Need me?
9:06AlexKrailhi Princess Robot Bubblegum22
9:06AlexKrailhi Sa-Bree-Nuh
- oh Sabrina i just got that hhahahaa
9:06Devincooper64>So, it's ok to use in the name of a band >But not ok to use in a joke name of a game >this is not commen sense
9:06BrokenSquidI wanted to tell you something cool Meta, but I forgot
9:06Devincooper64direct quotes
9:06BrokenSquidBlame it on the brain.
9:06Devincooper64one after the other
9:06Metafawker*lols* Can't believe you type the whole names from the users, Alex.
- What was it Broken
9:06Devincooper64thats your main argument
9:06Metafawkeroh nvm
9:06Devincooper64its rubbing off when you said that as
9:06Princess Rose Lynn RoseNaruto pm
9:06JamesDNauxIt seems as though asking simple questions pisses people off
- GodzillaFan1 has left the chat.
- Princess Robot Bubblegum22 has left the chat.
9:07Devincooper64"no fair alex was able to post a offsite link with a band using the word, and I cant make a joke about it"
9:07BeccaLovegoodew paladin
- G4T0R4D3xEN3RGY has left the chat.
9:07Sa-Bree-Nuhdo you ever have the one friend whos annoying af
9:07MetafawkerDo you know why I love chat? Because of arguements and fun dramas..
9:07Devincooper64I actually calmly explained it
9:07BeccaLovegoodmy pm is lagging
9:07Devincooper64and you started going on about it
9:07JamesDNauxI never said that
9:07Devincooper64trying to dance around and finding loop holes
9:07BeccaLovegoodguys. drop it.
9:07JamesDNauxNow you are putting words in my mouth
9:07Devincooper64and you said all three of those things
- I can screen cap them
9:07BrokenSquidI still find the word "cockpit" dirty..
9:07JamesDNauxI never said "no fair alex was able to post a offsite link with a band using the word, and I cant make a joke about it"
9:07Devincooper64I know you didnt, but thats what was rubbing off
- the entire time
- Darkstride has joined the chat.
9:08JamesDNauxThen it's your fault for assuming such
9:08Sa-Bree-NuhSo anyways ... hi
9:08Fatal DiseaseThe Man Who Fear Childeren On Xbox
- wat
9:08AlexKrailhi Darkstride
9:08Metafawkerdo you know what integrity means
- when you have integrity, you don't blame
9:09Lightstriker195hello dark
9:09Devincooper64It may be, but really the fact this was a huge deal when the first thing I did this entire time was explain what and what not was allowed to use that word
- Xjason411 has joined the chat.
- BeccaLovegood has left the chat.
9:09JamesDNauxAnd all I did was ask questions
9:09Devincooper64you started jumping around to find a loop hole about the whole thing
- Death32funny has joined the chat.
9:09Devincooper64and I said no
- a few times
- Siesie436 has joined the chat.
9:09Devincooper64and you made a deal about that, and then played a "censorship" card
9:09Death32funnyAnd I am back.
9:09AlexKrailhi Xjason411
9:09Metafawker"no fair alex was able to post a offsite link with a band using the word, and I cant make a joke about it" Your example, made no sense, implying that Alex made a joke
9:09AlexKrailhi Death32funny
9:09Princess Callie Paybacksabitch.jpg @Godzilla.
9:09AlexKrailhi Siesie436
9:09Princess Callie:P
9:10JamesDNauxThis is going nowhere
9:10MetafawkerLooks like we earned victory.
9:10Princess CallieXj, stop.
9:10Princess CallieOr you will be kicked.
- BeccaLovegood has joined the chat.
9:10Death32funnyI like your user pic alex.
9:10AlexKrailhi BeccaLovegood
9:10Xjason411im not spaming
9:10AlexKrailthanks death
9:10MetafawkerHey kid, yes you are spamming XD
- GodzillaFan1 has joined the chat.
9:10MetafawkerThis is spam
- H
- H
- E
- T
- You see?
9:10AlexKrailhi GodzillaFan1
9:10Death32funny;) so whats heppening meta?
9:10The Last Paladink @doing it
9:11MetafawkerTyping a line of letters.
9:11Xjason411but very slowly
9:11MetafawkerIt doesn't amtter
- matter*
9:11Lightstriker195this is spam
9:11Devincooper64for fucks sake, why is there no MP3 torrents for les friction
9:11Devincooper64but there is FLAC
- a
- Indefinitesilence has joined the chat.
9:11MetafawkerLigfht, no
- GnomeClaw has joined the chat.
9:11MetafawkerLIGHT, NO.
9:11AlexKrailhi Indefinitesilence
9:11MetafawkerHello, Final
9:11AlexKrailhi GnomeClaw
9:11BrokenSquidAlex used "Cunt" in a proper context, a proper context being something that isn't offensive. Maria banned the word "cunt" for supposedly meaning "raped vagina" so we can't use it. Making a joke about it would not be allowed. A band using the word "cunt" is okay because it's a name and it's not directly offensive
- Don't stretch
9:11Lightstriker195spam is also stuff posing as meat
9:11IndefinitesilenceARGH! My brain! Kill it with fire. The Man Who Fear Childeren On Xbox
9:11Metafawkerhe did two strikes
- Dinorauria 2 has joined the chat.
9:11Metafawkerhe spammed
9:11Devincooper64Jason, no stretching please
- and no caps
9:11Metafawkerand now he stretched,.
9:11GnomeClawProof pls.
9:11Metafawkerin a second
9:11AlexKrailhi Dinorauria 1
9:12JamesDNauxAre we still going on about this?
9:12Fatal DiseaseShit. I thought I deleted that one.
- Lel
9:12BrokenSquidGoddamnit.. Too goddamn many rule breakers today
9:12Devincooper64Wait, why did we bring this up?
9:12GnomeClawDo you know of this?
9:12Fatal DiseaseKnow what?
9:12GnomeClawI don't know
- ShawnHowellsCP has joined the chat.
9:12Dinorauria 2Ye
9:12GnomeClawMeta is talking about somethin
9:12AlexKrailhi ShawnHowellsCP
9:12Devincooper64You mean the "cunt" situation
- nothing bad happened
- it was taken care of
9:12Princess Callie (NSFW text) paybacksabitch.txt.
9:12Devincooper64just a little argument was all
9:12Metafawkerwait what what
- Fucking hell
9:13MetafawkerDoes Fatal know you and me or what
9:13JamesDNauxNot even an argument, just heavy misunderstanding
9:13Devincooper64We dont have an objection emote?
- well fuck that
9:13GnomeClawIt was nothing that needed me to check :3
9:13Metafawkerholy crud what are you talking about
9:13Fatal Disease>Woody and Shrek didn't have sex
- Xjason411 has left the chat.
9:13Devincooper64Nothing needing to be checked
9:13GnomeClawWe need an objection emote
9:13IndefinitesilencexD Wat.
9:13GodzillaFan1Cal, dafuq y u link that
9:13JamesDNauxThere's a lot of misunderstanding here
9:13BrokenSquidI could have sworn we had an objection emote
- Sa-Bree-Nuh has left the chat.
9:13Fatal DiseaseCaps.
9:13Devincooper64We also need a seductive wink emote
9:13GnomeClawWell fatal?
- devin
9:13Devincooper64that doesnt work
9:13MetafawkerThis, Final:
9:13Princess CallieDafuq you make so many funny pictures.
9:13Devincooper64its not seductive enough
9:13MetafawkerHe spammed first, then he stretched like you saw
9:14Fatal DiseaseWell. The wink, I will not do.
9:14GnomeClawWas there.
9:14Fatal DiseaseBut.
9:14Fantastic Mister Horse(objection)
- Fuck,.
9:14Fatal DiseaseI will do the objection emote.
9:14Metafawkerand did not kick XD the spam wasn;t THAT excessive
9:14Fantastic Mister HorseI swear there was one.
9:14Death32funnyWtw Is going on here?
9:14Dinorauria 2Can we eat Jason now?
9:14GnomeClawObjection sustained.
9:14Fantastic Mister Horse>WTW
9:14Fantastic Mister HorseWhat the What.
9:14BrokenSquidI've been told I "Masticate too loudly"...
9:14Devincooper64what was the name of the user?
9:14GnomeClawOn the cause of Objection emote being added.
9:14Fatal DiseaseMediaWiki:Emoticons
9:14Devincooper64I was off on TPB when he spammed
9:14MetafawkerWhat The Whore.
9:14BrokenSquidWhat does this mean'
9:14Death32funnyno what the what
9:14Lightstriker195hollywood undead
- Castoweary Pleasant has joined the chat.
9:14Castoweary PleasantSup gais
9:14MetafawkerWhat's The Whore
9:15Devincooper64Hollywood Undead 6/10
- Darkstride has left the chat.
9:15MetafawkerI read gais wrong
9:15AlexKrailhi Castoweary Peasant
9:15Metafawkerbut meh
9:15Devincooper64they were cool during my "angst" stage
9:15MetafawkerHello, Casto
- GraydonL has joined the chat.
9:15Devincooper64but now.
- meh
9:15Death32funnyHollywood Undead rocks
9:15Dinorauria 2Hold it!
9:15AlexKrailhollywood undead 2/10
9:15Castoweary Pleasanthold what
9:15BrokenSquidYep, that's it Fina;
- GnomeClaw has left the chat.
- GnomeClaw has joined the chat.
9:15Princess CallieHue
9:15Devincooper64(objection) youre all ugly
9:15AlexKrailthey were food when i was 12 but now i listen to real music
9:15Castoweary Pleasanthow do artists laugh
9:15Castoweary Pleasanthue hue hue
9:15BrokenSquidCalasanX's face changed again
9:15Fatal Disease
9:15GraydonLI'm back, bitchs
9:15Fantastic Mister HorseI swear there was an Objection emote.
- See?
9:15GnomeClawThat is not.
- Objection.
I'd be objecting objects at your summer's party 
9:15JamesDNaux...How do artists laugh?
9:15JamesDNauxLike everyone else
9:16BrokenSquidCalasan, did you get plastic surgery again?
9:16Devincooper64there we go
9:16MetafawkerWhat the heck is that though.
9:16Princess CallieFuck you.
9:16BrokenSquidCal, why.
9:16The Damn BatmanI'm bad as Clash of Clans
9:16BRVRIf you ate a monster made of nougat, would that be a crime against nature or natural?
9:16GnomeClawOH WAIT
9:16Lightstriker195left vs right twix
9:16Castoweary PleasantWhat is going on
- > icO
9:16Castoweary Pleasanti need a synopsis
9:16JamesDNauxHey DamnManBat
9:16GnomeClawBut its so small
9:16MetafawkerI see O
9:16BrokenSquidWhat did I do, to get fucked by you.
9:16Fantastic Mister HorseICO is a game.
9:16Fantastic Mister HorseJust saying.
9:16Fatal DiseaseIt had the picture of the guy in it.
9:16BRVRI choose the "wait, there's a difference?" side.
9:16BrokenSquidWhy have I earned this.
9:16The Damn BatmanStacey's mom's got it going on
9:16Dinorauria 2 say whatever you want, I'd hit that faster than a bullet train on magnets.
9:16The Damn Batmanbitch
9:16Princess Callie>plastic surgery
9:16Fatal DiseaseBut, apparently, it just disappeared.
- Kiba Nyx has joined the chat.
- GraydonL has left the chat.
9:16Devincooper64ones chocolate and carmel
9:17MetafawkerPlasticalistic Surgerians.
9:17GnomeClawWe need Mr. Wright
9:17Devincooper64ones carmel and chocolate
9:17BrokenSquidYes, plastic surgery. You changed your face
9:17AlexKrailhi Kiba Nyx
9:17Kiba Nyxhello
9:17Princess CallieI hate my face enough as it is. Why would I make it worse?
9:17GnomeClawHis face will make this actually visible
9:17IndefinitesilenceMy wonderful pasta link xD
9:17GnomeClawIs that your face Callie?
9:17Princess CallieNo.
9:17GodzillaFan1Dafuq The Man Who Fear Childeren On Xbox
- Death32funny has left the chat.
- Temmington has joined the chat.
9:17Metafawker*deep chuckle*
9:17Fatal DiseaseCallie will not have plastic surgery, because she's beautiful the way it is >.>
9:17Fatal DiseaseREUPLOAD
9:17AlexKrailhi Temmington
9:17The Damn BatmanWhat
9:17JamesDNauxOh, hey Sarah
9:17BrokenSquidYou look different, I would only assume that you changed it through the common means of plastic surgery Cal
9:17BRVRThere is a difference between the Left Twix and Right Twix?
9:17MetafawkerFatal. Callie. Do you both accept marriage?
9:17TemmingtonWait a minute.
9:17Kiba NyxI posted my own creepypasta on my profile it said change from preview to source in upper right corner of this page and I looked but didn't see it so
9:17TemmingtonCal posted her face.
9:17GnomeClawWhen temmi calls upon people
9:17Devincooper64FOR FUCKS SAKE
9:17Princess CallieKaren Gillan. AkA, Amy Pond, first companion of the 11th Doctor.
9:17Temmingtonand i missed it
9:17Dinorauria 2Hi Sarah!
9:17GodzillaFan1>she's beautiful the way it is >it is
9:17AlexKrailno its just a dumb cash grab by twix capitalists
9:17Temmingtonshow me this immediately
9:17Castoweary Pleasantbrb
9:18Devincooper64Theres no Dark Dark Light MP3 torrents
9:18Fatal DiseaseWAT
9:18MetafawkerShe posted her face.
9:18The Damn BatmanI wanna see it
9:18Devincooper64theyre all FLAC ;_;
9:18Temmingtonsho me
9:18Fatal Disease*she is, not it is.
9:18MetafawkerI posted myself a while ago, and people told me I look like a cholo
9:18Fatal DiseaseI'm lost.
- Derpy day
- (derpy(
9:18Temmingtonalso i have a 56 in flappy bird
9:18Fatal DiseaseFUCK
9:18Kiba Nyxwhat do you want to see? @ the damnbatman
9:18Lightstriker195somebody say light?
9:18Temmingtonwhat the fuck up
9:18Metafawkerbecause I had my hood on
9:18Princess CallieNever posted my face.
- GraydonL has joined the chat.
9:18Fatal DiseaseI have.
9:18BrokenSquidLet me see yo bootyful fayve Meta
9:18Lightstriker195i have 68 in flappy
9:18GnomeClawHer face was never shown, it was mentioned because of her avatar
9:18AlexKrailhi GraydonL
9:18The Damn Batman200 bitch
- Yeah
9:18Princess CalliePosted the face of an actor.
9:18Temmingtonthen why are people talkin bout yo face cal
9:18GnomeClawTake that!
- shit
9:18GraydonLI'm back, bitchs
9:18Princess CallieThat I happen to like.
9:18BrokenSquidI was saying that Cal got plastic surgery, for the reason that she looks different
- Jacobness15 has left the chat.
9:18Metafawkermisspelled wsord
- Devincooper64 has left the chat.
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