- 2:25Blockhead393that is blue
2:262Actimvlooks good Iopl
2:26Blockhead393lo pl lopl lopl lopl
2:26Alice MoratoHi People
2:26Uno GomesHi
2:26Superdadsuperwhats funny how its creepy what I remeber. I remember stuff only God and I will ever rememeber
2:27Alice Morato'-'
2:27Spadakakawhy did you do that
- Welcome to the Community Central chat
2:28Superdadsuperespciall surrounding a particular person. I remember stuff before I had a crush/love on her, my brain probably searched through and found every moment that has some coonectio nto her. I am suprised my brain remembered though. Well every single thing you do is filed in your brown
2:28Alice MoratoThanks for the vacuum kkk
2:28TK-999Spadakaka: The user had abused multiple accounts
2:28Uno Gomeskkkk
2:28Uno Gomes¬¬
2:28Spadakakahello alex
2:28AlexKrailhi whats up for the chatting
2:28Superdadsuperexcept sometimes you loose access to it if ou don't utilitize it
- Speysider has joined the chat.
2:29Spadakakahello slender man agent
- ALEXSHELPERGUYpartii has joined the chat.
2:29AlexKrailhey community central sounds like communism for being megaevil and dictators guys
2:29SuperdadsuperI literally remember all of her shirts she has ever worn (not as much her pants), well technicall everybody in the shcool has some of the same shirts
2:29AlexKrailhi Speyspider
2:29ALEXSHELPERGUYpartiihey there the guys of chatting
2:29Alice MoratoHi Speysider and Alex xD
2:29AlexKrailhi ALEXSHELPERGUYpart11
- *partii
2:29ALEXSHELPERGUYpartiioh hey alexkrail hahahahahha im the helper guy of you for fiteing slenderspirasy
2:29Superdadsuperwe two people at once alex, I cna ust tell
2:30Uno GomesHello everyone, I'm new here, my name is Uno Gomes, pleasure.
2:30Superdadsuperchatting with two accounts at once?
- hi uno
- welcome to wikia.
2:30Uno GomesHi
2:30ElseweyrHey Spey!
2:30Superdadsuperanything we can help you with?
2:30ALEXSHELPERGUYpartiino your the sock superdadsuper
- Shea exp.los.ion has joined the chat.
2:30AlexKrailhey dont be for accusing me of a sock Superdadsuper i have witth evidence on you
2:30ALEXSHELPERGUYpartiihi Shea exp.los.ion
2:30Spadakakai have heard that somewhere before
2:30Superdadsuperokay. Sorry, just asking
2:30AlexKrailShea exp.los.ion
2:30Shea exp.los.ionHey alex?
2:30ALEXSHELPERGUYpartii AlexKrail Alice Morato Elseweyr Iopl3887 Randomized Shea exp.los.ion Spadakaka Speysider Super Miron Superdadsuper TK-999 TyA Away Uno Gomes Yatalu Away
- Hi all of you
- ALEXSHELPERGUYpartii has been kicked by TK-999.
2:31SuperdadsuperI knew that guy would be kicked sooner or later
2:31Uno GomesI came to visit the wiki when I have questions I speak to you.
- ALEXSHELPERGUYpartii has joined the chat.
2:31TK-999Please don't post a wall of text, it unnecessarily floods chat
- Iopl3887 has left the chat.
2:31ALEXSHELPERGUYpartiiwow thats so dumb and not smart
2:31Superdadsuperlike you wi chat when you have questions.
2:31AlexKrailhi ALEXHELPERGUYpartii
- Iopl3887 has joined the chat.
2:31AlexKrailhi lopl3887
2:31ALEXSHELPERGUYpartiii was saying hi to all you guys not smaping
2:31Shea exp.los.ionwhy say hey to me first
2:32Superdadsuperuno if you need anything you can chat here, post in forums or consult Help:Contents. your text wall
- Super Miron has left the chat.
- 343 TheGuiltyProphet has joined the chat.
2:32ALEXSHELPERGUYpartiibye lopl3887
2:32AlexKrailhey Superdadsupers your moms for having a pink socks hahaaahahhaaahhaa
2:32Superdadsupernext time you http://pastebin.com, for something like that
2:32ALEXSHELPERGUYpartiihi 343 theguiltyprophet
2:32Uno GomesThanks, Superdadsuper
2:32Superdadsuperwhat is that suppose to mean alex?
2:32343 TheGuiltyProphetGreetings
2:32Alice MoratoSo guys, how are you going?
2:32AlexKrailpinks the color of being like red but not red its liter and briter haaahahahaha]\
2:32ALEXSHELPERGUYpartiiuse pastebin for what superfaf
- *dad
2:33Superdadsuperfor large amounts of text, if is really that necessary
2:33ALEXSHELPERGUYpartiii was just saying hi to all of the guys in here
- *its
2:33SuperdadsuperI don't think that waas necessary though, I don't reccomend that just the entire thing. Alex for your information I am not a dad, nor do I plan to any time soon
- Elseweyr has left the chat.
2:33ALEXSHELPERGUYpartiicorreting you superdad guy you messed up ahahahahha
- bye elseweyr
2:33Superdadsuperi have issues just making friends.
2:33TK-999Please don't harass other users
2:34Alice MoratoYeah, I think I'll take eternal vacuum kk
2:34ALEXSHELPERGUYpartiiyeag superdadsuper stop heressing me guy
- Letzplaygamez has joined the chat.
2:34Superdadsuperyah, next time try something like hey everybody here, type thing, unecessary to do that, thats enoguh ohf what I am sayin there
2:34AlexKrailhi Letzplaygamez
2:34ALEXSHELPERGUYpartiihi letzplaygamez
2:34SuperdadsuperTk how are you today.
- is
- good
2:35Superdadsuperthe IRC is much more calm then this chat isn't it.
- Spadakaka has been banned by TK-999 .
2:35Uno GomesI'm leaving, thank you, thank you very much for your attention, bye.
- Goodbye Alice

2:35Alice MoratoBye Uno :3
2:35AlexKrailhi 2Actimv whats that flag for being a flag of urganda
- Speysider has left the chat.
2:35Alice MoratoKisses xD
2:36AlexKrailbye Speyspider
2:36ALEXSHELPERGUYpartiiwow why for the spadakaka guy being a so meen bad guy for heassing me like superdadsuper did
- its like nazi times for fiteing the slender forses in hear
2:36AlexKrailyeah same thing for me and for superdadsuper
2:36Uno Gomes
Kisses to you too.

2:36ALEXSHELPERGUYpartiibye speysider
- Uno Gomes has left the chat.
2:36AlexKrailbye Uno Gomes
2:36ALEXSHELPERGUYpartiibye unogomes
2:37Superdadsuperalex lets calm down a bit. lets move on and talk about other things, I am not harrassing you in any such way. okay.
2:37ALEXSHELPERGUYpartiiwow and now for the chat being no liveing aka not being alive no more
- which alex
- ?
- Sister Serenity has joined the chat.
2:37AlexKraildont tell me to calm down i have evidence
- i control you
2:37ALEXSHELPERGUYpartiitherwes two of us
2:37Superdadsuperalex as in you. the other one I will call krail
2:37AlexKrailhi Sister Serenity
2:37ALEXSHELPERGUYpartiihi sister serenity
2:37Superdadsuperthe AlexSHE
- Flightmare has joined the chat.
2:38Sister SerenityHi
2:38ALEXSHELPERGUYpartiihi flightmare
2:38Alice MoratoHi Flightmare
2:38ALEXSHELPERGUYpartiihahahahahhahahaahha i get it like nightmare
2:38AlexKrailits ALEXSHELPER you megaratarded guy not ALEXSHE
2:38ALEXSHELPERGUYpartiibut not
- You have been kicked by TK-999.
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