- 9:16エル・ローライトMoose pm

9:16CreepyMorefedoraSo fucking nice
9:16エル・ローライトShut the fuck up
9:16Pramirez351hello pacify
9:16Devincooper64Imma read this Sword Art Online shit, see if its better than its bastard son of an anime
- Welcome to purgatory, please grab a cookie and sit down ~
~ Also please read our chat policy
9:17Pramirez351hello alex
9:17AlexKrailhi whats on the chatting here
9:17エル・ローライトFuck you.
9:17Pramirez351you new pacify? you too alex?
9:17エル・ローライトThats what.
- .-.
9:17Pacifyyeah im new
- Rabbitlover123 has joined the chat.
- Fuck you.
9:17Devincooper64Rabbitlover, no spam please
- Lady-warrior has joined the chat.
9:17Devincooper64thank you.
9:17AlexKrailthats very nonpolite thing to say
9:17Rabbitlover123im back'
9:17AlexKrailhi Rabbitlover123
9:17Pramirez351well, welcome pacify
9:17Devincooper64L be nice
9:17AlexKrailhi Lady-warrior
9:17Pramirez351hello lady warrior
9:17Pacifythanks yo
9:17エル・ローライトBut moose wont answer me 
9:18MaspaI guess I'd recommend Attack on Titan as long as you're prepared to be a bit disappointed by the characters. The story is good, though, if you can overlook how shallow the characters are.
9:18Lady-warriorhi alexkrail
9:18Rabbitlover123im reading bloodymary
9:18Lei Omakii do love their opening songs Maspa
9:18MaspaMe too
9:18Lady-warriorhi pramirez123
- K9Ak Bonfire has joined the chat.
9:18MaspaI'll be back in a minute
9:18Devincooper64oh gosh the light novel for sword art online is even worst
9:18AlexKrailhi K9Ak Bonfire
9:18MaspaI guess
- Cyberdragon721 has joined the chat.
9:19Jacket Mikehttp://i.imgur.com/HsFdnoP.jpg
9:19Lei Omakihey Lady
9:19Devincooper64>.< Its like my level of writing
9:19Pramirez351hello bonfire
9:19Jacket MikeWin.
9:19K9Ak Bonfirehow do i create my own creepypasta?
9:19Pramirez351also hello cyberdragon
9:19AlexKrailhi Cyberdragon721
9:19Cyberdragon721hello ^_^
9:19Rabbitlover123i dunno
9:19Devincooper64Home page, click the contribute button
9:19The Damn BatmanDevin
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1M5GjeIeDpk
9:19Devincooper64select a page format and submit it from wherever you wrote it
9:19K9Ak Bonfirek thx brah
9:19Lady-warrioranyone here still consider pluto a planet?
- Rabbitlover123 has left the chat.
- Princess Monogatari has joined the chat.
9:19Lei Omakime
9:19Cyberdragon721i kinda do
9:19Pramirez351hello mono
9:19Princess Monogatarioloy gaws gathsah
9:19AlexKrailby Rabbitlover123
- hi Princess Monogatari
9:20Devincooper64pluto is a planet in my heart, but a dwarf everywhere else
9:20ClericofMadnessEveryone likes the Animal's cover of House of the Rising Sun, right?
- Pacify has left the chat.
9:20AlexKrailby Pacify
9:20エル・ローライトCleric Pm 
9:20Lady-warriorpluto was epic when I was a kid. it even had the msot screentime on the magic schoolbus
9:20Lei Omakii haven't heard of it yet Cleric
9:20エル・ローライトI do Cleric.
9:20Devincooper64I liked the Muse cover of House of the Rising sun, have no seen the Animals one yet
9:20エル・ローライトIt was best.
9:20Devincooper64now I gotta look it up
9:20Princess MonogatariHeh
- TheBrexter has left the chat.
9:20Cyberdragon721hey i got this very weird glitch i was doing a lets play on minecraft but then my screen is all glitchy and i dont know what to do i can only minimize it and cant close it
9:20エル・ローライトThere is a house down in new orleans
9:20Devincooper64lol batman
9:20ClericofMadnessAnimals is what people consider the original :3
9:20エル・ローライトTheu call teh rusin sewn
9:20The Damn Batman"Everyone has AIDS!"
9:21AlexKrailbye TheBrexter
9:21Lady-warriorcyber sounds like pasta amterial
9:21CreepyMorefedoraAnimals version to me, is my fav.
9:21Devincooper64right click on the balue bar on your start menu
9:21Devincooper64and click "open task manager"
9:21Princess MonogatariSome American pop and metal are the only music I can listen to without looking like a loser
9:21ClericofMadnessExcept it dates back to before the 30s. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y5tOpyipNJs
9:21BRVRLady-warrior, you appear to know nothing about pasta material.
9:21Devincooper64Minecarft should be in the task list
9:21Lady-warriorthat's how I posted my only pasta
9:21Maspahttp://the503comic.com/index.php?pageID=1 Hey guys look at this comic that isn't a complete piece of shit that's so terrible and campy that I feel embarrassed for the author every time I think about it.
- AlcohollicA has joined the chat.
9:21Devincooper64select it and click "close" and if nothing happens, spam cloick it
- until someting happens
9:21AlexKrailhi AlcoholicA
9:22Lady-warriorBRVR you do realize people make pastas for stupid game glitches all the time, right?
9:22Cyberdragon721ok thx but shoudl i post dis here because well it is a strange accurance never happened before weird...
- STUPID pastas for stupid game glitches.
9:22AlexKrailwow thats a megagood song the Animals one
9:22Cyberdragon721alright well brb gonna post
9:22Lady-warriorI know how they work.
- The Last Paladin has left the chat.
9:22Lady-warriordon't judge me, bro
9:22Princess Monogatarihey
9:22The Damn BatmanCleric
9:22Devincooper64Muse covered House of The Rising Song for a charity album
- Cyberdragon721 has left the chat.
9:22The Damn BatmanI personally like the Animals version better
9:23Princess Monogatariwhat's good music I can listen to without looking like a loser
- Lil' Miss Rarity has joined the chat.
9:23The Damn BatmanBut this song is the best http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5yC7HwPh6Es&feature=kp
9:23AlexKrailwhat was the charities for
- hi Lil' Miss Rarity
9:23エル・ローライトCleric is a great nieghboor.
9:23Devincooper64War Child, complation album to help kids seprated from their families from war
- Beck, Radiohead, Coldplay, Muse, and other bands contrivuted to the album
9:23Maspahttp://www.newgrounds.com/audio/listen/374886 best song http://the503comic.com/index.php?pageID=1 best comic Fuck you guys
- The Last Paladin has joined the chat.
9:24AlexKrailhi The Last Paladin
9:24Devincooper64I think theres like 3 war child album songs
9:24Lady-warriorspeaking of stupid pastas, you should read the one about the woody woodpecker lost episode. that one is hilarious
9:24Pramirez351wb paladin
9:24Princess Monogatarisuch objective opinions
9:24AlexKrailthats good that they did that its true what they say wars hell
- ChaoZStrider has left the chat.
9:25AlcohollicAGreat... one of favorite CS:Source server has no moderators, and so a bunch of hackers have invaded recently.
9:25Maspahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Kcf4yS5_aiI alternative best song
9:25Devincooper64fuck you WMG
- I cant even listen to my favorite muse song
- ._.
9:25Princess Monogatariwait
- batman
9:25BRVRI'm playing sonic generations.
9:25MaspaFilthy Frank is one of my favorite YouTubers
9:25Princess Monogatarithat one yt link you posted
- that guy's username
9:25AlcohollicAIs it because WMG blocked a user posted music from a band?
- The Damn Batman has left the chat.
9:26AlexKrailfilthy frank is waysofunny almost as much as MillionDollarExtreme
9:26Princess Monogatariaaand he left.
9:26Devincooper64No, the song was removed, which is bullshit because every song from the EP is still on youtube
9:26AlcohollicAWas it posted by a user?
9:26Devincooper64The Cave EP version of Coma, my favorite Muse song
- it was posted by a user
9:26AlcohollicAProb. a user had monetized account/video. WMG cracks down on people who do that.
- Gman644 has joined the chat.
9:26Pramirez351welp, imma go ahead and go now guys. wub you all 
- ChaoZStrider has joined the chat.
9:26Pramirez351wb chaoz
9:26AlcohollicAIf you don't monetize and argue with a particular copyright, you can get away with it, I think.
9:27Pramirez351bye now
9:27Lei Omakibye pram
9:27Pramirez351bai lei
9:27Devincooper64it was the only video on youtube with the song, makes me sad
- Pramirez351 has left the chat.
9:27Lady-warriori didn't do either and I got my video taken down
9:27Devincooper64I liked it more when muse was a hard hitting Radiohead rip off
- did not like their last two albums
- at all
9:27AlexKrailMDE is a sofunny channel
9:27Lady-warrioryoutube is run by dictators
9:27AlcohollicAHm. Lady, did you argue with a copyright?
9:27AlexKrailyoutube is run by capitalists
- its a huge shame
9:28AlcohollicAAs to why the third-party (audio) source in your video would be OK?
- Creeperz123456 has joined the chat.
9:28AlexKrailhi Creeperz123456
9:28Lady-warriorgoogle did it. youtube was fine until they sold it to google
9:28Creeperz123456sup nickels :D
9:28Lei Omakisup nugget
9:28Devincooper64Youtube is ran by a broken copyright system, and besides, how dare they remove videos wirth copyrighted work for millions to wacth
- theyre like
- totally hitler right?
9:28MaspaG+ is to Google as Jaden Smith is to Will Smith
9:28AlcohollicANot really, Devin.
9:28MaspaJust shoehorn it into everything with the power you already have Google we love that shit
9:28Lady-warriori got my videos taken down in the past that was my content
- purely
- some trolling jerks got my account banned by claiming the content was theirs
9:29Devincooper64youre supposed to refute those claims with solid evidince there is no copyright in it
9:29BRVRI hate google+.
9:29AlexKrailthe thing about it is theyre not people who need more money
- Creeperz123456 has left the chat.
9:30AlexKrailyour not supporting starving artists by obeying copyright laws your supported capitalists that want to exploit you anyways
9:30Maspahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X7k9rn_9-cg this is fucking
9:30Lady-warriorthen when I made a new account the jerks were trolling that one leaving messages like 'I hope you learned your lesson" and garbage like that
9:30BRVRGoogle+ = Privacy-
9:30AlcohollicAAlthough, if it hasn't been monetized in anyway, you should be able to have it up. This, for example: Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for fair use for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use.
9:30The Last Paladinok
9:30Lady-warriorsorry but MY image isn't copywrite to anyone but myself
9:30AlcohollicASomething I always see/hear to use.
9:31Lei Omaki*copyright
9:31Devincooper64Or you can always say "lol I own nothing" on that one song that just came out for millions to watch
9:31Lady-warriori always get it wrong
9:31Devincooper64that will sure prevent your video from being flagged
9:31AlcohollicAAlthough, I don't see what the problem is with music on YouTube if it isn't being monetized.
- Tons of people see it and word gets spread.
- Clayman9 has joined the chat.
9:32AlexKrailhey Clayman9
9:32Devincooper64This is what being on crack sounds like
9:32Clayman9Why the hell did fatal have to leave
9:32BRVRI don't have a calendar.
9:32Princess Monogatari...And mankind will be safe to dream, floating among the clouds
9:32AlexKrailfatals gone forever and never coming back
9:32AlcohollicAAlso, if you can't but it at the time, you can still enjoy it. As for buying it, I've bought albums because of YouTube, so it's actually good for the music industry.
- WetthamFTW has joined the chat.
9:32AlexKrailthats a huge suprise
- hi WetthamFTW
9:32AlcohollicA... unless everyone didn't illegally download...
9:32Princess Monogatari...Is that your answer?
9:33Clayman9Whats that suppoed to mean @alex
9:33Lil' Miss RarityGuess who is using IE5 to chat right now
9:33WetthamFTWbless ur heart rarity
9:33BRVRR.I.P Fatal Disease
9:33AlexKrailit means its really hugely suprising
9:33Clayman9I thought he was a good fucking admin
- with no reason to leave
- Lady-warrior has left the chat.
9:33AlexKrailwhy would you even want to support the music industry Alcoholic?
9:33AlcohollicABecause I like bands.
- TAM3736 has joined the chat.
9:33AlcohollicAAnd I'd like for them to be able to forge on. You know, and not broke.
9:34Lei Omakinice Maria
- Lady-warrior has joined the chat.
9:34Clayman9I hate all that emo band shit
- no offense
9:34AlexKrailwell the ones making the most profit are the capitalists behind them
9:34Lei Omakiwait, Fatal left?
9:34BRVRI will probably be chatting here 90% more.
9:34Clayman9Yes Fatal left
9:34Princess MonogatariWhen I see an internet fight, I think of this: http://i1.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/712/152/b22.gif
9:34AlexKrailand they dont care about good music or your buying power
9:34Clayman9another good admin gone
9:34AlcohollicAOf course, there's a difference between scumbag-mainstream music industry, and actual music-independent industry,
9:34Jacket Mikehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ETe6cnv-a50 Remember when this was Youtube's National Athem?
- I actually like this song.
9:34AlcohollicAClay, that comment is irrelevant, I think. Emo band shit?
- WetthamFTW has left the chat.
9:34Clayman9Glad one of the most active admins left -.-
- Yes
9:35Lei Omakiwhy did Fatal left Clay?
9:35Devincooper64I have to edit all 100 of my album covers so no text is on them
- so I can have beautiful covers
9:35Clayman9Because someone said he was a "bad" admin
- Gman644 has left the chat.
9:35AlexKrailwow he sounds really sensitive
9:35Clayman9Maybe because of Guy
9:35Lei OmakiGu?
9:35Devincooper64Maria is still here btw clayman
9:35Lei Omaki*Guy?
9:35AlcohollicAhas LOLSKELETONS left yet?
- He's considering it, apparently.
9:35K9Ak Bonfireback
9:36Devincooper64also he resinged because he wanted to
- and everyone else wanted hm to
9:36Lei OmakiDev, maria ain't no admin no mo
9:36Devincooper64so it was a win win = lose
9:36K9Ak Bonfirei wrote a pasta guys wanna read it?
9:36AlexKrailLOLSKELETONS wont leave hes to addicted to power
9:36Lil' Miss RarityI am a CC admin
9:36Clayman9Yeah maria is no longer an admin
9:36Lil' Miss RarityFuck CPW
- I got better things to do
9:36Devincooper64009 Sound System sucks
9:36BRVRI chatted 10% here when he was here.
9:36Devincooper64literally ALL OF THEIR SONGS are the same song
9:36Lil' Miss RarityI do more than you think BTW
9:36K9Ak Bonfirei like too play games woth knives
9:36Clayman9And yes I said Emo Band Shit
9:36Devincooper64with some different synths chucked in
9:36AlexKrailits a good song though hahahahahah
9:37Lil' Miss RarityUser:Quality Control
9:37AlcohollicAI know, Clay. I just failed to see it's relevance to my comment.
9:37The Last Paladini oh
9:37K9Ak Bonfirei like too stab things
- TobyZedsGirl has joined the chat.
9:37The Last Paladinhey maria
9:37AlexKrailhey TobyZedsGirl
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