- ShiverraArkona*
7:26Kilohertzawesome :O
7:26ShiverraI even listen to some Dean Martin and Frank Sinatra.
7:26Kilohertzdude, that's excellent ^^
7:27ShiverraHey Weirdo~
7:27ShiverraHow're you?
7:27Kilohertzi have an obsession with industrial music. but i also like some classic rock, folk, and classical. really.. if it sounds good, it is good.
- Welcome to the Creepypasta Wiki chat
7:28OfficialUboaI listen to Classic Rock.
- And some metal
7:28Readerofslenderblogshi guys whats on going it?
7:28WeirdowithcoffeeI listen to doom metal
7:28OfficialUboaAnd some normal rock
7:28ShiverraBlack Sabbath!
7:28WeirdowithcoffeeElectric Wizard is one of my favorite bands
7:28Kilohertzoh yes, /me likes the metals as well \m/
7:28OfficialUboaBut I fucking hate Techno, Dubstep, or anything of the like.
7:28Readerofslenderblogsi lissen to verytrulygood bands like emmure
- Ashadowfan111 has left the chat.
7:28Readerofslenderblogsbye shadow
7:28OfficialUboaRap isn't too bad, atleast not the old rap.
7:28ShiverraI'm very picky with dubstep.
7:28OfficialUboaNEW rap is shit.
7:28Readerofslenderblogsrap is crap
7:28OfficialUboaSome old rap even has *gasp* meaning.
7:28WeirdowithcoffeeI hate rap
7:29OfficialUboaSongs now-a-days have no meaning except sex, drugs, money
7:29ShiverraI really hate this new age rap. I really don't care how any hoes you're hustlin' and how many shawties you bang.
- many*
7:30OfficialUboaI don't even know what the fuck a shawtie is.
7:30Readerofslenderblogsi got my chatting ways back now that i got into anew place of slenderventures how are you guys going for it in chatting?
- Jtklov has joined the chat.
7:30Readerofslenderblogshi jtk
7:30Readerofslenderblogswhats in going of it?
7:30ShiverraI keep reading your username as j'f'k not j't'k
7:30WeirdowithcoffeeI don't use chat that much anymore
7:31Readerofslenderblogswhy not werdo?
7:31WeirdowithcoffeeIt's too crowded, I can't keep up with it
7:31Readerofslenderblogswhat are being the new changes with this chatting thing in this here website of creepy noodles?
7:31Shiverra-is putting Shaggy on CD-
7:32The Sacremento Horror*puts on Megadeth*
7:32WeirdowithcoffeeOne of the wiki staff changed the chat features
7:32Readerofslenderblogsyeah some of these people need to be leaving of this place...
7:32The Sacremento Horror*drowns out shaggy*
7:32Jtklovim emo right know :'(
7:32Readerofslenderblogswhat are being the new feetures?
7:32Shiverrawut r grammar.
7:32Jtklovim sorta emo
- Pellyeve93 has left the chat.
7:33WeirdowithcoffeeJust new designs.
7:33ShiverraWhyyy Jtk?
7:33Readerofslenderblogs@shiv youre grammer is verytrulybad you shuld fix of it
7:33Jtklovcuz my lif eis fucked
- is
7:33Readerofslenderblogs@werdo oh ok
7:33OfficialUboaHey, Reader.
7:33OfficialUboaYour grammar is pretty bad too.
7:33Jtklovummm lots of reason y
7:34Readerofslenderblogswhat are you talking of?
7:34OfficialUboaSo you can't really be putting someone else down for theirs.
- Kilohertz has left the chat.
7:34Readerofslenderblogsim just sayin
- bye kilo
- ny
- by
- buy
7:34OfficialUboaWell...in all fairness I shall point out the errors in your sentence.
- ObliterationoftheSelf has left the chat.
7:34OfficialUboaYours: im just sayin The correct way: I'm just saying.
7:34ShiverraEveryone has reasons to be emo, depends on range of importance though.
7:35OfficialUboaProper use of the English Language is dying. That makes me sad.
7:35Readerofslenderblogsbye obl
7:35Jtklovwell ive been emo since i was 12
7:35ShiverraSome people have reasons like "Daddy doesn't like my boyfriend." other have "I live on the streets and sell drugs to eat."
7:36Jtklovohh ok well mine is diffrent
7:36The Sacremento HorrorOr is it?
7:36Jtklovit is 
7:36The Sacremento Horror*dramayic music*
7:36ShiverraWould you mind sharing? You don't have to. My curiousity is bugging me.
7:36OfficialUboaMy reason is, because well...I can't really go into detail about my life, personal issues and all.
7:36Readerofslenderblogsdont cut of youreslef that can be bad and notverysafe
7:36The Sacremento Horror9com0
7:37Jtklovi dont
7:37OfficialUboaBut, my grandmother does often encourage me to commit suicide. Which is the main reason I don't kill myself.
7:37The Sacremento Horror
7:37Readerofslenderblogsgood dont die jtk
7:37The Sacremento Horror

7:37Readerofslenderblogsthats bad and not good youre moms probably a servant of president slender uboa
7:37ShiverraThe main reason I don't kill myself is that I know if there is a hell. It means I have to repeat my life, over and over and over.
7:37The Sacremento HorrorLOL
7:38WeirdowithcoffeeStop, Sacremento.
7:38The Sacremento Horrorfine...
7:38Jtklovand wana know wat sucks
7:38WeirdowithcoffeeThank you.
7:38The Sacremento Horrorwat
7:38Readerofslenderblogsyoure making us all sad dont do of this guys
7:38The Sacremento HorrorWhat commit suicide?
7:38OfficialUboaReader, my Grandmother is not under Slenderman's Presidency.
7:38Jtklovno i tried
- but it hurt
7:39Readerofslenderblogsand dont talk for like that
7:39OfficialUboaSee, this is what happens to me when someone pisses me off(Earlier today, weirdo knows).
7:39The Sacremento HorrorToo late already got the rope.
- *hangs*
7:39OfficialUboaI start using proper words and get all apathetic.
7:39The Sacremento HorrorRly?
7:39ShiverraI attempt to use proper words, yet, my keyboard disapproves.
7:39Jtklovwhy ?.<
7:39The Sacremento HorrorI just start talking in caps lock.
7:40JtklovOK GOOD
7:40ShiverraI have the emotional range of a tube sock, so I don't get easily offended.
7:40OfficialUboaI get easily offended.
7:40JtklovI DONT
7:40OfficialUboaI'm delicate, but I will fuck you up if you offend me.
7:40The Sacremento Horror*offends*
- *offends*
7:41Readerofslenderblogsyou guys are verytrulydifferent in ways
7:41The Sacremento Horror*offends*
7:41ShiverraI only get angry when people offend my loved ones.
7:41The Sacremento HorrorOh...
7:41JtklovOHH DAZ COOL
7:41Readerofslenderblogsdo i say of verytruly to much?
7:41The Sacremento HorrorDo u no use periods often?
7:41ShiverraI am very truly myself, that is very truly the case. The chat is very truly...truly.
7:41The Sacremento HorrorLOLZ???
7:41ShiverraI are winner?
7:42The Sacremento HorrorThou art winner.
7:42ShiverraI thanketh thee, my dear companion of Horror.
7:42The Sacremento HorrorA WINNER IS YOU
7:42OfficialUboaThe win is a lie.
7:42ShiverraLike the cake.
- and spelling.
7:42The Sacremento Horrorno thats the cake get it right>
- .
7:42JtklovOK ME BACK FML
7:43ShiverraArrows now replaced periods. Official rule. Now,
7:43The Sacremento HorrorDa fuq?
7:43The Sacremento Horror>
7:43JtklovOHH DERP
7:43ShiverraLol. Wtf. Afk. Lmao. Omg. Ftw.
- Jwf.
7:44Readerofslenderblogsok im going to another chat that is in a tinychat bicause i have to do of something by guys
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