2:07SpeysiderLet's talk about... Flightmare's sexy body

- Brb.
2:08ScholarOfTheScrollsBecause it's non existant
2:08Speysider@Flightmare: Time traveling argonians
2:08Rukathesoldier* Rukathesoldier faps to flightmare
2:08SpeysiderALEXSHELPER made that page.
2:08DoombydragonThere we go.
2:08IkabiteIt's canon!
2:09AlexKrailwow thats a huge spiracy on it good for not being a real one
2:09ゆI checked, CheckUser is apparently only given to VSTF and Wikia Staff, and this chat as been pretty hostile to every VSTF member we've ever had here, so that's that.
2:09AngryEnclaveSoldierALEXSHELPER was MK bombarding us with CHIMness
- KATANA is a massive ass.
2:09FlightmareI know one and a half cooperating VSTF members
2:09Speysider@UAM: We were never hostile to Yatalu though.
2:09AngryEnclaveSoldierUgh... KATANA was a real dick.
2:09Flightmareand since VSTF communications goes through admins
- we're fine
2:09ゆYatalu is a helper, Spey.
2:09IkabiteYat Yat is a helper.
2:09Speysiderkeep forgetting that.
- EmperorJohnson* EmperorJohnson hugs Flightmare*
2:10SpeysiderKatanagod helped ruin this chat's reputation in front of VSTF >_>
2:10FlightmareHow do you know?
2:10EmperorJohnsonI mean she did say
2:10ゆI swear I was the only one who liked KATANAGOD, yeah, she didn't deal with the CoDWiki invasion thing very well, but still.
2:10ScholarOfTheScrollsWe are stillr ated No '1 gaming wiki
2:10EmperorJohnson"Everyone from TES Just fuck off!"
2:10Speysideranyone who has ever contributed to this wiki and goes near Cod Wiki gets blocked
2:10EmperorJohnsonBanned spey
- banned me.
2:10Ghost AnubisYeah I didn't even like KatanaGod.
2:11ScholarOfTheScrollsExept me for some reason
- And Zipper
2:11IkabiteBut then again... everyone from the COD wiki should be dismissed as an ass instantly. 
2:11AngryEnclaveSoldierKATANA tried to dictate us rules
2:11Speysiderplus, she came in here and started dictating how we run the chat 
2:11Ghost AnubisWhen she came into the chat, telling us how it should be run I had a problem with her.
2:11FlightmareI actually go there
2:11AlexKrailyeah they banned for me of talking of the Slenderspiracy on COD wiki
2:11REPTILE,THE DEMENTED PONYwhat did she said?
2:11IkabiteWell, you're an ass then, Flight.
2:11DoombydragonI really don't have much to contribute. Lol. I enjoy looking over the bits though.
2:11ゆHey, when I went to deal with it, ika, there were admins there who actually disagreed with KATANA completely.
2:11Speysider@UAM: good to know that lol
2:13Ghost AnubisErik the mad filed a vandalism report on Alex, even though Alex had already been perma-banned lol. 
2:13EmperorJohnsonEh, Scholar?
2:13ScholarOfTheScrollsEJ are you confusing TH for MK?
2:13IkabiteToddler should be the new official term we use.
2:13EmperorJohnsonUser blog:4. 1. 22. 5. M97/Rivalries: Dave and Madman97 on C0DA.
- No.
2:13EmperorJohnsonIts what this guy said.
2:13ScholarOfTheScrollsKirky the Kinky.
- Rjninjarjgenocide has left the chat.
2:13IkabiteWell, Todd isn't a bad guy, but in theory he doesn't have the official say in what's canon or not either.
2:13AlexKrailbye Rjninjarjgenocide
2:13ゆMichael Kinky-Bride, oh my.
2:13EmperorJohnsonCan I insult Madman, please?
2:13ゆNo, EJ.
2:14AlexKrailguess for having no more alt now huh Rep hahaahaha
- You have been kicked by Speysider.
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