part 1
- Chinky Chan^^lol
1:37Lucid Atrayx.x
- I'm siiiiick
1:38Ridiculously Stupid Assault PuppyAww, hopefully you get better soon.
1:38Chinky ChanGood
- .-.
1:40Lucid AtrayThanks <3
1:40Chinky ChanEh the flu has been going around.
- School! end!
- Readerofslenderblogs has joined the chat.
1:44Readerofslenderblogshelo im here and going of it!
- it is deaf and dead being in here?
1:46FirfkdjfssHave any of you read 'The Friday Ad?'
1:46Readerofslenderblogsno ive not read for that blog...
1:47FirfkdjfssIt isn't a blo
- blog*
- Dream Hacked has joined the chat.
1:47FirfkdjfssIt's a pasta that i'm reading right now.
1:47Readerofslenderblogsis it blog good? is it of slendermerica?
1:47Dream HackedSorry, the internet is crappy right now.
1:48FirfkdjfssUmm.. it isnt a blog. ._.
- Firfkdjfss has left the chat.
1:48Readerofslenderblogsthat is to bad sometimes internets are notverygoodandinfactverybad
- i didnt say it was a blog i said if its blog good bye
- Koggeh has joined the chat.
- Bushcraft Medic has joined the chat.
1:50Readerofslenderblogshi guys
- hows it going for this?
1:51Ziffy-Kungood lol
1:52Chinky ChanFirst time reading Unbranded_Laptop yuck
1:52Readerofslenderblogsis it bad
1:53Chinky Chanyeah lol
- In a disturbing way
- well gtg FIGGOTS
1:53Readerofslenderblogsi will read of it later sounds like a good time of being reading something, bye
- Chinky Chan has left the chat.
1:54Readerofslenderblogsdont call people that its not niceandbad
- Tyranical Tyranis has joined the chat.
1:54Readerofslenderblogshi ty
1:54Tyranical TyranisChristmas surprise, aholes!
1:54Tyranical TyranisHello!
1:55Readerofslenderblogsdont call people that name its not very good
1:55Dream HackedMedic, you're the first admin to log into chat in a couple of hours
1:55Tyranical TyranisSwering is allowed on here, ya know...
- Swearing*
- Pellyeve93 has joined the chat.
1:56Tyranical Tyranis"Christmas surprise, aholes" is a long story for another time.
1:56Readerofslenderblogshi pellyeve
1:56Tyranical TyranisPelly!
1:56Dream HackedWelcome, Pelly
1:56Pellyeve93I hate youtube
1:56Readerofslenderblogshows it going for?
1:56Lucid AtrayBUSH!
1:56Tyranical TyranisWai?
1:56Pellyeve93Taking so long to fucking upload
1:57Readerofslenderblogsyoutube comments are not smart and spelled bad
1:57Pellyeve93I have a 4 min video
- Still not uploaded
1:57Tyranical TyranisOf what?
1:57Pellyeve93Me and my friends at thefield
1:57Ziffy-Kunwhich field lol
1:57Tyranical TyranisOh god...
1:57Pellyeve93Uts the second vid
1:57Tyranical TyranisTHE Field
1:57Ziffy-KunWhats that>
1:58Pellyeve93The first one is 8 mins long
1:58Readerofslenderblogsdid you cut of youslef in the field?
1:58Tyranical TyranisShenanigans?
1:58Readerofslenderblogson axident?
1:58Readerofslenderblogsthats bad and hurts
1:58Ziffy-KunWhat's that thing? The Field?
1:58Pellyeve93My friend did a really stupid thing
- Pellyeve93She was throwing a log into this little lake thing
- Dream Hacked has left the chat.
1:59Readerofslenderblogsby dream
1:59Pellyeve93An she threw her money in too
2:00Tyranical TyranisOh lawd
2:00Readerofslenderblogsoh maneys hard to get in the worldofslender thats to bad
- did she throw up her wallet to?
2:02Tyranical TyranisDat silence.
2:03Readerofslenderblogsits superveryreal quiet in here and it sucks...
2:03Tyranical TyranisIt usually is at this time.
2:03BoombombWho here watched "Watchmen"?
2:03Readerofslenderblogswhile waiting read of this:
2:04Tyranical TyranisIn a few hours it'll get better in here.
2:04Readerofslenderblogsfill you slef in on the slenderspiracy
2:04Readerofslenderblogsit will good
2:04Readerofslenderblogshi boombomb
2:04BoombombDid anyone here see Watchmen?
- Hey
2:04Ziffy-Kun8 8d
- i did
- Look at this art I got Commissioned to do
- It can be scary T,T
2:05BoombombIt's not
- It's Watchmen
2:05Ziffy-KunOH yeah i saw it
- lol nice
- XD
- Tyranical TyranisDid you draw that?
- Its fucking awesome, who's it of?
2:06Readerofslenderblogscool picture of whatever that is of its good
2:06Tyranical TyranisOh, Rorshach
2:06BoombombIt's Rorschach off of Watchmen
2:06Readerofslenderblogsroarshacks cool
- I drew MLP ones earlier
2:07Tyranical TyranisDude, that's amazing.
2:07BoombombRD and DH
2:07Tyranical TyranisLinks!
2:07BoombombThanks, I wanna do GCSE art.
2:07Tyranical TyranisHow old are you?
2:07Boombomb16. o.e
2:08Tyranical TyranisOrite
2:08BoombombBut I'm confuzzled atm
2:08Tyranical TyranisYou are?
- My school is crazy
2:08Tyranical TyranisMy school sucks.
- D:
- Wut school? if it's OK I asked that is.
2:10Tyranical TyranisReally? You wouldn't have heard of it.
2:10Readerofslenderblogsdont say things bad of school there teeching you good things hahahahahaha
2:10Tyranical TyranisIts no where near prestigious.
2:11Readerofslenderblogswhat music do you like to be lissening to in good times
2:11Tyranical TyranisWhat did you use to make the Roshach one?
2:12Readerofslenderblogsi like emmure and design the skyline
- I used it to make all of them
2:13Tyranical TyranisIts wonderful
2:14Readerofslenderblogsyour pictures are veryreal good
2:14Pellyeve93 Part 3 uploaded
2:15Readerofslenderblogsakward sylences make gay babys being for born
2:15Tyranical TyranisBoom, I drew a ferret
- Mr. Linix has joined the chat.
2:15Readerofslenderblogsthats being a good drawer tyranical
- hi linix
2:15Mr. Linixo hai.
Youtube us stupid
2:16Mr. Linixhai, ms. fucked up hand.
2:16Lucid AtrayZIFFY <3
2:16Readerofslenderblogshows it going to?
2:16Tyranical Tyranis"Don't you dare fuckin touch it or I'll fuckin pull you down into that fuckin water"
- Weirdowithcoffee has joined the chat.
2:17Mr. Linixi made a pasta called YOU...
2:17Tyranical TyranisHey Weirdo
2:17Readerofslenderblogshi weirdowith
2:17BoombombYou like Ferrets don't you
2:17Tyranical TyranisFerrets are pretty cool
- ClericofMadness has joined the chat.
2:17Mr. Linixo hai.
2:17Readerofslenderblogshe has a verygood ferret picture
- hi cleric
- Tyranical TyranisHeya Clurr
2:17Mr. Linixo hai again
2:18Weirdowithcoffeesup Cleric
2:18Tyranical TyranisIndeed...
2:18Readerofslenderblogshow are you doing for it?
2:18ClericofMadnessI just had a dream about dreaming about dreaming.
2:18Lucid AtrayCleriiiic <3
2:18ClericofMadnessIt was indeed dreamception.
2:18Pellyeve93 Part 2! yay it uploaded
2:19ClericofMadnessFailed test.
2:20BoombombI think Tyran had a heart attack when he saw my drawing:
2:20Readerofslenderblogswhy have tested something being in the chat?
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