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7:13Joshua-ConduitI think I'm gonna go to sleep in like, half an hour, went to sleep at 2:30 last night and woke up 5:45 this morning
7:13EB683STOP STEALING MY DAMN JOKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
7:13ToestheUnwholySo wassup
7:13Miss.NicolleLast time I tried that I failed XD
7:14The lone wanderer's bad-ass grandmai can feel the ban power seeping through my skin, corrupting every fiber of my soul
7:14Vault girl76lol
- wtf
7:14Agent cGood, Give in to the dark side
- Welcome to the Nukapedia chat
7:14Joshua-ConduitThe ban-hammer does that
7:14ToestheUnwholyYou a satanist
7:14Agent cNow, Strike Nic down
7:14Miss.NicolleDo you put what you want it to say before or after the | ?
7:14Vault girl76let the hate flow through you
7:14The lone wanderer's bad-ass grandmai would be giving in more, but hteres no one left to ban
7:14Agent c<a href=" blog:Agent c/I'd like to thank the Academy....|Thank">User blog:Agent c/I'd like to thank the Academy....|Thank</a> you blog
- I give up
7:14Gothic NekoBan Fraze, he likes it.
7:15Miss.NicolleLOL Chad
7:15AlexfromtheMarbleHornetshey im here for the chat whats for the nuking?
7:15Miss.NicolleI thought it went in [ ] ?
7:15Agent c[User_blog:Agent_c/I'd_like_to_thank_the_Academy.... Has this done it?]
7:15Joshua-ConduitI'd like to thank the academy? Fight Club?
7:15Agent cApparently not
7:15Vault girl76dammit
7:15ToestheUnwholyYes. Do it.
7:15The lone wanderer's bad-ass grandmahes not on the BS wiki
7:15AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsffight club is a megacool movie
7:15Agent cFight Club is awesome, but not an intentional reference
7:16Joshua-Conduitoh ok
7:16LimmiegirlC: desc
- Eh
7:16AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsintentional awesome for a realcool movie though right
7:16LimmiegirlC: [ [ url | desc ] ]
7:16ToestheUnwholyYes indeed
- Cc99910 has left the chat.
7:16Joshua-ConduitI like remember the whole movie
7:16Miss.Nicolle<a href="|">|</a> Hehe
7:16Agent cI thought thats what I did the first time Limmie
7:16Miss.NicolleDidn't work :(
7:16Vault girl76lol
7:17Gothic Neko
- Slowrider7 has joined the chat.
7:17LimmiegirlNo, you have to use 2 brackets
- The lone wanderer's bad-ass grandma has left the chat.
7:17LimmiegirlYou only used 1 ;o
7:17Slowrider7So, I just started Dead Money, and I have nothing. I get it all back right?
7:17Gothic NekoYes.
7:17Miss.NicolleGot it
7:17Agent cThis is two brackets
7:17AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsdead money?
7:17Gothic NekoAfter you complete the main questline.
7:17Agent cAh, there we go
- The lone wanderer's bad-ass grandma has joined the chat.
7:17Slowrider7Should I load a game and store it?
7:18Joshua-Conduitno need, it's stored for you
7:18AlexfromtheMarbleHornetsanyone want to listen of some trulycool music with there ears?
7:18Vault girl76User:ToestheUnwholy
7:18The lone wanderer's bad-ass grandmasly neko, very sly
7:18Vault girl76dammit
7:18Slowrider7Okay, because I HAD This Machine and 51b armor, I can't lose those.
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