7:49OMGitsGhastlyjk bby
7:49BeccaLovegood>iesh are whie
7:49OMGitsGhastlypaint me like one of your French girls
7:49BeccaLovegoodnutsa alweys tbhd
7:49Mrchrisrocks23bucca, nu
7:49OMGitsGhastlyStop trying.
7:49Punchwolf980Paint me like one of your vodka bottles
7:49WhyAmIReadingThisBye people
7:49KoalaWarriorBow down, bitches.
- Welcome to purgatory, please grab a cookie and sit down ~
~ Also please read our chat policy
7:49OMGitsGhastlyBai Reding
7:49Mrchrisrocks23Bye readaing
7:49KoalaWarriorI mean, hai Read.
7:50DefretherCya Nick
7:50AlexKrailhey why the ban
7:50BrokenSquidAmerica is filled with different races, we got Spanish, French, English, African, German and whoever the fuck else I forgot. We got so many race based holidays we might as well have a day called Fuck It We Ran Out of Holiday Ideas
7:50Defrether>I clearly kicked you
7:50Fatal Disease>hai Read
7:50OMGitsGhastlyAgner we got de same idea
- XD
- yes*?
7:50Mrchrisrocks23> hai read, is going right now
7:50KoalaWarriorLook at my star
7:50AlexKrailDefrether is agner's sock?
7:50BrokenSquidI hate it when people say ban instead of kick
7:50Mrchrisrocks23Joala has a star
7:50KoalaWarriorShiny and new. ;P
7:50Fatal DiseaseNo. Brooke
7:50BrokenSquidIt's not a sock Alex.. you have a loose idea of this wiki don't you
7:50BeccaLovegoodliek mi dick
7:50AlexKrailsomeone said he was a sock
7:50Defrether>Agner's sock
- User:Agnerstein
7:51Fatal DiseaseDef, pm
7:51Mrchrisrocks23Fatal, isn't it spam to pretend to be drunk?
7:51OMGitsGhastly>Agner's sock is on his foot
7:51DefretherHe's deactivated, Alex
7:51OMGitsGhastlynot on de wiki
- Clayman9 has left the chat.
7:51AlexKrailmaybe thats why he makes so many socks
7:51OMGitsGhastlyhold on a sex
- *sec
7:51Mrchrisrocks23Oh for fuck
7:51DefretherThey are all deactivated
7:51AlexKrailby Clayman9
- Now stop please.
7:51Fatal DiseaseIt would be roleplay
- Bai
7:51AlexKrailoh thats inlightening information thanks for it
7:51Princess Monogatarisomeone help me
7:52OMGitsGhastly*is walking through school today* *overhears two classmates talking about weed dealers* ohmyfrekkengod why are you smoking weed in 8th grade
7:52Mrchrisrocks23reading, isn't pretending to be drunk roleplay?
7:52BrokenSquidHoly shit Alex, you only have 5 edits since Feb and you have no clue about anything in the wiki or its rules..
- Fatal Disease has left the chat.
7:52AlexKrailwell i tried posting 2 creepypastas but LOLSKELETONS deleted them like a huge dictator
- maybe they were bad
- Just a though
7:53Princess MonogatariThey were probably shit.
7:53BrokenSquidThat guy spelled it wrong, he said "inlightening" instead of "enlightening"
7:53AlexKrailhold on ill link one
7:53Punchwolf980@Krail, what's wrong with a dictatorship? :D
- pm it to me
- :P
7:53Punchwolf980You could always appeal
7:53Princess MonogatariCould someone help me?
7:53BrokenSquidMaybe you should have read the rules, quality standards and everything else first before you did that Alex
7:53Punchwolf980Yes Mono
- What's up?
7:53Mrchrisrocks23does anyone wonder what anyone looks like on the wiki?
7:53BrokenSquidMaybe reading some good pasta before you write so you have an example of what not horrible means
7:53OMGitsGhastlyI know what a lot of these people look like
- You want to see me?
7:54BrokenSquidI know a lot of faces here
7:54Princess MonogatariHow do I make a post-apocalyptic war story into a creepypasta?
7:54OMGitsGhastlyGive me a sec
7:54Mrchrisrocks23I know a few
7:54Mrchrisrocks23Like fatal and kitty and that
- Ghastly, I swear to god if you send me a dick pick I will murder you
7:54OMGitsGhastlyI know Cassy, Dev, Fatal, Kitty, and Agner
7:54Punchwolf980@mono, well...you have to make it creepy (obvious much?) and generally create a feeling of unease, not just tragedy
7:54Princess MonogatariGood pasta and this other one
7:54OMGitsGhastlythat's as far as i can remember
7:54AlexKrailthere it is my pasta
7:54GraydonLWith ghouls and bottle caps, Mon
7:54Princess MonogatariBut how?
7:55Mrchrisrocks23I know quite alot
7:55OMGitsGhastlyOnce upon atimes there was a haunted well orr at least it wasnt haunted yet.
- Ya know
7:55BrokenSquidI know what Fatal, Noah, Agner, Pal, that new guy, Becca, Gramm, Bug, Cas, Batman, Graydon and a few others look like
7:55AlexKraili had an idea for another one called The Humans Hunters but i havent written it yet
7:55OMGitsGhastlythat's probably why it got deleted
7:55Mrchrisrocks23and I kept a few pics or two 
7:55Punchwolf980Well PM me, well discuss specifics of your story because it'll vary from story to story. It's not just a general formula.
7:55AlexKrailits about scary aliens guys
- The Broken Barrel has left the chat.
7:55OMGitsGhastlySCRY ALEIN
7:55OMGitsGhastlyOH BOY
7:55BrokenSquidGood god Alex.. God that was bad
7:55Mrchrisrocks23er meh gerd ariens
7:55AlexKrailby The Broken Barrel
7:55Punchwolf980Scary Allens?! Oh, Aliens...naw.
- Yes
7:56BrokenSquidThe Broken Barrel isn't you though Alex
7:56AlexKrailaliens are truly scary friend one of the scariest things out there
7:56GraydonLAllen is not that scary. He is a nice guy
7:56Princess Monogatariikr
7:56Mrchrisrocks23no they aint
7:56Punchwolf980Allen is TERRIFYING.
7:56AlexKraili know hes not are you saying im a sock
7:56Punchwolf980Remember that day he went missing?
7:56BrokenSquidAliens can be scary.. If written by someone who actually knows how to write.
7:56AlexKrailbecause im not
7:56Punchwolf980And we were looking for him?
7:56Mrchrisrocks23a sock?
7:56OMGitsGhastlyHere's Ghastly
7:56Princess MonogatariHe's a nice guy, but he's really scary.
7:56OMGitsGhastlyOnce upon atimes there was a haunted well orr at least it wasnt haunted yet.
7:56BrokenSquidI mean, even the best writers can't pull of aliens
7:56Punchwolf980Because he's not that guy you want to be off on his own?
- I bet I could
7:56Punchwolf980Then the police showed up...
7:56GraydonLInb4 Scary Allen has joined chat
7:56Punchwolf980And all the blood? And the hamsters? And that horse? I mean...
- That alone...
7:57Princess MonogatariLOL
7:57AlexKrailyeah broken squid said i was a sock for the broken barrel
7:57OMGitsGhastlyGray it's started already
- D:
7:57Mrchrisrocks23I need to take a shit :(
7:57BrokenSquidNo Alex, I'm saying that you said it was by The Broken Barrel and you're not The Broken Barrel, are you taking claim to a pasta that isn't yours?
7:57OMGitsGhastlyWho wanted to see what I looked like?
7:57AlexKrailno i was saying bye
7:57OMGitsGhastlyNo one'
- kay ;n;
7:57GraydonLScary Allen shall lead this wiki to victory!
- Lil' Meta Jr. has joined the chat.
7:57KoalaWarriorI wanted to see.
- RetroNin has joined the chat.
7:57Lil' Meta Jr.yooo
7:57AlexKrailhi Lil' Meta Jr.
7:57Princess MonogatariGraydon has those sexy Satsuki-sized eyebrows
7:57BrokenSquidWhat? You just said that it was by The Broken Barrel
7:57Mrchrisrocks23*fukken saved the prntscr* I'll save that for later
7:57AlexKrailhi RetroNin
7:58Lil' Meta Jr.> says my whole name
7:58Punchwolf980Scary Allen will be the new meme pasta
7:58KoalaWarriorNot bad~
7:58Punchwolf980What have I done
7:58AlexKrailno i was saying by to him
7:58Lil' Meta Jr.anyways
7:58GraydonLTank u Mono 
7:58Defrether'Ey Meta
7:58KoalaWarriorHi Lil'
7:58OMGitsGhastlyI'm gonna make that a trollpasta
7:58Lil' Meta Jr.yo Defre
7:58Lil' Meta Jr.yo Brooke
7:58Punchwolf980Do It. I want to read that bitch
7:58DefretherJust call me Agner
7:58Lil' Meta Jr.nah
7:58BrokenSquidHowdy, Meta
7:58Lil' Meta Jr.Def sounds better
7:58RetroNinI'm a bitch.
7:58Lil' Meta Jr.and yo Broken
7:58OMGitsGhastlyOk punch
7:58GraydonLScary Allen is this Wikis new mascot
7:58OMGitsGhastlyill get to it
- and when im done i'll link
- Jacket Mike has left the chat.
7:59Lil' Meta Jr.what Gray
7:59BrokenSquidMeta, if the 20% chance that the chat gets shut down in 2 weeks happens I want your Skype thingy.
7:59Lil' Meta Jr.wait what
7:59Lil' Meta Jr.chat's shutting down again
7:59OMGitsGhastlySquid I want ur Skype
7:59GraydonLAnyway, I need help with this, can you guys help? Thread:274133
7:59Lil' Meta Jr.it is?
- also yo Becca
7:59Lil' Meta Jr.> skype
7:59AlexKrailwhy would the chat be getting shut down
7:59Lil' Meta Jr.I got no skype ^_^
- bro
- RetroNin has left the chat.
7:59Lil' Meta Jr.jussayin'
8:00AlexKrailyeah but why would there be a 20% chance
8:00Lil' Meta Jr.oh
- my
- god
- Pramirez351 has joined the chat.
8:00Lil' Meta Jr.FIRST OF ALL
- It was Maria's idea.
8:00AlexKrailhi Pramirez351
8:00Lil' Meta Jr.She's demodded anyways.
- > calls whole name
8:00Pramirez351hai alex
8:00Lil' Meta Jr.hello Pram
8:00Pramirez351yeah meta, i saw x3
8:00AlexKrailso whats second of all
8:00Lil' Meta Jr.> second of all
- ShawnHowellsCP has joined the chat.
8:00AlexKrailyou said first of all so whats second of all
8:01GraydonLMeta, I am begining to think Alex does that just to get to you
8:01BrokenSquidThread:273917 Take a look at this Meta
8:01Lil' Meta Jr.There is NO 20% that the chat is getting shut down.
8:01AlexKrailhi ShawnHowellsCP
8:01Lil' Meta Jr.dude Gray
- he's just a kid man

8:01BrokenSquidI mean, it's mostly opposes Meta but, like a 10% chance.
8:01AlexKrailoh thats a relief
8:01Lil' Meta Jr.imean, no need to think he's gonna get on me
- ah the thread
8:01AlexKrailits like a monkey off of being on my back and shoulders
- XSteele Fistx has joined the chat.
8:01Lil' Meta Jr.dude.
8:01AlexKrailhi XSteele Fistx
8:02Lil' Meta Jr.Broken, is Maria an admin now?
- Colizda has joined the chat.
8:02AlexKrailhi Colizda
8:02BrokenSquidNope, Maria has demoted herself. But she made the thread and people are making a big deal
8:02Lil' Meta Jr.I need to say.
- Also hello Coliz.
8:02Punchwolf980Wait, chat might shut down>
8:02Lil' Meta Jr.naaawwww
8:02Punchwolf980What am I supposed to do during work>?!
8:02Lil' Meta Jr.chat's never gonna shut down
- GraydonL has left the chat.
8:02AlexKrailso Maria wants to destroy the whole entire wiki but why
8:02BrokenSquidHowdy Colizda
8:02Lil' Meta Jr.until I
- leave
8:02Pramirez351hello coliz
8:02AlexKrailjust for being so evil to do it?
8:02Lil' Meta Jr.^
- > being so evil to do it
8:02Punchwolf980I didn't know you were Jesus Meta
8:03Lil' Meta Jr.THIS
- IS
- anyways Punch XD
8:03Punchwolf980I thought this was Sparta D:
8:03Lil' Meta Jr.nope.
8:03Punchwolf980Son of a bitch...my GPS lied to me
8:03Lil' Meta Jr.Not gonna go into Wimpy Subjects.
8:03Pramirez351eh, i do think that they bring a good point. maybe if we didnt talk about stupid things all the time, it would be better
8:03AlexKrailthis is jesus haahhaahhahahha
8:03Punchwolf980This is chat, why do we have to be coherent all the time?
8:03BrokenSquidMeta, I made this comment earlier http://prntscr.com/31rg4f
8:03Lil' Meta Jr.Yeeeaa Pram, especially if there wasn't drama.
8:04Pramirez351i mean, dont get me wrong, im not saying ban all other topics, but maybe make chat a bit more coherent and stuff. a lil more interesting
8:04Lil' Meta Jr.XD Broken
8:04Pramirez351i mean, i think we can do that as a whole
8:04Lil' Meta Jr.And that's what I am thinking about Pram
8:04Mrchrisrocks23um my arse is ruined
8:04Princess MonogatariEw
- FlavorfulLamps has joined the chat.
8:04Lil' Meta Jr.uh what about your fake arse
8:04Princess Monogatarigo use a bladed dildo or something to fix it
8:04AlexKrailhi FlavorfulLamps
8:04Lil' Meta Jr.hello Flavorful
8:04Mrchrisrocks23no my butt
8:04Lil' Meta Jr.dude
- I know
8:04BrokenSquidI always wanted chat to be what Cleric intended it to be, writers and editors talking about the wiki and creepypasta, putting our heads together to not talk about stupid shit and make one amazing pasta.. It would be writer heaven
8:04Lil' Meta Jr.I know what an arse is, what do you think I am
8:05Pramirez351but yeah. i know a lot of people here are civilized when its late night chat
8:05Lil' Meta Jr.am I stupid
- 10000bananas has left the chat.
8:05Pramirez351eh, i dont know broken. thats sounds a lil corny
8:05Lil' Meta Jr.Well Broken.
8:05Princess Monogatariikr
8:05BrokenSquidI'm here at late night chat Pram, that's a damn lie
8:05Lil' Meta Jr.When I first came to chat for the first time
- no creepypasta talk :/
- didn't see anything.
8:05AlexKrailthat sounds awesome BrokenSquid
8:05Lil' Meta Jr.^
8:05AlexKrailfor a huge pasta
8:05Pramirez351i feel like it would be better if we could all write, sure, but be able to hear other people's opinions on pasta and stuff :P
- The Damn Batman has left the chat.
8:05Mrchrisrocks23I loved chat when I FIRST CAME HE
8:05Lil' Meta Jr.what
8:05FlavorfulLampsOkay,I know creepypastas are fake, but does anyone know of a website/forum that specializes in true scary stuff like the Maskie Thread?
8:05AlexKraili have so much writing experience
8:06Lil' Meta Jr.uhhh what Flavor
- > writing experience
- Cupcakes8 has left the chat.
8:06BrokenSquidIt's fucking amazing though Pram, off topic, whatever you want to talk about, philosophy, life, all that real shit at night Pram.. I hope the day users leave night chat the fuck alone
8:06Lil' Meta Jr.
I'm about to doubt that like in 100%
8:06Mrchrisrocks23Prammy, hug 
8:06Punchwolf980I was kind of glad this chat wasn't a stolid discussion of creepypasta. I like that it was laissez faire
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