- Blondvscarberrya got a question
11:02Sergeant SteelHoovesGood
11:02Davidrojo0315Im not really a idiot but it is kinda true alot of americans could really stupid but you cant really blame americam people stupid they just choose to be stupid
- okay stormie
- XSteele Fistx has joined the chat.
- Sergeant SteelHooves has kicked Davidrojo0315 from chat.
11:02Ectobiologistif you say so c:
11:02Blondvscarberryam I annoying?
11:02Sergeant SteelHoovesI don't know you, Blond, so idk
- Davidrojo0315 has joined the chat.
11:02Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeYou can be, but it's not completely your fault
11:03Ectobiologistyou can dance if you want to
11:03Lord Daevyd, Lord of Timebecause technically, we were ignoring you.
- So...
11:03Sergeant SteelHoovesDavid, did you not see the large conversation about dropping the subject?
- PrincessMiranda has joined the chat.
11:03Year Of The CommunistSandguino
11:03Ectobiologistyou can leave your friends behind, cause your friends don't dance and if they don't dance well they're, no friends of mine.
11:03Blondvscarberryok. thanks for being honest
11:03AlexKrailignorings guys is not polite
11:03Davidrojo0315No im in mobile version everytime i type a hige text screen shows up covering the chat
11:03Sanguinante PrimoWut, Obi
11:03Ectobiologistnot using correct grammar is also not polite
- WaveDivisionMultiplexer has joined the chat.
- .-.
- XSteele Fistx has left the chat.
11:04Lord Daevyd, Lord of Timelol Gramm
11:04Year Of The Communistcan we get married
11:04AlexKrailnot as nonpolite as ignoring with guys
11:04Sion.jones.14ooooooooohhhhhhhh we have the spelling police here do we
11:04Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeHey Flame
11:04Davidrojo0315Sorry about that
- Sanguinante PrimoNo, Obi

11:04Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeSion, don't stretch.
11:04Sanguinante PrimoMy heart is claimed by another
11:04ThexosThat grammar.
- Sanguinante Primo

- Maindog has left the chat.
11:04AlexKrailyeah sion these guys are megaspellnazis theyll shut you down
11:05Sanguinante Primo*impolite
- Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeSion, please read the Chat Rules in case you haven't already.
11:05BlondvscarberryI'm used to being ignored
11:05ThexosI was feeling like shit just a moment ago, but you're making me laugh.
11:05WaveDivisionMultiplexermegaspellnazis is an awesome term
11:05Sion.jones.14i read every word of it
11:05Davidrojo0315Hey blond :)
- Blondvscarberryhello david
11:05AlexKrailthanks i made with it myself
- Ectobiologisti think you mean grammar nazis, captain 5 year old
11:05Davidrojo0315Now ur not being ignored :p
- Someguy64 has left the chat.
11:06AlexKrailto each guy guy his own thing and way of saying it
11:06Sanguinante Primo*grammar Nazis
- Actually, the G would be capitalized as well, I believe
11:06Blondvscarberrythanks you but if people ignore me it's ok. because I'm totally used to it
11:06Sergeant SteelHoovesMegaspells are cool
- WaveDivisionMultiplexerI'm gonna go slip away and play a bunch of netHack
11:06Sanguinante PrimoBecause Grammar Nazi is a title
11:06Sergeant SteelHoovesA megaspell is the arcane equivalent of a nuke
11:06Sion.jones.14im not egnoring anyone i hope just tell me
11:06WaveDivisionMultiplexeror Dwarf Fortress,
- wait
- how do I play this.
- ThexosNo, the word grammar in grammar Nazi is actually not capitalized.
11:07Davidrojo0315Really blonde? Same here but i talk anyways :p (i shall not be ignored)
- Davidrojo0315Really blonde? Same here but i talk anyways :p (i shall not be ignored)
11:07Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeWhat game, Flame?
11:07Sanguinante PrimoIt wouldn't be? Alright then.
11:07Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeAh.
- I have no clue.
11:07AlexKrailyeah because nazis is a persons place or thing grammar isnt a person place or thing so not capzitilized
- PrincessMirandaunless its a title
11:07Lord Daevyd, Lord of Time^ LOL
11:07Davidrojo0315That makes since
11:07Sanguinante PrimoAlex, I was using it as a title.
11:07Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeShe is right.
- Justin "Zeke" David has left the chat.
11:07Blondvscarberryyou can call me virginia instead of blond tht would be appercited
- Quality ControlHello, I am Quality Control. I am a sysop bot and as such only take commands from users with sysop rights. I perform actions such as deleting pages and blocking users on command.
11:08WaveDivisionMultiplexeroh glob I need help
11:08Blondvscarberrythank you
11:08Lord Daevyd, Lord of Time$test
- Damn.
- Lil' Miss Rarity has joined the chat.
11:09Sanguinante Primo;~; When the person you really wanna talk to is at school
11:09AlexKrailuhoh banning bot
11:09Sergeant SteelHoovesAgner, did Gramm get another rename?
11:09Blondvscarberrythanks. and if i did annoy someone i'm sorry
11:09Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeHi Maria.
11:09Sergeant SteelHoovesHey Maria
11:09AlexKrailhow can we tell if itll not ban us or not
11:09Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeYes, Weaver
- Sergeant SteelHoovesFucking hell, is it rename month or something?
11:09Davidrojo0315Most of the mods right now i've never seen
11:09Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeDavid
- you've seen me before
11:09AlexKrailwhat if it bans us all
11:09Lord Daevyd, Lord of Timeplenty of time, actually.
11:09Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeYes.
11:09Thexosmfq the only person you want to talk to will be gone on valentine's day and you already carved their name on your arm
11:09Sanguinante PrimoI have been here since August .-. so.. Yeah
11:09Sergeant SteelHoovesI'm tempted to get another rename, Agner :3
- AlexKrailtried for talking to banning bot but he doesnt talk
- i wonder whose programmed him
- Someguy64 has joined the chat.
11:11Sanguinante PrimoMaria programs our bots.
- FriendlyJim has joined the chat.
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