- AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsoh
7:33GarouxBloodlineIt's still sad to see a user leave though.
- Even if he wasn't very liked by some here.
7:33AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsespecially from life
7:33Tocinoman"All of you tell him why he's being a baby. STOP GANGING UP ON HIM!"
7:33Miss.NicolleNo offence, but when said user is Gauzz, I am far from sad
7:33AlexfromtheMarbleHornetssad to see them leave life
7:34The lone wanderer's bad-ass grandma*everyone
7:34ToCxHawKdon't gang up on me
7:34TocinomanWant to see something funny? Back Sigma into a corner in an argument.
7:34LimmiegirlAs Nic said
7:34Victor the SecuritronSame here Nic
7:34ToestheUnwholyI can't remember who exactly gauzz was
7:34Victor the SecuritronLOL
- MellowHackJack has joined the chat.
7:34TocinomanThen see what shit he can come up with to divert attention from himself.
7:34Victor the SecuritronOh Toc :')
7:34MellowHackJackhello ppl
7:34AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsso who is Gauzz and why is he a hated guy from here?
7:34TocinomanMellowHackJack, hello.
7:34Victor the Securitron^
7:34AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsor is he
7:34Gothic NekoGauzz was one of the most detested users on this wiki, I doubt anyone shall shed a tear.
7:34Victor the Securitronwhat that guy said
7:34GarouxBloodlineIt was his decision though. Personally, I didn't think that was enough to leave over. But it still sucks losing members. And we just lost Broc on top of that
7:34The lone wanderer's bad-ass grandmacuz he's a kiddie fiddler
7:35Miss.NicolleHis attitude was a disgrace, as was his behaviour. If he wants to leave, good bye and have a safe journey FAR AWAY
7:35GarouxBloodlineBroc was looking pretty promising.
7:35AlexfromtheMarbleHornetswas he just a huge jerk or more or less
7:35ToCxHawKYou guys have lost me too
7:35Victor the SecuritronBrocolli?
7:35Vault girl76why has broc left?
7:35Victor the SecuritronWhere'd he go?
7:35The lone wanderer's bad-ass grandmathe vegetable
7:35GarouxBloodlineHe defected to The Vault
- Victor the Securitron has left the chat.
7:35The lone wanderer's bad-ass grandmait had an account
- Victor the Securitron has joined the chat.
7:35Vault girl76gauzz did too
7:35Miss.NicolleHe was a Brit apparently
7:35TheConvictsSUCKWhat ever happaned to the wasteland survival guide wiki? lol
7:35ToCxHawKI'm going over to the Vault too
7:35ToestheUnwholyI alwasys got him confused with Tezzla Cannon...
7:35LimmiegirlIt's such a dramatic word XD
7:35Victor the SecuritronFucking Vault >_>
7:35DragonBorn96Such a poor word to use.
7:36Victor the Securitronand stfu Hawk xD
7:36DragonBorn96Given the context.
7:36GhostAvatarBotYou know, I think you people talk way to much about Gauzz, especially considering you all thing so little of them. Quite sad really that you down play the person, but they seem to be the center of your conversations most the time
7:36Gothic Neko"defected" Assumes we are having a feud with The Vault.
- Yet I have accounts on both here and curse network.
7:36TocinomanAll I would ever hear from him was duuuuuude I got to round *insert impossibru round number here* in zombies I'm such a boss. Well off to play zombies again, see ya. OR I fucking hate fucking lying fuckers named Fraze. Fuck.
7:36Miss.NicolleIndeed, Dunc
7:36ToCxHawKIndeed gav
7:36Victor the SecuritronIndeed Toc
7:36Vault girl76Traitor
7:36GarouxBloodlineI agree Ghost. I hate seeing people being talked about in chat.
7:36ToCxHawKI don
- t
7:36Gothic NekoLet's talk about Chad.
7:36The lone wanderer's bad-ass grandmalets start hating Gavvy instead
7:36ToCxHawKtalk about anyone
7:36GarouxBloodlineHaha, that bastard
7:36Miss.NicolleChad smells lol
7:36Victor the SecuritronYes, lets talk of chad
7:36ToCxHawKexcept for leon
7:36TocinomanSo anyways, Leon is a d......edicateduserHEY Leon!
7:37ToCxHawKbecause he acts too white
7:37GhostAvatarBotStrange thing is, I see Gauzz being spoken about more than anyone else
7:37ToestheUnwholyWho all left during the split?
7:37AlexfromtheMarbleHornetswhats the Vault another wiki or are you talking in the video game of Fallout universe
7:37DragonBorn96Gavvy has a tiny willy.
7:37GarouxBloodlineThat list would take forever to write Toes
7:37Miss.NicolleBecause we all bond over our mutual hatred of him, Chris
7:37ToCxHawKI left
7:37Victor the SecuritronAusir left
- I know that much
7:37ToCxHawKI dont hate Gauzz
7:37The lone wanderer's bad-ass grandmaleft by force
7:37ToCxHawKI mean
7:37DragonBorn96Curse had better socks.
7:37Victor the SecuritronI hate Gauzz
7:37Gothic NekoAusir, Tag, Porter and many other admins left.
7:37DragonBorn96Ausir couldn't resist.
7:37Victor the Securitronyeah
7:37TocinomanAusir was exiled XD
7:37Victor the Securitrona shame, Dunc
7:37ToCxHawKI can't resist
7:37Victor the SecuritronHes a martyr!
7:37LimmiegirlIt's just that he came in the forelight recently
7:37ToCxHawKI'm moving to the Vault
7:38AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsso if Gauzz was so horrible why didnt you ban him for alltimes
7:38The lone wanderer's bad-ass grandmai do chuckle at the size of the "inactive admins" list
7:38LimmiegirlIt's natural that he's currently the most talked about
7:38TocinomanAlright, see ya later, HawK.
7:38GarouxBloodlineBecause he never did anything worth banning over
7:38Victor the Securitronsadly
7:38AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsjust a jerk
- ?
7:38GarouxBloodlineGossip in chat isn't enough to ban someone over :')
7:38ToCxHawKbye Toci
7:38The lone wanderer's bad-ass grandmabeing unlikeable isnt a banning offense
7:38GarouxBloodlineCya Toci!
7:38AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsall he did was gossip?
- bye tocil
7:38ToCxHawKyou are the only person i'l miss
7:38GhostAvatarBotIt has always been the case Limmie, since the start of chat
7:38Gothic NekoGauzz was banned for a time, he;s been threatened more then a dozen times with it as well.
7:38TocinomanI'm not leaving...the fawk
7:38GarouxBloodlineI meant the other way around Alex.
7:38GarouxBloodlineJUST LEAVE US D:
7:38ToCxHawKHe meant me
7:38AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsm e?
7:38Vault girl76NEVER
7:39TheConvictsSUCKMy name is Alex.
7:39AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsso is mine
7:39TheConvictsSUCKWho's the other one?
7:39Vault girl76do it then
7:39Gothic NekoToci, you're leaving?
7:39TheConvictsSUCKOh, herp derp
7:39Vault girl76lets see you try
- MellowHackJack has left the chat.
7:39LimmiegirlPerhaps GAV, I've only noticed him being talked about after I started disliking though
7:39Vault girl76then go
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