- Welcome to purgatory, please grab a cookie and sit down ~
~ Also please read our chat policy
1:21Next556hi jane
1:22JanetthekillerMy name is Janet.
1:22AlexKrailhi whats up with the chat here
1:22Roxy CatHi Janet
- nothing much Alex
1:22Next556oh didn`t see the other t
- NoOneTouchesABleed33 has joined the chat.
1:22JanetthekillerIt's ok.
1:22AlexKrailhi noounetouchesableed33
- BrokenSquid has left the chat.
1:23AlexKrailbye brokensquid
1:23CrashingCymbalDAHTAH NO
1:23AlexKrailwow chats so baren and dead
1:23CrashingCymbalI have the Windows Phone equivalent of Flappy Birds, called "Jolly Fish"
1:24Next556I wub dubstep
1:24CrashingCymbalIt's as equally infuriating.
- NoOneTouchesABleed33 has left the chat.
1:24FriendlyJimI just read about a really cool guy.
1:24AlexKrailflappy birds is megahard game
1:24Roxy Catwho Jim?
1:24AlexKraili cant even get past one thing in it
1:24CrashingCymbalWho, Jimbob?
1:24FriendlyJimBartolomé de las Casas, "Protector of the Indians".
- He spent 50 years of his life trying to save the Nativ Americans from Spanish enslavement, even though he himself was Spanish.
1:25Next556HELP MEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!
- Hoodie :( has joined the chat.
1:25Roxy CatNext what is it?
1:25AlexKrailso he was a traitor to Spain
- the colonies were good for Spain
- Hoodie2259 has joined the chat.
1:25AlexKrailhi hoodie
1:25FriendlyJimHe's often seen as one of the first advocates of universal human rights.
1:25CrashingCymbalTry not to spam too many letters, Next.
1:25Next556hi hoodie
- Lord Daevyd has kicked Next556 from chat.
1:25AlexKrailbye next556
1:25Lord DaevydHoly fuck
- that lag
- I'm lagging so bad.
1:26Lord DaevydI should probably stop playing mario.
1:26Hoodie :(hey hoodie
1:26Roxy CatYa.
1:26CrashingCymbalItsa me
1:26Hoodie2259im the real hoodie
1:26FriendlyJimIs thay you Trityin? I didn't reconize you.
- :P
1:26Hoodie :(and hey next
- you can be the real hoodie
1:27Roxy CatHey Lord do you still have the Q&A thing?
1:27Hoodie :(to much lag
1:27Hoodie2259hows the wiki been?
1:27Hoodie :(good
1:27FriendlyJimHe advocated first that Africans should be used for slavery instead of Indians, then he changed his mind and claimed that all forms of slavery should be outlawed and were equally wrong, no matter what race the slaves belonged to.
1:27Roxy CatIt's been well
1:27Hoodie2259holy shit this lag
1:27JanetthekillerIf anyone finds my .44 magnum can you tell me? I'm always losing it.
1:27Hoodie :(ok
1:27AlexKrailno schools tomorrow its so cool and awesome
1:28Lord DaevydFirst off
- enough of trying to be a killer in chat
1:28Hoodie :(but i might keep it cuz i like guns
1:28Lord DaevydBecause I cannot tell you HOW MUCH that pisses mods and Admins off.
- Princess Rose Lynn Rose has joined the chat.
1:29AlexKrailyeah killings is not good unless its killing of proxies or aka servents of pres slend
1:29JanetthekillerI use it to kill animals not people!
1:29AlexKrailhis princess rose lynn rose
i have been extremely occupied
1:29Lord Daevydand 2nd, it could be considered RP as a pasta monster, which is a bannable offense, if I am correct, right, Cym?
1:29Princess Rose Lynn RoseHi
1:29Hoodie :(still i like guns
1:29CrashingCymbalWait what?
1:29Hoodie2259hi rose
1:29Lord DaevydRp as a pasta monster is bannable, correct, Cym?
- BrokenSquid has joined the chat.
- Fatal Disease has joined the chat.
1:30AlexKrailtehcnically bannhammers are wepons too
1:30Fatal Disease"Wait what the do not look behind you" said tom,dumbly i looked behind me
1:30JanetthekillerI'm not a pasta monster. My name is Janet.
1:30Hoodie2259hi fatal
1:30Lord DaevydAnd yes, I still have the Q&A up, whoever asked.
- User blog:Agnerstein/Q&A
- Here's the link.
1:30Fatal Diseaseshit.
1:30Lord Daevyd^
1:30Lord DaevydGoes in the toilet, Fatal.
- Then flush.
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