- Sanguinante PrimoSowwy
- :33
9:57UrotsukILike perhaps there was one before you manifested and you pushed it back,
- Possibly due to a traumatic event. maybe.
9:57BelowXeroPerhaps he didn't realize that you're a chat mod?
9:57AgnersteinI love how
- we went from talking about dicks
9:57ChaoZStriderWell I was beaten a fuck ton as a child.
9:57Agnersteinand other words for it
- Welcome to purgatory, please grab a cookie and sit down ~
~ Also please read our chat policy
9:57UrotsukIThats unfortunate.
9:57Agnersteinto our life stories.
9:57ChaoZStriderso that could be traumatic.
9:57UrotsukIIf you are the original,
9:57ChaoZStriderbut yea
9:57UrotsukIThen that might explain why Lucey exists.
9:58AlexKrailhi guys whats on with the chatting
9:58ChaoZStriderthere are only Lucy and I that I know of.
9:58Lei Omakioh you know Alex, chatting
9:58Sanguinante PrimoMeh. Mother's abuse didn't get really physical until I was 15.
9:58ChaoZStriderand my therapist thinks the same thing, noah.
- Princess Rose Lynn Rose has joined the chat.
9:58UrotsukII'm psychoanalyzing Lucas @ alex
- TheCookedRice has joined the chat.
9:58Princess Rose Lynn RosePlease roxy run
9:58ChaoZStriderMy abuse was always physical.
9:58AgnersteinI can't think of Steve abusing me
9:58Agnersteinat least
9:58ChaoZStrider'tis why I hate drunks.
9:58Agnersteinnot physically
9:58AlexKrailhi TheCookedRice\
9:58TheCookedRiceyay, im happy
9:58Lei Omakioh hi Rice
9:59ChaoZStriderand alcohol in general
9:59TheCookedRiceit's dbz day
9:59AgnersteinLucas, I'm a happy drunk though
9:59UrotsukIThe personality of Lucey most likely manifested to help you cope with the abuse,
9:59TheCookedRicebrb need to draw something
9:59UrotsukIPossibly to feel as though you had a friend?
9:59AgnersteinAlthough, Cas would kill me if I touched alcohol, right Cas?
9:59UrotsukIHard to say without knowing much about your childhood.
9:59Sanguinante PrimoYes
9:59ChaoZStrideragain, possible, Noah.
9:59AgnersteinAnd if Cas wouldn't, my lungs would. ^_^
9:59Sanguinante PrimoBecause I know what happens.
9:59AlexKrailpsychoanalysis is complete soodoscience
9:59UrotsukIyou mean
9:59AgnersteinDo you even grammar?
9:59Sanguinante Primopseudoscience?
- @Alex
10:00Lei Omaki*pseudoscience do your research dear\
10:00ChaoZStriderI was beaten for as long as I can remember until I was put into foster care by my grand parents for 5 years.
10:00Sanguinante PrimoIs that what you were trying to say?
- Unt3RdRück3R has joined the chat.
- Princess Rose Lynn Rose has left the chat.
10:00AlexKrailfind me one empirical source that supprots psychanalysis and ill end it all
10:00AlexKrailhi Unt3RdRuck3R
10:00AgnersteinI made a funny
10:00BelowXeroChild abuse is bullshit. There's no reason for it.
- Physical and mental, are both just stupid.
10:00AlexKrailwell it is Freud and all his followers just made stuff up with no proofs for it
- TheCookedRice has left the chat.
10:01AgnersteinThen it's not Pseudoscience
10:01ChaoZStriderPsychoanalysis is the science of studying a person based on emotions, actions, and behavior.
10:01AlexKrailyeah it is
10:01AgnersteinIt's Freudian Science.
10:01Sanguinante PrimoHai Herro.
10:01Lei Omakiji unt
- *hi
10:01UrotsukII don't
10:01AlexKrailpsychoanalysis =/= psychology
10:01UrotsukII don't think you know completely what you're talking about
- alex
10:01AgnersteinPsychology, is the study of the mind.
10:01AlexKrailFreud founded psychoanalysis
10:01AgnersteinPsychoanalysis is
10:02AlexKrailwal incoming
- Psychoanalysis is a set of psychological and psychotherapeutic theories and associated techniques, originally popularized by Austrian physician Sigmund Freud and stemming partly from the clinical work of Josef Breuer and others. Since then, psychoanalysis has expanded and been revised, reformed and developed in different directions. This was initially by Freud's colleagues and students, such as Alfred Adler and Carl Gustav Jung who went on to develop their own ideas independently from Freud. Later neo-Freudians included Erich Fromm, Karen Horney, Harry Stack Sullivan and Jacques Lacan.
- but
- lol
10:02Agnersteinthat came from wikipediea
10:02ChaoZStriderIt can be tested by talking to someone while then are in an MRI in which their brain waves will show different emotions based on sections of the brain.
10:02AlexKrailso its automatically wrong?
- check the citations
- Doomed Eevee has joined the chat.
10:02AlexKrailim not gonna do your reserch for you
10:02AgnersteinPOssible wall
10:02AlexKrailhi Doomed Eevee
10:02AgnersteinSigmund Freud was the founder of psychoanalysis and the psychodynamic approach to psychology. This school of thought emphasized the influence of the unconscious mind on behavior. Freud believed that the human mind was composed of three elements: the id, the ego, and the superego.
10:02Doomed Eeveeumm...hi
10:03Sanguinante Primo._. I would be likely to take you more seriously if you were actually informed and not copypasta from Wikipedia.
10:03Lei Omakihi doom
10:03AgnersteinYour point is invalid, Alex
10:03AlexKraili am informed but im not going to type from a book into this chat
10:03Sanguinante PrimoHello, Doomed.
10:03Doomed EeveeI'm new here :P
10:03AgnersteinPsychology is the study of the mind
10:03AlexKrailhow is my post invalid?
10:03ChaoZStriderPsychoanalysis is indeed a science as it is a branch of psycholody
10:03AgnersteinPsychoanalysis is a-
10:03UrotsukII would be more likely to take you more seriously if you hadn't fucking said there was no proof that psychoanalysis works or is real.
10:03Sanguinante PrimoPsychoanalysis is a branch of psychology
10:03AgnersteinDammit Lucas XD
10:03Doomed EeveeShoot! gtg, test about to start
10:03Sanguinante Primodummy
- .-.
10:03AlexKrailthe study of the mind according to the constraints of Freudian theory
- Doomed Eevee has left the chat.
10:04Lei Omakii don't see any hope for this conversation
10:04UrotsukIAlso i find it strange that you repeatedly refer to freud about it,
10:04ChaoZStriderThe constraints have been expanded over time
10:04AlexKrailjust because you "study" something doesnt mean your doing it scientifically
10:04AgnersteinAnd Freudian Science =/= Pseudoscience @Alex
- Fantastic Mister Horse has left the chat.
10:04UrotsukIDo you have some sort of problem with him?
10:04AgnersteinAnd I quote:
10:04ChaoZStriderI am going to be majoring in psychology.
10:04AlexKrailanything even slightly associated with Freud =/= science
10:04Agnerstein"Another theorist associated with psychoanalysis is Erik Erikson. Erikson expanded upon Freud's theories and stressed the importance of growth throughout the lifespan. Erikson's psychosocial stage theory of personality remains influential today in our understanding of human development."
- End quote.
10:04AlexKrailyeah i have a huge problem with him
- find me an empirical study\
- you are an idiot
10:05AlexKrailthere is none
10:05ChaoZStriderLet me put it like this.
10:05BelowXero>Erik Erikson. How original.
10:05Sanguinante PrimoFind me something not wikipedia. :P
10:05Lei Omakialright, i don't think you know what pseudoscience is Pseudo= false Pseudoscience= false science
10:05ChaoZStriderYou are a fucking idiot. We are dropping this conversation.
10:05AgnersteinHis family must have loved him to name him that, Xero
- Thank you Lucas.
- Pepman has joined the chat.
10:06AgnersteinHey Pep
10:06AgnersteinLong time, no see.
10:06Lei Omakihi pep
10:06PepmanHey hey
10:06AlexKrailhi Pepman
10:06Sanguinante PrimoNow you all know~
10:06ChaoZStriderAs someone who is going to be majoring in psychology, and not in film like you claimed you were yesterday, Alex.
10:06Sanguinante PrimoThe bards an their songs~
10:06ChaoZStriderI would suggest you stick to things you know
10:06Sanguinante Primo*and
10:06AgnersteinWhen hours have gone by~
10:06PepmanOh god I dont get this many heys on a flipping 24 player server in gmod lol
10:06AgnersteinI'll close my eyes~
10:06Sanguinante PrimoI close my eyes~
- Dammit
10:06Sanguinante PrimoIn a world far away~
10:06AgnersteinWe may meet again~
10:07PepmanWe lost a great admin today :/
10:07ChaoZStriderthe fuck are you singing?
10:07BelowXeroDid this conversation turn to Pseudoscience? Or are we still on psychoanalysis?
10:07Sanguinante PrimoBut now hear my song~
10:07AgnersteinAbout the dawn of the night~
10:07Sanguinante PrimoBard's song
10:07ChaoZStriderthe conversation was ended.
10:07Sanguinante PrimoLukey
10:07BelowXeroOh good.
10:07ChaoZStriderbecause he was an idiot.
- yes
10:07AlexKrailhow about the fact that Freud kicked Jung out of his movement because Jung disagreed with Freud?
- FriendlyJim has joined the chat.
10:07Sanguinante PrimoLet's sing the bard's songs~
10:07AlexKrailis that how real science works?
10:08Lei Omakihi Jim
10:08AlexKrailhi FriendlyJim
- You have been kicked by ChaoZStrider.
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