Friday, February 28, 2014
oops left erly and missed a lot forget to copie hahahahahahahhaha oh well
- ALEXSHELPERwow and obvioust your so good at english
- your noing how to do all words
2:40Blittanyey stop being rude
- ever heard of the word typo o.o
2:41ALEXSHELPERthis dead for no chating im leeveing
2:41ItAllRevolvesAroundKlainethey must have...
- bye
2:41ALEXSHELPERbye to these guys:
2:41Blittanyyuss bye
2:41ALEXSHELPERBlittany Brittanarocks Darrenfangirl ItAllRevolvesAroundKlaine LaraCroft96 Melinapap Melissabenoist123 Miss you Finn Nic98ole Away Poolaalaa QuinnMarleyfan96 RiseAgainsT Taste My Rainbow Away\
- Welcome to the Glee TV Show Wiki chat
- SteelXAvengerin a teamfight
1:50Atheist723Stun, knock up, silence, anything.
- That's why I think she is more balanced.
1:50Vsagentshe is not, she just needs to ulti at the right moment
1:50SteelXAvengerbecause as soon as kat ults you stun her, gg you just removed 35 percent of the dmg
1:51Atheist723Well, a well-coordinated team can still lock you down when she ults.
1:51SteelXAvengeryea thats true
1:51Atheist723And she isn't that noticeable in a fight.
- I.E. you might miss her in the mid of the chaos sometimes.
- Not like, say, Miss Fortune's ult.
- Welcome to the League of Legends Wiki chat.
Please remember to follow our chat policies. 1:52AlexKrailhi whats on for the chatting here
- Psykolog has joined the chat.
1:52AlexKrailhi Psykolog
1:52SteelXAvengerhow strong zed is
1:52Vsagentabout zed and kata
1:52Crazyguy122hey guys for playing this hear game whats the goings on
1:53AlexKrailwhy to say ha whats funny with laughing for nothing
1:53Crazyguy122before now let me ask you guys a question your not of the SOG hoo are so evil mega bad guys are you?
1:53SteelXAvengercrazyguy's comment
1:53VsagentI'm not laughing, was more like a huh?
1:53AlexKrailthen types with huh
1:53Crazyguy122there for the guys of the evil slenderspirasy
1:53AlexKrailso to not cofuse people
1:53SteelXAvengercrazyguy whats your summoiner name?
1:54Crazyguy122im laughing hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhaha unlike you but i dont know why
- crazyguy 122 duh
1:54Vsagentit's just in my language I type it 'ha'
1:54Crazyguy122thats my summoner name im me
1:54AlexKrailoh whats your language for talking and writing to
1:54Crazyguy122and i summon so guys to fite for me angenst the slenderspirasy
1:55AlexKrailmines english and american now known as aka slendermerican
1:55SteelXAvengereu or na?
1:55AlexKrailna for now being known as Slendermerica
1:55Crazyguy122he said slendermerican aka sa big dumb guy
1:55SteelXAvengerbell is gonna ring anytime soon
1:55Crazyguy122not eu or na
1:55Psykologintelligent conversation is not being achieved tonight
1:55Crazyguy122what bell?
1:56SteelXAvengeri am gonna head home AND PLAY LEAGUE
- bell in school
1:56AlexKrailthen start wiht inelligent conversation then
- and stop for whining on it
1:56SteelXAvengerwho wants to duo Q
- add me : Godchinu NA
- NA is the server
1:56Crazyguy122i know rite me and alex the only ones for the intellijent conversation in hear
1:57SteelXAvengermy summoner is GodChinu
- cya guys
- SteelXAvenger has left the chat.
1:57AlexKrailVsagent doesnt even now what to say for all our intelligents
- by SteelXAvenger
1:57Crazyguy122ill duel but for reel life not in a game if your in on the slenderspirasy
1:57AlexKrailyeah me to
1:57Crazyguy122bye steelxabvnger
- эй ваш просят языках мы говорим я могу говорить так хорошо русский
1:59Psykologwrong keyboard style
1:59AlexKrailhey QuantumFeints away he fainted hahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahaghhahahahahahhahahahahahahnhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahahhahaahhahahaahhahaha
1:59Crazyguy122thats the other of the languages i can speek
- whats yours guy
1:59AlexKrailtgats racist Psykolog for wanting everyguy to talk in english and american
1:59Psykolog"american" isn't a thing
- americans speak english
2:00AlexKrailamerican is a launage frend ill tell you
2:00Psykologit's a dialect.
- a dialect of english.
2:00Crazyguy122americans speak slendermerican cause thats what it is now actualy alex
- and psykolog
2:00AlexKrailill show to whats a dialect for dialecting your insides apart youi agent of slendertryanny
2:01Crazyguy122and ill icepick lobotomy you all over your bodies
- for being slender agent
2:01Psykologman, I wish there was a CMOD in here
- you'd have been banned since a while
2:01AlexKrailwhy your scared for us being to hunting you
- so you want mod to protect you
2:01Crazyguy122psykolog check youre pms
2:02Psykologsense is not being made at the moment
2:02AlexKrailyour no sense either
2:03Crazyguy122your so no sense that i think you got failed lobotomy allready gues i dont need to ahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahahhahahahhahahahahahhahahahahahhahahaha
2:03PsykologI can let bad english pass, after all not everyone has time to perfect it, but threats and complete misunderstanding of everything that's being said is a wee tiny bit too much
2:03Crazyguy122its not threats its promise
2:04AlexKrailwell what are you going to do with it frend your not mod
2:04Crazyguy122slenderteerany must be punished
- QuantumFeint has left the chat.
2:04AlexKrailwere not going to hurt on you if your not slenderagent so just tell us
2:04Crazyguy122bye quantumfeint
2:04Psykologwell, I'm going to log this, for starters
2:04AlexKrailby QuantumFeint
- who cares if you log it
2:04AlexKrailhes going to beat to death to us with logs thats a huge threat
2:05Crazyguy122oh thats waht he menat
2:05AlexKrailyour a dangerous agent of slender Psykolog
- for threatening to kill people
2:05Crazyguy122so hes thretening us now
- what so bad hipocrisy
2:05Psykologyou're quite funny to watch, actually
2:05Crazyguy122your not
2:05Psykologyeah, I guess
2:05Crazyguy122evil slender proxy guy
2:05AlexKraili know hes so hipocratic maybe he shoudl take the hypocratic oath hahahahahahhahahahahahah
2:05Psykologwant a cyber peanut ?
2:06AlexKrailwats a cyber peanut im in digi world anyways so maybe a digi penaut
2:06Crazyguy122whats that is it to poison us and shut up are truth talking forever ?
- Atheist723 has left the chat.
2:06AlexKrailbut would proably be poisioned with digicianide in it
- bye Atheist723
2:06Crazyguy122i wont take it slender guy hahahhahahahahahahahhaa
- bye athiesyt 723
2:06Psykologthere's no need to say bye after they leave, they can't see it anyway
2:07AlexKrailits polite to do with
- of course agents of slender wouldnt understand with that
2:07VsagentI agree with that
2:07Crazyguy122your saying that too be deseeving and trying to make us not polite
2:07Psykologit's not polite if they can't see it
2:07Vsagentofc it is
2:07AlexKrailits polite to say hi and by
- no matter what the siutation
2:07Crazyguy122its the comon cutesee of wikia
2:07Vsagentit's not about them seeing
- it's about you practising
2:07Psykologand even if it was, this amount of politeness wouldn't make up for the rest of what you're doing
2:08AlexKrailthats right Vsagent i can tell your a very polite person nonlike Psykolog
2:08Crazyguy122psykolog check youre PMs
2:08Psykologeh vs, wanna speak about stuff while they mock us inanely
2:08AlexKrailthe rest of what were doing like threataning people with logs oh wait that was you
2:08Crazyguy122hahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahhaa thats rite
- definitely evil slender guy
2:09Crazyguy122sigh back at you slender agent
- hey lionslight and vsagent help us take the slender agent prox guy down
- why not for posting guys
2:09PsykologI don't even know what you're on about
- not sure if I want to
2:10AlexKrailwere on about you being a agent of Slenderspiracy frend
- an d threating to kill us for it
- hears the reeal truth
- of what hapeined into the slender conspirasy
2:11Psykolog"this page does not exist"
2:11Crazyguy122copy and paste so dumb slender guy
2:11AlexKrailtry with it now
- thats the first one start with there
2:12Crazyguy122the links all merged together hmmm maybe work of the evil president slender
2:12Psykologwow, this is incredibly stupid
2:12Crazyguy122will have to look into this
2:12AlexKrailtruth can be scary i know
2:12Crazyguy122knowledge of what happined is stooped hahahahhahahahhaahhahaha thats dumb
- you still havenet replyed to the pms aka nown as private messages
2:14PsykologI've blocked your PMs, actually
2:14AlexKrailmaybe hes not knowed how to do that either seems like there was a shortage of Proxies to be hiring hahahahahhahahahahahhah
2:14Crazyguy122oh ok well this is top secret information but ill post it hear
2:14AlexKrailprobably for us killing waysomany of them
2:15Crazyguy122its safe in being in hear you can tell me for beeing agent of slender or not i wont icepick lobotomy you if you promise to stop youre tearannie hey why not for ansereing just give up and admit it im being jenerus hear dont miss the opportunity to not be castrated
- why would block the reel truth out
2:15Psykologthe only thing you're likely to kill is the MMR of anyone you play with...
2:15Crazyguy122thats suspishus
2:15AlexKrailhes in denial of the truth
2:15Crazyguy122probably defintely of the conspirasy
2:16AlexKrailwhats a MMR or aka nown as massive megaspiracy raider
2:16Psykologis there some sort of new dumb meme that I'm not aware of
2:16Crazyguy122we did kill megamegarake accept also cosmic hahahahahahhahahaha
2:16AlexKrailyeah its called meme of truth of the slenderspiracy
2:17Crazyguy122and were to kill mco in the future
- wow dead for the chattings
- you now what castrated means right?
- you dont want that
- Psykologdo you actually think you are scary ?
- Crazyguy122 has left the chat.
2:19Psykologbecause you're, well, not
- one down
- one to go
- TehAnonymous has joined the chat.
2:19TehAnonymousDID YOU KNOW
2:19Psykologyou're going to have work to do
2:20Psykologwho ?
2:20AlexKrailhi TehAnonymous
2:20Psykologone second, teh
2:20PsykologI have screencaps to upload to imgure
- imgur*
- then work is going to have to be done
- easy work, don't worry
- Crazyguy122 has joined the chat.
2:21AlexKrailwork for killing and assassinting us for the slenderspiracy
2:21Crazyguy122whats that forums for makeing slenderspirasy plans?
2:21AlexKrailhe threatened to beat us to death with a logs TehAnonymous
- you should ban with him
2:22Crazyguy122hes a hipocrit bicause he said were the threterners but he was
2:22Psykolog...I think the logs won't even be needed apparently
2:22Crazyguy122just beet us with your fists wow
2:22PsykologI dunno, I wouldn't be scared much about being beaten up with JPGs
2:22Crazyguy122thats even eviler
2:22TehAnonymousBeat them up
- with J-RPGs
2:22AlexKrailhe means he has a highpowered snipingrifle to kill us from so longs away
2:22Psykologoh no, teh
- that's way too evil
- even for me
2:22TehAnonymousI said
- Do it.
2:23AlexKrailHAHAHGAHAHAHHAHAHAH for your using mozilla
2:23TehAnonymousAnyways, everyone should speak good English and be friendly
2:23Crazyguy122hahahahahahahahhahahahahah id ont care for my account getting baned idiot
2:23Crazyguy122im spreding ereel truth
2:23Psykologyeah, but I care
- for a simple reason : it means nobody else has to bear with you
2:24Crazyguy122whats your stupid things for
- Crazyguy122 has been kicked by TehAnonymous.
2:24AlexKrailhes goiung to nonleash a attackbear on us
- Crazyguy122 has joined the chat.
- Crazyguy122 has been banned by TehAnonymous .
2:24AlexKraila giant bear for kill and destorying us
- its so evil thing to do
2:24Psykologit's kind of stupid that mods can ban from the wiki but not from chat
- I mean
- even manually from the page
- because look what happens when there are no cmods
2:25AlexKrailwell if your banned from the wiki you cant go to chat anyways
2:25Psykologteh, requesting authorization to directly ban from the wiki next time something of that amplitude happens
- bans =/= blocks
- chat is separate from editing
- Crazyguy123 has joined the chat.
2:27Psykologyeah but
2:27AlexKrailhi Crazyguy123
2:27Crazyguy123hahhahaahhahahhhahha i have so many accounts dumbguy
- im back
2:27Psykologif I block the account, they can't connect to chat anyway
- Crazyguy123 has been banned by TehAnonymous .
2:27Psykologcan they
- both of these are chat raiders btw
2:27AlexKrailALEXHELPER has waysomany IPs no way to block with him
2:28TehAnonymousI am not of teh understanding
- Can you elaborate?
2:28AlexKrailyeah your TehAnonymous hahahahahahahhaha
2:28TehAnonymouspsy, quick mtg?
2:28TehAnonymous4xtheros, 2xbng?
- err
2:28Psykologcan you ban that other guy though ? just asking, don't feel forced to do it
2:28TehAnonymousis bng imagepack up...
2:28PsykologI don't think so
2:28AlexKrailwhats this a secret code for slenderpsiracy
2:28TehAnonymousI don't see anything terribly wrong yet
2:28Psykologand I feel like time spiral anyway
- not even in my logs ? well I'll be damned
2:28TehAnonymousI see a lowres thing
- but that would take me a while to dl
- same*
- let's 2xtime spiral 2xplanar chaos 2x future sight ?
- nuuu
2:29Psykologit's my favorite set
2:29TehAnonymoushow about
- homelands
2:30Psykolognah, I'm not masochistic
- pls
2:30Psykologdo you have any idea how SLOW homelands is
- fine
- how about
- original ravnica
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