- AlexKrailthats not good for computers he shouldnt do it
- Thegirllonewolf has joined the chat.
2:18Fatal DiseaseLel. I'm always on.
2:18AlexKrailwe should tell him when he gets back
- A7X Fangirl has joined the chat.
2:18AlexKrailhi Thegirllonewolf
2:18Clayman9Wouldnt it get boring
2:18Thegirllonewolfooooooh i have skype :3
2:18Clayman9never doing anything else
2:18A7X FangirlHello guys
2:19Crossfire2God damn it Youtube
2:19AlexKrailhi A7X Fangirl hey whats A7X
- Princess Rose Lynn Rose has joined the chat.
2:19Thegirllonewolfand im on it quite frequently :3
2:19Clayman9Just monitoring a Chat full of crazies
2:19Fatal DiseaseFinn's posting Lenny Face on my facebook XD
2:19Crossfire2All I'm asking for is that video of the Korean kid that goes "a chi na ga nyo" and sniffs the fuck out of a Hatsune Miku poster, and now you can't let me find it.
2:19AlexKrailhi Princess ROse Lynn ROse
2:19Prince FinneowTHE RIDE NEVER ENDS
- ShadowEmraldChaos has left the chat.
2:19GrammatikI have fb but I usually am not online.
2:19Clayman9I wish ceeb would come to visit
2:19AlexKrailby ShadowEmraldChaos
2:19Princess Rose Lynn RoseJust call me Rose
2:19Prince Finneow>not
2:19A7X FangirlAlex. A7X is a metal band.
2:19Thegirllonewolfi use it whenever i can :3
2:19Clayman9Ceeb is my bro
2:19GrammatikYes, Finn.
2:19AgnersteinNow I know that Alex is just copy pasting Usernames.
- XD
2:20A7X FangirlA7X stands for Avenged Sevenfold.
2:20AlexKrailoh ill have to look it up ive never heard of it
- no i type them all out agner
- by hands
2:20A7X FangirlAlex, its a good band.
2:20Thegirllonewolfthis class is weird .-.
2:20Clayman9I currently have an ice pack on my side
- and am not in school
2:20KEI (Glitch)my Skype is live:kaidenwinters
2:20Thegirllonewolfaww why?
2:20AgnersteinI'm sure you do.
- ill ccept when i can...
2:20Clayman9Im sure youre right
- Because I fucking pulled my rib out of place
2:21Crossfire2Also, BOOYAH! I've cleared the secret level of "Icarus Proudbottom Teaches Typing" on my first try.
2:21Thegirllonewolfill prob just be all like "can i use the bathroom?" and leave and go on my phone for a bit .-. soo ill accept u then
- Basitsnake has joined the chat.
2:21Thegirllonewolfouch clay
2:21AlexKrailthats sounds so tourtrously painsome Clayman9
2:21Prince FinneowProtip: there is no secret cow level
2:21AlexKrailhi Basitsnake
2:21Clayman9Its not severe
2:21KEI (Glitch)guys
2:21A7X FangirlHi Snake
2:21Clayman9Just popped out a little
- XD
2:21Thegirllonewolfyeah kei?
2:21Crossfire2That's true, Finn.
2:21Prince Finneowhai bas
2:21KEI (Glitch)I'll be back
2:21Crossfire2There is no cow.
2:21Thegirllonewolflol clay
- kk kei
2:21A7X FangirlOk KEI
2:21Thegirllonewolfanyway how is yall days going?
- i that makes any sense what so every
- ever&
2:22Clayman9Somewhat decent
2:22Thegirllonewolfe ver*
- ever*
2:22A7X FangirlMine is going a little terrible.
- aww why?
2:22Clayman9I got TitanFall
- hi i guess
2:22Clayman9I bet TheGirlLoneWolf is a girl
2:22Thegirllonewolfello bas :3 rmeber me?
- i am indeed a girl
2:22A7X FangirlCuz today my sister is getting therapy and i always get ignored when i go.
2:22AlexKrailmine is going a lot terrable for getting on the run again by digislenders forces
2:22Princess Rose Lynn RoseI feel really bad I lost my mew pokémon card
2:22Clayman9I wonder what gave it away
- oj
2:22Basitsnakeyes wolf
2:23Basitsnakei do remember you
2:23Clayman9Anyone want a Gold star pikachu?
2:23Fatal DiseaseFinn stopped spamming Lenny Face on my Facebook XD
- BeccaLovegood has joined the chat.
2:23A7X Fangirl:T
2:23Crossfire2Shit, I don't have enough gold for Composing books.
2:23Clayman9It's 140 dollars
2:23Thegirllonewolfme .-.
2:23AlexKrailhi BeccaLovegood
2:23AgnersteinHAOI BECCA
2:23Prince FinneowWelcome back becca
- wtf Trityn
2:23Clayman9Someone buy my fucking Pkmn cards
2:23Agnersteinur fuckn drunk
2:23BeccaLovegoodew i feel like throwing up
2:23A7X FangirlHi Becca
2:23AlexKrailyaoi hahahahahahhahaahah
2:23Clayman9One is 60 and the other is 140
2:23BeccaLovegoodhi agner, hi finny
2:23A7X FangirlAww Becca
2:23Clayman9Anyone play LoL
2:23AgnersteinI warned you about spamming.
2:23Fatal DiseaseAnd I'm just entertaining myself by just listening to Google Translate speak The Rick Astley ASCII
2:23AlexKrailso it was the laughing
2:23Clayman9Who is spamming?
2:23Crossfire2Clayman: No, I have like, 20 Arceus cards. I have 20 gods, why would I buy your cards.
2:23AlexKraili asked you and you banned me
- ShadowEmraldChaos has joined the chat.
2:24AgnersteinAnd no
- it was not a ban
2:24Clayman9Lol Arceus
2:24BeccaLovegoodshut up u narc @alex
- SOMEGUY123 has left the chat.
2:24Agnersteinit was a kick
2:24Thegirllonewolfim confuzzled now
2:24Clayman9They arnt worth that much
2:24ShadowEmraldChaosHi again
2:24AlexKrailhi ShadowEmraldCHaos
- im not a cop becca
2:24Thegirllonewolfhi shadow
2:24Crossfire2Arceus is still a god.
2:24Prince Finneowspamming fatal's and weaver's facebook's with lennyface
2:24Clayman9I actually have valuables
2:24Crossfire2So I have 20 gods.
2:24ShadowEmraldChaosHi girlwolf
2:24Prince Finneow#justgirlythings
2:24AlexKraili run from digislenders police actualy from thyem being so evil on me
2:24Fatal DiseaseThat made my day XD
2:24Clayman9look up Gold Star pikachu on ebay
2:24Clayman9there is like 4
- A7X Fangirl has left the chat.
2:25Thegirllonewolfbtw ppl say my name wrong sometime so its basically : The Girl Lone Wolf
- just to make that clear
- .-.
2:25BeccaLovegoodomfg my friend was just like "when a boy winks at you with two eyes<3" and i said "#justgirlythings"
2:25AlexKrailbye A7X Fangirl
2:25Crossfire2Oh please, Hamada-version Slowpoke.
2:25WiIlowFinn, 5 times to my 17
2:25BRVRI caught 4 shiny pokemon within 5 minutes on unovaRPG.
2:25Fatal DiseaseFinn.
2:25Thegirllonewolfi dont use facebook .-.
2:25ShadowEmraldChaosSorry I meant thegirllonewolf
2:25Prince Finneowwhat
2:25AlexKrailtwo eyes wink doesnt sound very saductive
2:25BeccaLovegoodit rashed on ur dik
2:25Thegirllonewolfits okay
2:25Fatal DiseaseI remember trying to spam AAA on Facebook, but my Facebook just kept crashing.
2:25Clayman9What's is your most valuable card?
2:25Prince Finneow>rashed on your dick
2:26Crossfire2No idea, I don't care about the values of cards.
2:26AgnersteinDon't go and talk to me on skype
- am not on skype >.>
2:26GrammatikThe v-card, for this chat.
2:26BeccaLovegoody m8
- >.>
2:26Clayman9I don''t play I just have a lot of old cards
- i play pkmn sometimes
2:26Clayman9my friend gave me a 140 collar card for free
2:26Thegirllonewolfnot so much annymoe
2:26ShadowEmraldChaosMe to
2:26Clayman9He said here have this card it's pikachu so its stupid
2:26BRVRMost of my pokemon have been turned into pinsirs.
2:26Thegirllonewolfkinda obseesed with instagram adn kik and skype and minecraft at the moent
2:26ShadowEmraldChaosI mostly play minecraft
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