wow banned again for a hurtless pranks
- Only-AlchemistAbout the poor man who died sucking a big one.
10:29SuperPasta25I dontthink u got wat i was saying...
10:30Kill1mesGuys, seriously
- Please...
10:30Just a Guy 88XD
10:30BelowXeroSo how about that weather, huh?
10:30Uboa99hai yall
10:30Kill1mesHello Uboa, Exc
10:30Just a Guy 88wtf alchemist shut up
10:30Uboa99hi kill
- Welcome to purgatory, please grab a cookie and sit down ~
~ Also please read our chat policy
10:30Just a Guy 88uboa pm me
10:30AlexKrailhey whatt kind of conversation here
10:30Kill1mesAlche, some of us actually care, please don't make fu of it
10:30DefretherJust, I know you guys cared about Agner, but it's best to move on now...
10:31Excision00How much time does fallout have left XD
10:31Only-AlchemistGuy PM
10:31AlexKrailagner is gone forever and for all time?
10:31Only-AlchemistJust a Guy 88 PM me.
10:31DefretherYes, Alex
10:31AlexKrailthats so shocking and terrible
10:31Just a Guy 88i told uboa guys D;
10:32AlexKrailwhy did he leave
10:32DefretherFFS, He died, god, can we move on, before I go back to crying?
- Lovethedesu has joined the chat.
10:32Just a Guy 88kk
10:32AlexKrailhi Lovethedesu
10:32Uboa99Yes, I've heard of it, he died sadly. It's a shame that he is no longer with us
10:32AlexKrailill miss getting banned by him for doing nothing
10:32LovethedesuDesu, if you please.
10:32Kill1mesHey Desu
10:32Douger123Oh dear god.. DONT REMIND ME!
10:32Excision00YEP .... 
10:32Just a Guy 88kawaii desu
10:32LovethedesuHello Kill!
10:33Uboa99():) poor agner, we will all miss him. Hi Desu!

10:33AlexKraildid he really die
10:33LovethedesuHello Uboa!
10:33AlexKrailor just being sarcrastic?
10:33Just a Guy 88pm him uboa
- BelowXero has left the chat.
- Douger*
10:33Kill1mesHe's gone
10:33AlexKrailby BelowXero
10:33Kill1mesNow please move on
- really
10:33AlexKrailhow did he die
10:33Just a Guy 88alex agner died by sucking an 11th
10:33Uboa99Alex pm
10:33Only-AlchemistI can't believe you were able to book AC/DC for the funeral, Def. Highway to Hell sounds amazing live.
10:34DefretherDouger, thank you for showing up at the funeral, it meant alot to the family.
10:34Just a Guy 88inch
10:34Uboa99Dude what If he comes back to hunt us
10:34Just a Guy 88XD alch
10:34Just a Guy 88for being such dochebags?
10:34Only-AlchemistHe can just choke on anotherbig one.
10:34Uboa99A spooky ghost big one
10:34AlexKrailthat would be so spooky almost for so spooky to write a creepypasta on it
10:35Just a Guy 8811th inch
- That's not funny man...
10:35Only-Alchemistdef, PM me.
- Wolfenmaus has joined the chat.
10:35AlexKrailhave some respect for dead people guys
10:35Uboa99RIP in piece Agner
10:35Just a Guy 88was a joke sry suse
10:35AlexKrailhi Wolfenmaus
10:35Uboa99Hi Wolfanus
10:35Kill1mesHey Wolfen
10:35Just a Guy 88Xd
10:35Kill1mesAre you really making fun of somebody who just bit the dust?
10:36Uboa99I just said, RIP in peace Agner
10:36AlexKrailyeah thats a 8 year curse on you for doing it
10:36Uboa99respect the dead <3
- GenuineLOLcE has joined the chat.
- Super cheeze has joined the chat.
10:36Just a Guy 88sry for making fun of dead agner man
10:36AlexKrailhi GenuineLOLcE
- hi Super cheeze
10:36Uboa99Poor agner... how did he die again?
10:36Uboa99Hi cheeze and Genuine
10:36Just a Guy 88by sucking a big one
10:37Defretherhe died by eating breakfast
- He suffocated
10:37Uboa99omfg ):
10:37Defretherchoked on a sausage
10:37GenuineLOLcEsquidward suicide is scary
- as shit
10:37Kill1mesYEs, I know it sounds dirty
10:37Defretherand fell face first into his potatoes..
10:37WolfenmausHe had his scrotum ripped off. He bled out.
10:37Uboa99that's so sad, I know someone that died by choking on a sausage too
10:37Only-AlchemistYeah. Def, do you remember me at the funeral?
10:37Uboa99it caused severe anal bleeding
10:37GenuineLOLcElets talk about creepypastas
10:37AlexKrailsquidward suicides is such terrible pasta all lost eposodes ones are
10:37Just a Guy 88OMG So sad :'(
10:37WolfenmausHow big is Slendy's dick?
10:37Uboa99Genuine for some reason we never talk about pastas here /:
10:37DefretherI do, Alch, AC/DC was nice enough to play for him.
10:37Only-AlchemistTeabagging the dead body?
10:37Kill1mesGuys c'mon, I can't break down in class
- Super cheeze has left the chat.
10:37Kill1messtop pelase
10:37AlexKrailposting a lost episode pasta should be a instant permabanned
- by Super cheeze
10:38GenuineLOLcEi play counterstrkie and team fortress 2:D
10:38DefretherI'll brb... I need to go cry now....
10:38WolfenmausWe didn't ask.
10:38AlexKrailcounterstrike 2014 hahahahahahhaha
- Princess Gingy has joined the chat.
10:38Kill1mesDammit, look what you did.
- Less ha's please, Alex
10:38Only-AlchemistYou can go suck a big one too!
10:38AlexKrailhi Princess Gingy
10:38Excision00Fuck I'm all ready crying
10:38Kill1mesHey Gingy
10:38Just a Guy 88dont laugh
10:38GenuineLOLcEno u not crying
- ^_^
10:38Uboa99I couldn't come to agner's funeral, I always bleed anally when I'm sad ):
10:39GenuineLOLcEI watch animeh
10:39AlexKrailagner was a good friend to me ill still remember the day he banned me for laughing in the chat
10:39Excision00... I'm logging off guys, I'll be on later
10:39Kill1mesBye man
10:39AlexKrailby Excision00
10:39Just a Guy 88....... 1 minute of silence please
10:39DefretherCya Exc...
10:39GenuineLOLcEKnow any good creepypastas?
10:39Excision00It's Adam
10:39Kill1mesI can't...
10:39AlexKrailtheres silence anyways its a chatroom hahaha
10:39DefretherYes, please... 1 minute of silence.
10:39Only-AlchemistAgner was a pretty cool dude. That's why I blessed his death by pissing on his grave.
10:39Uboa99Genuine yea I do I'll Pm you
10:39Kill1mesNo, I gotta go.
- This is too much
10:39GenuineLOLcEusername666 is full of crap
10:40Kill1mesGoodbye all
10:40DefretherBye Ryan...
10:40Just a Guy 88SHUT UP
10:40Kill1mesBest of luck, Def
10:40DefretherYou too, bud.
10:40Kill1mesI know this times been hard for you
10:40GenuineLOLcEshut up
10:40Just a Guy 881 min of silence NOW
10:40Only-AlchemistGo choke on a big one, just like your brother, Def!
10:40GenuineLOLcEwhy everyone cussing I can watch fickfjrjfkckjjfj
10:40WolfenmausDat spam
- Excision00 has left the chat.
- /
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- /
- Defrether has kicked GenuineLOLcE from chat.
10:41WolfenmausCHICKEN NUGGERS.
10:41AlexKrailwow Andytags and Douger123 and LightningKing and Moon Priest and SuperPasta25 there all dead to or at least what the chat says its like a crrepypasta holocaust
10:41Just a Guy 88STFU dipshits def is in a bad emotional state
10:41AlexKrailbye Genguine LOLcE
- GenuineLOLcE has joined the chat.
- Kill1mes has left the chat.
10:41AlexKrailhi GenuineLOLcE
10:41GenuineLOLcEor hi
10:41AlexKrailbye Kill1mes
- Moon Priest has left the chat.
10:41Just a Guy 88yeah he heard you
10:41AlexKrailby Moon Priest hey i thought he was dead
10:42Uboa99* Uboa99 likes to ly on the floor and pretend he's a nugget
- s
- s
- s
- s
- ss
- s
- s
- s
- s
- a
- s
- a
- a
- a
- s
- a
- a
- a
- a
10:42Just a Guy 88hey super pasta
- s
- f
- r
- e
- s
10:42AlexKrailhey no spamming
- q
- a
- e
- e
- ek
- ok
- sorry
- Defrether has kicked GenuineLOLcE from chat.
- Lei Omaki has joined the chat.
- GenuineLOLcE has been banned by Wolfenmaus .
10:42AlexKrailstop doing that its spam theyll ban you forever and proably assasinate you
10:42Just a Guy 88
10:42DefretherDanke, Wolfen
no spem plz
10:42AlexKrailhi Lei Omaki
- ICihter has joined the chat.
- BelowXero has joined the chat.
10:42Lei Omakiyo
10:42DefretherOh, Lei
10:42AlexKrailhi ICihter
- Jacket Mike has joined the chat.
10:43Just a Guy 88and make you chocke one a big one
10:43AlexKrailhi BelowXero
- hi Jacket Mike
10:43Only-AlchemistI'll be back. I need to go piss on Agner's grave again.
10:43Uboa99hi IC
10:43DefretherThanks for showing up at Agn's funeral.
10:43Just a Guy 88def
10:43ICihterAgn funeral?
- wut
10:43Uboa99I feel so sad inside for agner.
- He died this morning
10:43Just a Guy 88dont start it again D;
10:43ICihterUhhm wat
10:43Uboa99he chocked to death
10:43AlexKrailit was a heroin overdoese i heard
10:43Only-AlchemistUboa PM me
10:43WolfenmausOH LEI.
- You're here.
- Great.
10:43DefretherGuy, I have to say thanks to those that came to the funeral, Guy.
10:43ICihterChoked to death and a heroin overdose?
10:44WolfenmausI decided to just go with Lupang Hinirang, Lei.
10:44Just a Guy 88Kk bro
10:44Jacket MikeAgner, are you stepping down, again?
10:44AlexKrailno he choked to deeath on heroin
- Agner's dead...
- CreepyMorefedora has joined the chat.
10:44WolfenmausChoked to death with a heroin needle.
10:44Just a Guy 88on a big 11th
10:44AlexKrailhi CreepyMorefedora
10:44Lei OmakiSorry for yesterday Wolfen
10:44Only-AlchemistOn a dig bick.
10:44Jacket MikeK then.
10:44ICihterYour joking?
10:44Uboa99No, he choked on a sausage at breakfast. We just received the news ):
10:44Just a Guy 88if you know what i mean
- I'm so confuse!
10:44DefretherHe choked on sausage and feel face first into the potatoes...
10:44Uboa99He died.
10:45Only-AlchemistI'm back. I just pissed on his grave again.
10:45ICihterWHAT IS THIS!?
10:45BelowXeroIt seems that don't take the death of a loved one all to seriously, Def.
10:45Uboa99Dude respect the dead
10:45DefretherI know Xero..
10:45UrotsukIhe died deepthroating a sausage
10:45Just a Guy 88uboa pm
10:45Uboa99I know...
10:45UrotsukIa big ol meaty sausage during the morning breakfest
10:45UrotsukIa real shame
- SuperPasta25 has left the chat.
10:46Uboa99Yes, he was getting it in there but it came out on the other side which caused him anal bleedings.
10:46ICihterWhy are we joking on someone that died while deepthroating a sausage?
10:46AlexKrailbye SuperPasta25
10:46DefretherHe tried swallowing it whole...
10:46Jacket MikeAgner choked on a sausage?
- BelowXero has left the chat.
10:46DefretherIC, he died.
10:46AlexKrailit was a heroin sausage
10:46Jacket MikeWell, here's a sonf for him.
- song*
10:46Just a Guy 88yes a big one
10:46DefretherWE aren't joking..
10:46AlexKrailby BelowXero
10:46Uboa99He died, he really liked it but the anal bleeding was too bad
10:46Only-AlchemistI'm gonna set something up so that when we walk by his grave, it plays Highway to Hell.
- Basitsnake has joined the chat.
10:47UrotsukIhe thought because he had practice with di- ER... i mean, Sausage-like objects it would be no problem
- who died?
10:47Uboa99Well I'm off to fap over his grave again
10:47UrotsukIbut he didn't count on mashed potatoes being on the floor
10:47Jacket MikeAgner "died".
10:47UrotsukIfor him to trip on
10:47AlexKrailhi Batsitsnake
10:47Basitsnakeheya alex
- *Basit
10:47Only-AlchemistAgner IS dead.
10:48Basitsnake>agner is online
- >is dead
- k
10:48Just a Guy 88 for agner
10:48UrotsukIno he isn't
10:48UrotsukIagner is dead
- agner has been dead
10:48DefretherAgner is dead
10:48Jacket MikeGuy, long link.
10:48ICihterHe died
10:48Defretherbeen dead for a week now
10:48Jacket MikeUse TinyUrl next time.
10:48ICihteri just heared
- Lei Omaki has left the chat.
- Lei Omaki has joined the chat.
10:48Only-AlchemistSomeone draw a penis on that grave.
10:48Jacket Mike>heared
10:48ICihterfound him in his underpants and something with a sausage
10:48WolfenmausWb Leiton.
10:48Jacket MikeK then.
10:48Only-AlchemistIt would be more like his.
10:48Just a Guy 88thats the tiny url
10:48ICihterShush Mike
10:48Lei OmakiWell it's better he died from asphyxiation from the sausages and mashed potatoes than from anal bleeding
10:48Basitsnakeim not fallin fo dis shit js
10:48UrotsukIdon't fall
- don't fall basit
- don't fall like..
10:49AlexKrailhej, kto tu mówi o języku polskim
10:49Just a Guy 88basit pm me
10:49UrotsukIlike agner did..
10:49DefretherBasit, god you're an asshole, not even saying sorry....
10:49UrotsukIoH GOD
- * UrotsukI Cries
10:49ICihtercome here Uro
- Only-Alchemist has left the chat.
10:49ICihter* ICihter hugs Urotsukl
10:49AlexKrailbye Only-Alchemist
10:49Basitsnakesorry for what?
10:49DefretherNot even saying anything nice to the plenty of mourners....
- Oh god....
10:49Jacket MikeOnce again, here's a song for Agner's funeral.
10:49UrotsukIhe was so young!
10:49ICihterDon't you have respect for his family!?
10:49AlexKrailwow now Douger123 is dead it just doesnt stop
10:49Just a Guy 88* Just a Guy 88 hugs def
10:49DefretherI'll brb... I need to go cry now...
10:49ICihterWho found him?
- dafuq?
10:50UrotsukIi mean the way he kept quitting then begging for his job back was kinda fucking annoying
- but he was so young!
10:50ICihterDid i miss his funeral?
10:50UrotsukI* UrotsukI cries harder
10:50DefretherYes Bjorn, you did...
10:50Basitsnakeyou know death isnt a joke right?
- Lei Omaki has left the chat.
- FriendlyJim has joined the chat.
10:50Just a Guy 88* Just a Guy 88 cries
10:50AlexKrailintersnet moderator isnt a job hahahaha
10:50DefretherYes, I know, Basit
10:50ICihterI was getting a plane
10:50UrotsukIhuh basit?
10:50Basitsnakenoah you get who im being
10:50AlexKrailbye Lei Omaki
10:50UrotsukIWhat is becca here?
10:50AlexKrailhi FriendlyJim
10:50Jacket MikeNope, Noah.
10:50FriendlyJimI did not expect chat to be so active.
- 'Ello
- Lei Omaki has joined the chat.
10:50DefretherAgn's dead
10:50AlexKrailhi Lei Omaki
10:50CreepyMorefedoraWb lai
10:50Just a Guy 88jim
10:50Basitsnakeagner died wolfen
10:51WolfenmausJim isn't drunk.
10:51Basitsnakejim, wolfen
10:51ICihterdidn't you hear the news?
10:51WolfenmausIzza miraclee
10:51Basitsnakehe died
10:51AlexKrailhe superdosed on heroin
10:51Basitsnakeagner is dead
10:51Lei OmakiOh dear, looks like someone's gonna die too
- Just a Guy 88 has left the chat.
10:51Basitsnakehe was sooo young
10:51ICihterDef he loved his chicken so much :'(
10:51Jacket MikeFine, people, how about we stop this "Agner died" shit?
10:51AlexKrailbye Just a Guy 88
10:51Basitsnakejacket fuq u
10:51Jacket MikeI luv u 2.
10:51FriendlyJimChicken the Killer
10:51Basitsnakeparty pooper
10:51WolfenmausWhat do you think?
10:51Jacket MikeBut seriously, stop it guys.
10:51UrotsukIhe mike
10:51WolfenmausCock The Killer
10:51UrotsukIit won't take the PAIN away
10:51WolfenmausHe's a Rooster.
10:51UrotsukIbut mike*
- :3
10:52Lei Omakibut there's no content Wolfen
10:52WolfenmausNo, Lei.
- I mean my choice of song.
10:52AlexKrailalcapone would destroy blackbeard with so much tommyguns blasting
10:52WolfenmausI decided to go with Lupand Hinirang.
- Lupang*
10:53Lei Omakioh that, it's okay :3
10:53WolfenmausI mean, I couldn't really find anything else.
10:53ICihterMe like :3
10:53Basitsnake* Basitsnake sprays "wanker" on agner's grave
10:53Lei Omakisorry if i wasn't helpful yesterday wolfen
10:53FriendlyJimI've been trying to eat healthier food lately.
10:54ICihterHe would love that Basit :(
10:54Basitsnakegood on ya jim
10:54FriendlyJimA lot of salad.
10:54Lei OmakiGuys, stop pissing on poor dead Agner's grave
10:54WolfenmausActually, no.
- I'mma use Marangal na Dalit ng Katagalugan.
10:54ICihterHe was spraying not pissing
10:54Basitsnakei have a confession
10:54Basitsnakewe were in love
10:54AlexKrailyou should grow your own food anytthing you buy is loaded with deathchemicals by SOG
10:54Basitsnakehe was my wankerstein
10:54ICihterWe know Basit
10:54FriendlyJimYou horndog you.
10:54ICihterwe know
- Umbrella leader has joined the chat.
10:54Lei OmakiAnd hi Jim :3
- Captain Jack Dogeblade has joined the chat.
10:54Captain Jack Dogebladewassup
10:54AlexKrailor aka Slender Occupied Governemt
10:54ICihteryou missed the funeral too?
10:54FriendlyJimHello Leiton :3
- Super cheeze has joined the chat.
10:54AlexKrailhi Umbrella leader
10:54Captain Jack Dogeblademy new name bitchz
10:54Basitsnakei did
10:54Umbrella leaderhey alex
10:54Jacket MikeGuys, really, stop this fucking "Agner died, WAAAHAAA" shit.
10:55ICihterme too
10:55AlexKrailhi Captain Jack Dogeblade hey doge isnt funny anymore
10:55Captain Jack Dogebladeim just a guy 88
10:55Lei Omakithat's a good choice too wolfen
10:55AlexKrailhi Super cheeze
10:55Super cheezeHi
10:55UrotsukIalright mike
10:55ICihterAre you fucking with us m8?
10:55FriendlyJimI have a confession to make too, I used to steal Agn's underwear and sell them on eBay.
10:55Captain Jack Dogebladefinally
10:55DefretherOkay, I suppose this is a good time to say that this was all a joke, and it went too far.
10:55Captain Jack DogebladeWHaT
10:55AlexKrailyou probably sniffed them to
10:55DefretherWe had some fun
10:55Jacket MikeYou think?
10:55Captain Jack DogebladeWTF AGNER
10:55ICihterYou know my tuna died?
10:55Captain Jack Dogebladesry
10:55FriendlyJimDarn, he isn't dead? Now I made the confession.
10:55Defretherbut it went a bit too far
10:55Captain Jack Dogebladefuck dammit
10:55FriendlyJimDef, I sold your underwear.
10:55ICihterHe isn't dead?
10:55Jacket MikeHoly fucking shit, people actually believed?
- Defrether has left the chat.
10:55UrotsukItoo far is never far enough, buuut i guess it did drag on until it was kinda boring
10:55FriendlyJimI hope you can forgives me. 
10:56AlexKrailbye Defrether
10:56Captain Jack Dogebladedefrether is agner you dipshits XD no offence
10:56AlexKrailJacket Mike you need to learn to understand iriny
10:56ICihterI'm so bored
- Super cheeze has left the chat.
10:56Jacket MikeAnd you need to understand grammar.
10:56AlexKrailby Super cheeze
10:57Captain Jack Dogebladecheese with a z WELL PLAYED
10:57AlexKraili speak waygood english language freind no need for it
10:57FriendlyJimAll of the gremmurs up in here.
10:57Captain Jack Dogebladegrammar nzis will swarm this place
10:57Jacket MikeYes, your English is fucking amazing.
- Like, wow.
10:57Captain Jack Dogebladenazis*
10:57Lei Omaki*friend
10:57FriendlyJimIt wasn't Tuna
10:57Captain Jack Dogebladeoh hell now
- Defrether has joined the chat.
10:58AlexKrailhi Defrether
10:58Captain Jack Dogebladelike my name?
10:58Lei OmakiHello Agner
10:58Captain Jack Dogebladesup agner
10:58AlexKrailwow these pastas are deleted as soon as they get posted work of a megahuge nazi?
10:58CreepyMorefedoraOh hai agner
10:58Jacket MikeDoge, use this.
- ICihter has left the chat.
10:58Captain Jack Dogebladenein!
10:58Defretherinternet cut out
10:59AlexKrailbye ICither
- I had fun
10:59Captain Jack DogebladeXD OMG
10:59Defretherbut, I'm done now
- Basitsnake has left the chat.
10:59UrotsukIUser:UrotsukI i gave myself new music
10:59Captain Jack Dogebladeassasins doge
10:59AlexKrailbye Basitsnake
10:59Captain Jack Dogebladeshibes crred 4 black doge XD
10:59CreepyMorefedoraBlack doge by Led zepldoge
10:59Jacket MikeHalf-Lifed
- What the fuck.
- Are you on trial?
11:00Jacket MikeYes.
- you'
- you're doin pretty well
11:00Jacket MikeThanks.
11:01CreepyMorefedoraMike ftw
11:01Captain Jack Dogebladehow do i get a tiny url
- /
- ?
11:01Jacket MikeDoge.
- LOLSKELETONS has joined the chat.
11:02Jacket MikeHi Skelly.
11:02CreepyMorefedoraHey skelly
- Moon Priest has joined the chat.
- Princess Gingy has left the chat.
11:03Captain Jack Dogebladeguys i created a 4 page tiny url
11:03Captain Jack Dogebladesuch quality
11:03AlexKrailhi Moon Priest
- hi Princess Gingy
11:03Captain Jack Dogeblade
- Lei Omaki has left the chat.
- Don't link Redtube.
11:03Captain Jack Dogebladef fux sakes
- You have been banned by Jacket Mike.
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