
7:37Ennaryzeither Doctor or Paladin
7:37BrokenSquidTime to go switch my avatar to Alex from A Clockwork Orange.. I'll miss you Chick From Pulp Fiction avatar..
7:37Ennaryzor Meta
7:37Jacket MikeWhich I believe is nobody.
7:37Princess MonogatariPsi
7:37BeccaLovegoodism relaly not THATs drusnk
7:38AlexKrailwhich one was alex was that the main guy
7:38Jacket Mike>Meta >My doppelganger
- no*
7:38WhyAmIReadingThisYou're drunk when you turn 'Really' in 'Rlaylly'
7:38Princess MonogatariSubject S126
7:38Mrchrisrocks23I think kitty is my doplleganger L3
7:38EnnaryzI used to always confuse yu guys
7:38BeccaLovegoodncikyt shit uo
- ...
7:38Mrchrisrocks23Lemonny snicketts
7:38Ennaryzto be fair, I nmake a lot of typos when I'msober
7:38WhyAmIReadingThisThis is getting overwordly
- I swear
7:38Jacket Mike>nicdy
7:38Ennaryzgod forbit if I am drunk
7:38Princess Monogatariespeciially when you're laughiing @zy
7:38BeccaLovegoodncikcy shhhhsuh
7:38BrokenSquidIt was the main guy
7:38Mrchrisrocks23is becca drunk or pretending?
7:38Punchwolf980dafuq is going on
7:38Irishninja0Ennaryz pm's
7:38Jacket MikeNickdick*
- Okay I stopped.
7:39BeccaLovegooddickny, shutf up.
7:39Princess Monogatariimagine if gramm sounded like a norwegian Rob Zombie
7:39ChaoZStriderZy actually seems to make less typos when she is drunk
7:39Sanguinante PrimoI called him Nicknock
- Okay
- That is also trademarked
7:39EnnaryzI've never been drunk here, Vhap
7:39Princess MonogatariN*
- *cho
7:39Jacket MikeBecause Zy is a reverse drunkard.
7:39Mrchrisrocks23I have XD
7:39Punchwolf980What's with this dicknick thing?
7:39EnnaryzPls ythat typo
7:39ChaoZStriderAre you drunk now?
7:39EnnaryzI'm dying
7:39Princess MonogatariCym went here high
7:39Punchwolf980Who doesn't go here high?
7:39Irishninja0I don't
- I am
7:39Mrchrisrocks23a baby?
7:39Princess MonogatariMe neither
7:40Irishninja0Zy pm's
7:40BrokenSquidPunchwolf, we can't have the same outfit/avatar so I'm going to have to ask you to switch your avatar to one of the other droogs.
7:40Jacket MikeI get high automatically sometimes.
7:40Punchwolf980Babies aren't allowed on cp chat thank you very much
7:40Princess MonogatariI can't find any drug dealers around my place
7:40Punchwolf980Too bad Broken
- It's not happening
- The Broken Barrel has joined the chat.
7:40Mrchrisrocks23I want to change my avatar
7:40Princess MonogatariPunch
7:40EnnaryzHi Cho
7:40Princess Monogatarithe Pursuer
7:40BrokenSquidWell then, I'll just wear the same avatar as you, only I'll wear it better Punchwolf
7:40Princess Monogatarican i get that armor
- pls be yes
7:40Mrchrisrocks23I hate clockwork orange
7:40Punchwolf980Fine go ahead o-o idgaf
7:40Mrchrisrocks23it is....mmm
7:41Punchwolf980I'm awesome enough to wear the same dress as you to the same place
7:41Princess Monogataripunch
7:41BrokenSquidYes but, while I'll respect you wear the same thing I'll wear it bette
7:41Punchwolf980What armor be you discussing
- OMGitsGhastly has joined the chat.
7:41AlexKrailsomeone should delete with the stupid SCP ripoffs here Subject S126 Subject L224
7:41Ennaryzhave you ever felt like
7:41Princess Monogatarimr. pursuer
7:41Ennaryzyou are two differnt peple
7:41BeccaLovegoodiloce yoi gusyi<3
7:41AlexKrailhi OMGitsGhastly
7:41OMGitsGhastlyOh, so this is what's erong with society. http://prntscr.com/31s6qr
7:41Punchwolf980That's really subjective Broken
- Yes, you can have the armor
- whynot
7:41Mrchrisrocks23oh my god
7:41DefretherLove ya too, Sis.
7:41Mrchrisrocks23I have insomnia
7:41Princess MonogatariI thought that was Jesus for a sec.
7:41DefretherHey guys?
7:42Punchwolf980Nope, I'm jesus
7:42Princess Monogatariomf
7:42DefretherCan I say something?
7:42Punchwolf980Jesus H. Christ
7:42BrokenSquidIt's a pain to let go of my current avatar
7:42Princess Monogatari>AGNER<R3
7:42Mrchrisrocks23my doctor just phoned me with the results
7:42Princess MonogatariAgner R34
7:42DefretherI love you all. Every. Single. One. Of. You.
7:42OMGitsGhastlyWhat is your avi
7:42WhyAmIReadingThisLove you too, Trytin
7:42Mrchrisrocks23even me?
7:42OMGitsGhastlyI'm too lazy too look
7:42Jacket MikeFanart.
- Oh.
7:42EnnaryzI don't know anymore tbh
7:42Punchwolf980You don't love me Defrether
7:42Princess MonogatariNick
7:42Punchwolf980You don't even know me.
7:42BrokenSquidI mean, as cool as Alex is this, chick from Pulp Fiction is better because.. Well it's Pulp fucking Fiction that's why.
7:42Jacket MikeHotline Miami fanart.
7:42BeccaLovegoodangerusexky lil fing
- Fatal Disease has joined the chat.
7:42Jacket MikeFINALLY.
7:42Princess MonogatariFatal
7:42EnnaryzNot sure why I came back
7:42Jacket MikeFatal, PM.
7:43AlexKrailhi Fatal Disease
7:43Mrchrisrocks23I think that agner is a bit of a -...
7:43Princess Monogataribecause. zy
7:43BeccaLovegoodshtus uip.
7:43OMGitsGhastlyWho is Ennareirz
7:43DefretherDid you
- just call me sexy?
7:43Princess Monogatariyou just can't resist mmy sexy
7:43DefretherIf so
7:43WhyAmIReadingThisIt's your fault for making such odd typos, Becky!
7:43DefretherI didn't know you rolled that way
7:43BeccaLovegoodnciky i frunk
7:43Princess Monogatariand my magnificent ass.
7:43Princess Monogatari@zy
7:43Mrchrisrocks23I hope people realise that becca isn't really drunk
7:43WhyAmIReadingThisYou don't know a lot of things, Agner
7:43Mrchrisrocks23and just spamming
7:43EnnaryzGoodbye, I guess
7:43WhyAmIReadingThisBut nah, I don't
- Bye Zyr!
7:43BeccaLovegood>andas jsut spa,mmignd
7:43OMGitsGhastlyOH IS ZY
7:43Mrchrisrocks23by zyr
- k.
- icant
- Ennaryz has left the chat.
7:44AlexKrailby Ennaryz
7:44Mrchrisrocks23bye enn
7:44OMGitsGhastly<a href="http://prntscr.com/31s6qr">http://prntscr.com/31s6qr]]
7:44DefretherChris, Becca
7:44Scorch933playing this game called "Euthanasia". It's not very scary, but it's a badass game. http://www.bilder-hochladen.net/files/big/41mk-95.png
7:44BeccaLovegoodiwuld c all u a badwerd but thatsa bed.
7:44OMGitsGhastlyThat wasn't supposed to happen.
7:44Defretherdon't be startin drama, now, y'all
- du u no
7:44OMGitsGhastlyAg is Defrether
7:44DefretherU dun no
- Clayman9 has joined the chat.
7:44AlexKrailhey this is such a good song http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PeIzfSttwYA
7:44Princess MonogatariAgner
7:44DefretherI dun no*
7:45Clayman9BRVR can I edit your profile
7:45BeccaLovegoodirellu losertg uou
7:45OMGitsGhastlyI jus realzd dis
7:45Mrchrisrocks23frether you shsh
7:45Clayman9and write I like trains
- ffs
7:45AlexKrailhi Clayman9
7:45Princess MonogatariRead this with some heavy metal in the background
7:45GraydonLWait, Agndefrenerstien
7:45BeccaLovegoodmeds jgoing to asaep.
- Sleepe*
7:45Clayman9Fatal have you checked out the thread?
7:45BeccaLovegoodclaose endough
7:45Princess Monogatarigraydon
7:45Punchwolf980YAY! I haz chest pains! :D
7:45OMGitsGhastlyE em wreng Egner?
7:45Mrchrisrocks23cookie dough?
7:45Princess Monogatari>endough
7:45Punchwolf980* Punchwolf980 dies
7:46Princess MonogatariLOL
7:46BeccaLovegoodFfucxksain asutu t up.
7:46DefretherHai Ghestlee :33
- we've gone over this
- yeas??
7:46OMGitsGhastlytyping isn't hard
7:46Punchwolf980Becca, quit pretending your drunk. Just because it's saint's patty's day doesn't mean you have to make a fool of yourself
- you're*
7:46Mrchrisrocks23use your fingers, not your elbows
7:46DefretherOn the contrary, Wolf
7:46Jacket MikeOh, it's Saint Patrick? I didn't even notice.
7:46AlexKrailshes probably 1/8th irish to ahhahahhahahahahhaha
7:46Sanguinante PrimoI'm gonna go eat supper
7:46DefretherPeople do it anyway
7:47Princess Monogatarigrey done
7:47Sanguinante PrimoBe back in like
- thirty
7:47OMGitsGhastlyiuju dse mntg erk bkw
7:47DefretherAlex, don't spam, please.
7:47OMGitsGhastlyi typed that with my elbow
7:47BrokenSquidHoly shit, my Saint Paddy's day dinner should be ready soon
7:47Sanguinante PrimoMy great great gradfather was full irish
7:47BeccaLovegood<i;s fusll irsih
7:47WhyAmIReadingThisKrail, Becky is fully Irish
7:47Punchwolf980And seriously America, the Irish don't even get superfluously drunk on today -_-
7:47BrokenSquidI'm not Irish, I'm just in it for the food and alcohol.
7:47DefretherI'm Polish ^_^
7:47OMGitsGhastlyIrish w00t
7:47Clayman9BRVR can I put I like trains on your profile
7:47Sanguinante PrimoAnyway bai
7:47WhyAmIReadingThisJudging by Becky's behavior, Punch, I'd say they do
- Bye Cas
7:47OMGitsGhastlyBai Cassy
7:47Mrchrisrocks23Bye assy
7:47AlexKrailare yo u Irish Punchwolf\
7:47GraydonLSorry Mono
7:47GraydonLWas in PM
7:47Punchwolf980Yes o-o
7:47BeccaLovegoodlol yed thy do
7:47DefretherTeraz wypierdalaj.
7:47Punchwolf980I am
7:48OMGitsGhastlyI em Eresh
7:48AlexKrailoh cool
7:48BrokenSquidWho cares Punchwolf, America is the largest race mixing bowl in the world. There's bound to be some stereotypes in our holidays
7:48Punchwolf980and I should have been more specific, Ireland doesn't get that drunk. The Irish might.
7:48OMGitsGhastlyI had corned beef for dinner yesterday.
- It was delscous
7:48Cupcakes8...Bored. .-.
7:48BeccaLovegoodthy do thu
7:48Punchwolf980because your ethnicity doesn't determine the country in which you live
7:48Defretherinb4 MLK day
7:48DefretherAnd a shirt that says
7:48Mrchrisrocks23er meh gerd berf
7:48BeccaLovegoodthdsey DO thugh
7:48Defrether"BLACK FOR A DAY"
7:48Punchwolf980@Broken, our holidays are stereotypes.
7:48Cupcakes8Bored as hell.
- Sanguinante Primo has left the chat.
7:48DefretherThat's how I feel things are gonna go.
7:48Punchwolf980Fuck white people :D
7:49Mrchrisrocks23what about frech?
7:49Punchwolf980French isn't a race?
7:49OMGitsGhastlyThat probably has happened
7:49AlexKrailhahahahah Irish are white so you just said fuck yourself
- The french dont get holidays
- You have been kicked by Defrether.
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