- OfficialUboaBtw, imma make a shock ending pasta about them
1:23Shinigami.EyesI need to find the cotton balls to get this polish off my toenails. Brb.
1:23Kilohertzhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xSp2I0ObdW4&feature=fvwp&NR=1 also, this is what distracted me from chat XD
1:23OfficialUboaTo fuck with your sense of reality
1:24Lei Omakihuman centipede is also worse ;A;
1:24OfficialUboaJust think...they are evrywhere
1:24Lei Omakiwaah!! T^T
1:24OfficialUboaMindfuck pasta is fuckmind
1:24Lei Omakithis is why i hate being alone in the dorm sometimes T^T
1:25Kilohertzyou won't be the first to have done a shock pasta about bugs, but i bet you could write something clever ^^
- Readerofslenderblogs has joined the chat.
1:26Readerofslenderblogshi guys whats going of it?
1:26Kilohertzactually, centipedes are still pretty creepy o.O those bastards can bite
1:27Lei Omakii can't sleep because there's something outside my roof making weird and creepy noises ;A:
1:27Kilohertzheyyah ^^ doing all right, just chillin' and watching mind-numbingly cute animal videos on YT. you?
1:27Shinigami.EyesI can't believe that shit. I was looking for the cotton balls upstairs and they were on the coffee table the whole time.
1:27Kilohertzohh, lame! i hate when i do shit like that xD
1:27Readerofslenderblogsits the afternoon why have you been trying to sleep now?????
1:27Shinigami.EyesI know, it drives me batty.
1:28Kilohertzdifferent time zones, dude.
1:28Lei Omakiit's half past one in the morning here ;A;
1:28Readerofslenderblogswhats a timezone
1:29Shinigami.EyesYou best be trollan.
1:29Readerofslenderblogsare theey bighugeportals leaking into other dimenshuns of time????
- kinda like the twilight zone.
1:30Lei Omakihttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_zone here
1:30Kilohertz..actually.. it's different times of the day/night in other parts of the world.. that's what a time zone represents.
1:31Readerofslenderblogsthank you of being frendly ill read for that late 
- r
- Sarah Manley has joined the chat.
1:31Sarah Manleyhi there
1:31Lei Omakioffi's pic kinda spook me out
1:31Shinigami.EyesI'm just a tad busy.
1:31Readerofslenderblogshi sarsh
1:31Sarah ManleyI am a staff member here
1:31Lei Omakihello ;A;
1:31Sarah Manleywe are doing some updates to chat
1:31Lei Omakia staff member?
1:31Shinigami.EyesOh, okay. Thanks for informing us.
1:31ClericofMadnessOh that sounds like loads of fun.
1:32Sarah Manleyand i was curious if you guys would be willing to test it here
1:32Kilohertzahh, okay, thanks for letting us know ^^
- OfficialUboa has left the chat.
1:32Lei Omakiokay :3
1:32Sarah Manleyso can i flip it on here now?
1:32ClericofMadnessWhat kind of test?
1:32Readerofslenderblogsby official
1:32Kilohertzaw, uboa left D:
1:32Sarah Manleyits updates to the feature
- its going to be across the site next week
- but we want to test here early
1:32ClericofMadnessAh, go for it.
1:32Kilohertzahh, okay ^^
1:32ClericofMadness(Why here? XD)
1:32Lei Omakidunno xD
1:33Shinigami.EyesI guess this one is pretty popular.
1:33Sarah Manleyhttp://leagueoflegends.wikia.com/wiki/Forum:Updates_to_Wikia_Chat_Feature
- that describes the updates
- i can post them here too
- so you all ok with us doing it?
1:33Kilohertzbe warned, though.. if something goes wrong, we may start thinking it's a demon who caused it 
1:33ClericofMadnessOH YAY, kick times.
1:34Kilohertzi'm all right with it 
1:34ClericofMadnessPlease do test XD
1:34Lei Omakii'm okay with it
1:34ClericofMadnessThat would make everything easier
1:34Shinigami.EyesActually it sounds pretty cool.
1:34Sarah Manleyok
1:34Lei Omakiwhat's wrong boom?
1:34Kilohertzslaps on the wrist!
1:34Sarah Manleyok where is the best place to post the description?
- is there a forum, or just on say my talk page?
1:35Shinigami.EyesI think we do have a forum.
1:35ClericofMadnessWe have forums, though I personally have no clue how to use them
1:35Sarah Manleyok
1:35WeirdowithcoffeeI'm head of the forums
1:35Sarah Manleyif no one reads them
1:35Readerofslenderblogsdoes anyone that is in here lissen to the band of emmure?????
1:35Boombombwut is happening?
1:35Sarah Manleythen i can put it on my talk page
1:35BoombombSarah is Wikia staff?
1:36Sarah Manleyor is there another place admins go
- yes
1:36ClericofMadnessTalk page would probably be best
1:36BoombombNice to meet y'all
1:36Shinigami.EyesYeah. We don't really even have a main link to the furm.
1:36Sarah Manleyk
1:36WeirdowithcoffeeWe do
1:36Shinigami.EyesI had to dig for it.
1:36ClericofMadnessWe do?
1:36Boombomb*dances in the background*
1:36Sarah Manleyok
1:36Kilohertzso we do!
1:36Sarah Manleyabout to do it
- once i do
1:36Readerofslenderblogswhats the goings on in this here chat
1:36Sarah Manleyyou will need ot leave here
- refresh the page
- and then come back
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