that was not working of very weelllll...
- RandomtimeI have no idea how to unban with this new system
2:11KittynatorI was just there.
2:11PhillycjRandomtime: its on contribs
- and he has been unbanned
- also, i need to tell KAT to kick for lag
2:11KittynatorThe problem is many are used to kickbanning
2:12DragonManiac86I've also been banned from the same site 7 times...
2:13KittynatorI gotten banned from 3D Realms forum for a year and half; banned numerous times from irc, same channel.
- and some tried to get me banned from a game. Except that didn't work as I reported them ahead of time
- Readerofslenderblogs has joined the chat.
2:15KittynatorIt did stop eventually.
2:15Readerofslenderblogshi guys whqats going on for it
- ?
2:15KittynatorOne thing I do not like is being threatened.
2:15Randomtimefor what?
2:15Readerofslenderblogsi wasd band from creepypasta bicause there dumbandnotverysmart
2:16Randomtimeinteresting tale, but we can't do anything about it
2:16PhillycjI got banned from Degrassi from being from CoD wiki
2:16Readerofslenderblogsok can i being hanging out here?
2:16PhillycjBecause one of their users was kicked in our chat for spam
2:16Readerofslenderblogsthat creepypast wiki was a dumb one being in old times anyway
2:16RandomtimePhilly: Now, that's silly
2:16KittynatorPhilly: Was there users from Fallout chat kicked?
2:17Readerofslenderblogssorry about that bandmate
- BachLynn23 has joined the chat.
2:17PhillycjRandomtime: seeing as I have no interest in Degrassi, i was navere bothered to ask for it
2:17Readerofslenderblogshi bach
- Monchoman45 has joined the chat.
2:17PhillycjKittynator: not that I know of
2:17Readerofslenderblogshi mon
2:17RandomtimeReaderofslenderblogs: No need to say "hi" to everyone who joins
2:18KittynatorPhilly: What do you think of Halo Nation?
2:18Readerofslenderblogsits polite and very nice though
2:18Randomtimefeel free to welcome people who speak, but on join is annoying
2:18PhillycjKittynator: ive been in once or twice, a while ago it was slow but ok, now its too drama filled
2:18Readerofslenderblogsi was band for talking aka no rason at all
2:18KittynatorPhilly: did you look at their rules?
2:19KittynatorFew complained about them on Fallout chat
2:19Readerofslenderblogsthey never gave me a reason of banning me they were just big idiots for the slenderspiracy
- Dr. Sonya has joined the chat.
2:20Readerofslenderblogsthey even went as far to ban my ip
- hello doctor
2:20Dr. Sonyais there a way to have comments on your forums?
- hi
2:20Dr. Sonyawhat?
2:20KittynatorDr. Sonya: I might step down as bcrat of the combat arms players wiki.
2:20RandomtimeComments on forums
2:20N64dudeTrellar link the test wiki again
2:21RandomtimeReaderofslenderblogs: That's enough complaining about your block - feel free to hang out here, but we can't do anyhing about you being blocked somewhere else
2:21N64dudeKitty i'll take your place or not
2:21Dr. Sonyaso? i hate having to do the disucssion header everytime. and people always find a way to mess it up
2:21Readerofslenderblogsso whats going for it guys?
2:21KittynatorRandomtime: Emo 14 was asking about global blocks. Told him to contact staff
- Trellar has left the chat.
2:22Readerofslenderblogsbye trellar
2:22KittynatorN64dude: You play combatarms?
- Trellar has joined the chat.
2:22KittynatorDr. Sonya is the other bcrat of it.
2:22Readerofslenderblogshi trellar
2:22RandomtimeKittynator: That's correct
2:22BachLynn23I play combat arms, well not as much as I was for awhile, but still some
2:22Dr. Sonyai want nothing to do with that place
2:22Readerofslenderblogswill you guys read my friend theslenderslayers blog for the slenderventures?
2:23Dr. Sonyaim on emo and scene wiki now
2:23Dr. Sonyaand ive been there for a long time now
2:23KittynatorBoth are for BachLynn23
2:23Dr. Sonyaanyways, is there anyway to half atleast a talk for the forums?
2:23KittynatorDr. Sonya: So you don't want to remain bcrat on there?
2:23Dr. Sonyahave*
- no
2:24BachLynn23Kitt: thanks 
- Dr. Sonya has left the chat.
2:25Readerofslenderblogsive got to go thanks for going onto the good side im sure theslenderslayer will help of youin the worldofslender
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