- Thegirllonewolfmoment*
- I win
2:27ShadowEmraldChaosI have kik
2:27Clayman9I only have 420 followers
2:27BeccaLovegood>andrew on skype bc agner is gone
2:27Princess Rose Lynn RoseI can't find it
2:27BRVROn the bright side, I got 10,000,000 indigo coins to consempate.
2:27Thegirllonewolfi have 600 something on one of mine .-.
2:27ShadowEmraldChaosWanna kik
2:27WiIlowhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ Check out this shit, guys XD
2:27Thegirllonewolfme? sure
2:27Clayman9My is a personal account
2:27Prince FinneowU, DICK MY CPU IS LAGGING
2:27BeccaLovegood<cries of laughter
2:27AgnersteinI love using an Ipod for this chat
2:27Thegirllonewolfpm me and ill tell u myuser
2:27ShadowEmraldChaosWhat is it
2:27AgnersteinIt's just like
2:27Clayman9Your IG user?
2:27Thegirllonewolfmy user*
- Lilliann has left the chat.
2:27Thegirllonewolfmy ig useR?
2:27AlexKraili have so many followers i think i have 200 or 300
2:28Agnerstein>Hey mang, i'm mobile
2:28Thegirllonewolfyeah pm for it
2:28AlexKrailhi Lilliann
2:28Prince Finneow>u, dick my cpu
2:28Thegirllonewolfi actually have 3 but i use the one i have most followers on the most
2:28Prince FinneowDAT COMMA THO
2:28Princess Rose Lynn RoseThat card was special
2:28Clayman9Im building a PC
- So does anyone have 2k
2:28BeccaLovegood>you, dick my cpueaeea
2:28BRVRI have 0 followers because screw instagram.
2:28AlexKrailso many people are for following my adventures against slender on twitter and facebook to
2:28BeccaLovegoodWHAT DID I JUST TYPE
- >cpueaeea
2:28Prince Finneow>cpueaeea
2:28Fatal DiseaseAgner pm
- pm
2:28BRVRYou could get the 2k yourself.
2:29Clayman9Fatals a slut
2:29Prince FinneowCPUEAEEA!!
- meow?
2:29Prince FinneowAaaaannnd YOUTUBE CRAHSED FUCK DIS SHIT
2:29Thegirllonewolfimma check my phone soon, soooo anyone who asked for any of my social things ill be accepting and stuff
2:29WiIlowI killed Finn's compuer
2:29Thegirllonewolfsooooo yeah
2:29Fatal Diseasecaps
2:29Prince Finneowweaver im going to steal your tits
- and give them to satan
- the end
2:30Thegirllonewolf0-0 what am i reading on this chat?
2:30AlexKrailagner and fatal pm
2:30ShadowEmraldChaosIt didnt show up
2:30BeccaLovegood>GIVE THEM TO SATAN
2:30Thegirllonewolfmy user?
2:30WiIlowhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQw4w9WgXcQ Seriously, this video is hilarious
2:30Clayman9Fatal's a dirty slut
2:30Thegirllonewolfill search u, hold on
2:31Prince Finneow>be me >be weaver >has tits >tits sold to satan >tits are love >tits are life
2:31Clayman9Fatal and Cleric have a special relationship
2:31Prince Finneowwhat did i just type
2:31Fatal DiseaseClayman.
- That is a lie.
2:31Fatal DiseaseThis is why I ship myself with Callie
- Fatal x Callie
2:31AlexKrailthat video is so old and notfunny willow
- Princess Rose Lynn Rose has left the chat.
2:31AlexKrailwhy for even wathcing it anymore
2:31Thegirllonewolfim confused now
2:31Clayman9Fatal x Ceeb
2:31Thegirllonewolfwhat did i miss?
2:32WiIlowI ship Fatal with a boat
2:32Prince Finneowfaeeb
2:32AlexKrailby Princess Rose Lynn Rose
2:32Fatal Diseasehttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oHg5SJYRHA0 This is the cutest cat video I ever saw in my life.
2:32Thegirllonewolfshadow ill msg u later my teacher is coming over
2:32Prince Finneowi ship weaver and blops
2:32Thegirllonewolf? okay ?
2:32Prince Finneow/absconds
2:32Clayman9I gtg bitches
- ShadowEmraldChaos has left the chat.
2:32WiIlowI don't mind that ship, Finn.
2:32AlexKrailBRVR pm
2:32Thegirllonewolfokay? bye?
- ShadowEmraldChaos has joined the chat.
2:33Thegirllonewolfhey shadow
2:33AlexKrailhi ShadowEmraldChaos
2:33Thegirllonewolfimma msg u later
- teacher alert
- .-.
2:33ShadowEmraldChaosOk and hi alex
2:33BRVRIs magnezone even a real pokemon?
- i think so
2:33Prince Finneowbas x gram
- /shot
2:33Thegirllonewolfi have is pkmn card and him on pkmn team
2:33AlexKrailagner pm
2:33Thegirllonewolffor unova
- .-.
2:34BRVRApparently it is.
- Clayman9 has left the chat.
2:34AlexKrailbuy Clayman9
- *by
2:34ShadowEmraldChaosLj has a pop goes the weasel in his veraion want me to type it
2:34BRVRWhat pokemon should I try catching?
2:34Thegirllonewolfi gtg, c yall later maybe .-.
2:35Prince Finneoweevee
2:35BRVRI currently have 10 badges.
2:35ShadowEmraldChaosNo charzard
2:35AlexKrailcatch digimons instead pokemons are anferior to the m the shows and cards are so much worse
2:35Prince Finneowcan we burn alex
2:35ShadowEmraldChaosWhy alex is cool
2:36Prince Finneowcan we burn shadow
- Thegirllonewolf has left the chat.
2:36BRVRMy starter was a charmander.
2:36ShadowEmraldChaosLets burn you finn
2:36AlexKrailthats a very threatning thing to say Prince FInneow and hey thanks Shadow your cool to
2:36Prince FinneowI'll pass
- https://fbcdn-sphotos-b-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-prn1/t1/1970441_749452488398337_953429617_n.jpg
2:36ShadowEmraldChaosNp anything for friend
2:36Prince Finneow>calls me by full username >your not gonna last 5 mins on the inside
2:36ShadowEmraldChaosTo alex
- Thatt was to alex
- Grammatik has left the chat.
2:37Fatal Disease>your
2:37BRVRWell, time for a session of constantly trying to level up a charmeleon.
- Shadowtransit24 has joined the chat.
2:37BRVRTaking shedinja out of team and replacing with charmeleon...
2:37AlexKrailthe inside of what
2:37ShadowEmraldChaosWho likes my picture
2:37Prince FinneowNo one
2:37AlexKrailhi Shadowtransit24 hey we have two shadows now
- Spicy Squirrelz has joined the chat.
2:37Prince Finneow>jeff avatar
2:38Spicy SquirrelzHello, my children
2:38Shadowtransit24hi guys hows it going
2:38BRVRI have 23 shiny pokemon.
2:38Prince Finneowhai spicy
2:38AlexKrailhi Spicy Squirrelz
2:38Spicy Squirrelz:33
2:38ShadowEmraldChaosWhat ai your picture prknce finneow is is ot jeff it looks like it
2:38Fatal DiseaseWell good news!
- There is no bowling!
2:38Prince Finneow>implying my picture is jeff HAHHAHAHAHHAHAAHA
- omfg
2:38Fatal DiseaseWhich means...
- I can stay on here all day.
- >it is jeff
2:39BRVRI have a shiny kadabra.
2:39ShadowEmraldChaosMine is jeff
- KoalaWarrior has joined the chat.
2:39Prince Finneowfatal you numbnuts
2:39Spicy SquirrelzNo shit?
2:39Superplankofdeathjeff is drek
2:39Prince Finneowmy avatar is L
2:39Spicy SquirrelzxD
2:39AlexKrailhi KoalaWarrior
2:39Spicy Squirrelz:3
2:39ShadowEmraldChaosL ok
2:39Shadowtransit24Hows it going
2:39ShadowEmraldChaosHi shadowtransit
2:39AlexKrailhey i wonder if kaolas actually have wars like monkeys monkeys do
2:40Prince Finneow>monkeys monkeys
- yeah
- There needs to be a comma in that.
2:40Shadowtransit24I dont think so, they are so lazy to fight
2:40AlexKrailto each his own way of doing it
2:40Spicy SquirrelzKEI
- Make me a Neko
2:40ShadowEmraldChaosI think agner and becca are pm
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