- Ennaryzeven if I haven't said that, how do you know I don't think positively about you?
7:25BrokenSquidAll those jokes we shared..
7:25Ennaryzand think of you as a friend
7:25Sanguinante PrimoYou're my friend <33
7:2541488peveryone is cool
7:26Sanguinante PrimoKYLE
- <33
7:26WhyAmIReadingThisSquid, I can say with all honesty that in the recent times you have gotten better as a person and all
7:26GraydonLThread:274133 Anyway, you should tell me what you guys think, I am kind of stuck.
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7:26WhyAmIReadingThisSo yep, friends
7:26The Damn BatmanZy is a cool gal
7:26EnnaryzI have many friends that I haven't directly said to them thy're my friend if that makes sense
7:26Princess MonogatariGraydon
7:26BrokenSquidI even have a new one this time Nick..
7:26AlexKrailhey whats on for the talking
7:26BrokenSquidI forgot it though..
7:26GraydonLYeah, Mono?
- Mrchrisrocks23 has joined the chat.
7:26Sanguinante PrimoHi, Alex
7:26AlexKrailhi Mrchrisrocks23
- This whole time
7:26EnnaryzI thought you said
- TAM3736 has joined the chat.
7:26Ennaryzblack cocks
7:26Princess MonogatariRead this while playing Dragula@ graydon
7:26BrokenSquidDoes anybody here want to hear my brand new offensive joke?
7:26Ennaryznot black cooks
7:27AlexKrailhi TAM3736
7:27BeccaLovegoodBLACK CLOCK
7:27Princess Monogatarilolmisreadthat
7:27BeccaLovegoodmy black clock
7:27WhyAmIReadingThisLess caps please
7:27Ennaryzblack clock
- your block cock
7:27Mrchrisrocks23I love tinychat :3
7:27GraydonLWuts Dragula?
- EvraVon53 has left the chat.
7:27BeccaLovegoodfuck being frunk
7:27Princess MonogatariA song
7:27Princess MonogatariEvra
7:27AlexKrailby EvraVon53
7:27EnnaryzI dunno really
7:27EnnaryzI go from hating someone to loving them
7:27Mrchrisrocks23who here likes 30 seconds to mars?
7:27GraydonLBTW Mono, di you get DS2?
7:27BrokenSquidZy, you're the only one I know who likes really offensive jokes.
7:27The Damn BatmanCynics are kinda dicks
7:27Princess MonogatariPsi
- no
7:27Ennaryzfairly quickly
7:28Mrchrisrocks23omg hatsune miku?
7:28Princess Monogataribecause I just realized no PS4 version
7:28GraydonLIt is fucking beatuiful.
7:28BeccaLovegoodI love offensive jokes
7:28Princess Monogatariand NO
7:28Ennaryzand it just depends on my mood
7:28Princess Monogatarino chris
- stop
7:28GraydonLI want tom ake love with it forever
- TAM3736 has left the chat.
7:28Scorch933I like really offensive jokes because they piss people off.
7:28Mrchrisrocks23*pokes mono*
7:28Scorch933then i can just say
7:28The Damn BatmanDS2 makes me so fucking angry
7:28Scorch933"it was a joke"
7:28AlexKrail30 seconds to mars is a punks band and not in a good way like Discharge for beong punk music there just all punks
7:28The Damn BatmanI just wanna
7:28Mrchrisrocks23Hatsune miku?
7:28BrokenSquidAlright Becca, want to hear this offensive joke?
7:28GraydonLDark souls 2 is best game. Period
7:28Ennaryzyeah offensive jpke ate cool
7:28Scorch933like a fucking asshole.
7:28Princess Monogataristop it before the metalheads flame the shit out of it
- Punchwolf980 has joined the chat.
7:28Lil' Miss RarityOn IRC we were making offensive jokes
7:28AlexKrailhi Punchwolf980
7:28Mrchrisrocks23what like scorch?
7:28Punchwolf980Hey everyone
7:28Lil' Miss Rarityand no one got asshurt :3
7:28GraydonLBatman, are you stuck some where?
7:28Mrchrisrocks23Hi punchy
7:28BrokenSquidYou're missing out Zy
7:28Punchwolf980I'm glad that message is gone xD
7:28The Damn BatmanYes
7:29Scorch933Chris, what is your fucking problem?
7:29Punchwolf980Hey Alex and Hey Chris
7:29Sanguinante PrimoWOLFY <33
7:29GraydonLI stuck in Iron Keep
7:29Mrchrisrocks23But miku-chan?
7:29The Damn BatmanI'm stuck at the goddamn tower of hiedes or whatever
7:29Punchwolf980CAS! :D
7:29BeccaLovegoodYes, squid
7:29Irishninja0Zy pm's
7:29Punchwolf980*huggles* how are you?Q
7:29Sanguinante PrimoWolfy
7:29BrokenSquidAlright, so I just woke up this morning and this offensive joke just popped into my head
7:29Scorch933We have a channel, for Metal. and just metal. Why do you have to make it yours?
7:29Princess Monogatarijust stop
7:29AlexKraili have a waysofunny offensive joke
7:29BrokenSquidSo I'll PM it
7:29The Damn BatmanPS3
7:29Sanguinante Primo*snuggles* Look by my name
7:29Princess Monogataristop chris
7:29Mrchrisrocks23I didn't
7:29EnnaryzI keep seeing my avatar as Jim's and it's annoying me
7:29The Damn BatmanWHT
7:29EnnaryzYpu have ps3?
7:29Scorch933Then stop involving me in your bullshit.
7:29Mrchrisrocks23I was just there
7:29The Damn BatmanYe
7:29Princess Monogataristop before the metalheads flame the shit out of it
- ShawnHowellsCP has left the chat.
7:29Punchwolf980*snuggles with you warmly* Is that good or bad? :o
7:29Scorch933"What like scorch?"
7:29AlexKrail ST. PATS DRINKS COOL TOYS! REAL OR FAKE? WALLPAPERS! Priest and a Rabbi 0 5 A Priest and a Rabbi were walking down the street when they passed by a little boy bent over tying his shoe. The Priest turned to the Rabbi and said "Lets fuck him!" The Rabbi looked at the Priest and said "Out of what?" heyholetsgo89 Uploaded 04/12/2009 5,22240Flag Tags: jewish priest Rabbi catholic jew RELATED MEDIA JOKE Priest and His Baby COMMENTSLogin to Comment Filter: Newest REFRASH Officer_Farva tomas3345 04/13/2009 oldd 0 Ihavenolife999 04/13/2009 old -1 radiothestar 04/13/2009 funny 0 daKrick 04/13/2009 haha deadly 0 TOP 5 78,411 Cosplay Done Right 64,760 Sopranos Ending Properly Explained 40,966 KTLA St Patrick's Day Earthquake 39,722 Monday Morning Randomness 29,514 Pimp Pelican Walks Around Like A Boss CONTEST CAPTION CONTEST #82 21,065 109 SUBMISSIONS VIEW ALL CONTESTS POPULAR ON 03/17/2009
7:29Jacket Mike>WHT
- MedicTF2 has joined the chat.
7:29GraydonLTower of flame is realitivally easy.
7:29Punchwolf980I know you had a lot of stress, so I'm assuming good
7:29Scorch933ah fuck.
7:30AlexKrailoh sorry for the wall
7:30Irishninja0Ennaryz pm's
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