part 3
2:32Mr. Linixwell... i made it in 5 minutes..
- Lucid Atray has joined the chat.
2:32Tyranical TyranisWhy did you start singing the Pokemon theme?
2:32Pellyeve93I dont know
2:32Tyranical TyranisLawl
2:33Readerofslenderblogsoh ok in 5 minutes is good
- pokemon theme is catchy
2:33Mr. Linixpokemon chat... mudkipz.
2:33Lucid AtrayWeirdo <3
2:33Readerofslenderblogswhat music do you lissen to?
- i like emmure
2:34WeirdowithcoffeeDoom metal.
2:34Mr. Linixelectro fuck all day.
- ear rape.
- Weirdowithcoffee has left the chat.
2:34Lucid AtrayLady Gaga <3
2:34Readerofslenderblogsby werdo
- lady gaga? why?
2:34Lucid AtrayReader, they don't see your message AFTER they left.
2:35Readerofslenderblogswe already did this
2:35Lucid AtrayBecause I like her, lol
- ClericofMadness has joined the chat.
2:35Lucid AtrayCleric <3
2:35Readerofslenderblogshi cleric
2:35Pellyeve93I scream weird o_O
2:35Mr. Linixhave u guys seen the tupac hologram thing?
2:35Lucid AtrayNope
2:35ClericofMadnessMegaman Xtreme - The Lost Level edited by Pikachu5747 1 hour ago diff Added category: MLP
2:35Mr. Linixit's fucking amazing.
2:36Lucid Atray...?
2:36Tyranical TyranisWell, Linix, my next 12 hours seem like a barrell of laughs.
2:36Lucid AtrayMegaman. MLP. what.
2:36Readerofslenderblogsdo you watch marblehornets anyone?
2:36Mr. Linixbut they stole the technology from japanese wired people.
2:36Lucid Atraynaw
2:36Pellyeve93I feel mean for calling my friend a retard
2:36Lucid AtrayI need an admin ._.
2:36Pellyeve93Poor thing
2:36Readerofslenderblogscalling names is mean and not good
2:36Mr. Linixwith their blue haired shit.
2:36Tyranical TyranisNah, I do it all the time.
2:37Pellyeve93She puts up with so much from me
2:37Mr. Linixcalling names? I CALL MY FREIND FAGGOT SOMETIMES.
- and he don't give a shit.
2:37Readerofslenderblogsim bored
2:38Pellyeve93And poor James
2:38Tyranical TyranisWell, she did step in a river and the scream, "MY SHOES ARE WET NOW!"
2:38Pellyeve93I called his chins the eight wonder of rhe world
- Weirdowithcoffee has joined the chat.
2:38Readerofslenderblogshi werdo
- hi
2:38Mr. Linixwatch pr0n trust me, u will not be bored.
2:38Mr. Linixo hai
2:38Readerofslenderblogsi cant its not sfw
2:38Mr. Linixk, watch mlp
2:39Pellyeve93YOU DONT SAY
2:39Weirdowithcoffee>implying the internet is SFW
2:39Readerofslenderblogsi dont want to
- watch mlp
2:39BoombombSomeone Tell me what to draw.
2:39Mr. Linixk, watch utube poop
2:39BoombombThat isn't porn. XD
2:39Lucid AtrayWeirdo <3
2:39Tyranical Tyranis>implying MLP is bad
2:39Readerofslenderblogsdraw slender president
2:39Lucid AtrayI need yer help.
2:39Boombomb>How very dare you.
2:39Readerofslenderblogsive never seen mlp actually...
2:39Weirdowithcoffeeyo Lucy
Magicamadeye1 has joined the chat.
- CrazyFerret has joined the chat.
2:40Mr. Linixdraw anime girls, many people will be magicaly happy.
2:40Tyranical TyranisSup guise
2:40Magicamadeye1how do i submit a pokemon creepy pasta with a actual title
2:40Readerofslenderblogshi guys
2:40Lucid AtrayHi Crazy, hi Tyr <3
2:40CrazyFerretI just told a racist joke. Thumbs up if you remember where this is from
2:40Mr. Linixo hai and wat
2:40CrazyFerretWhy do Khajiit lick their butts? To get the taste of Khajiit cooking out of their mouths! Hahaha!
2:40Readerofslenderblogshow it going for it
- ?
2:40Tyranical TyranisSHUT TEH FECK UP!
2:40ClericofMadnessI need to get wet and wild.
2:40CrazyFerretI can help
2:40Mr. Linixgoto strip club
- Greenhalo has joined the chat.
2:40Tyranical TyranisI remember him!
2:40Pellyeve93 Part 1
2:40Mr. Linixand be happy if asian
2:41Readerofslenderblogsi need to leave bye
2:41Mr. Linix*asians
2:41Tyranical TyranisDajeema or something
2:41ClericofMadnessAnd by wet and wild I mean shower.
I just cleaned up KITTY PAW PRINTS from the bathroom
2:41Pellyeve93OH NO
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