- Speysidercan someone PM me their optimal Dynavision settings ?
- would really appreciate it

- don't mind how many PM's I get
1:26Sky Above,Voice WithinMine's just the default, if i remember.
1:26Ghost AnubisI'm grateful Zipper, I just want my images to be better. They're not bad, but I'm sort of a perfectionist.
1:27Zippertrain85I am too.
1:27Speysiderso Sky uses the default. Anyone else here use Dynavision and want to share their settings for it ?
1:27Zippertrain85I get major brain itch when this stuff happens. 
1:27Ghost AnubisFisherman 
- Welcome to The Elder Scrolls Wiki chat. (Chat guidelines)
1:27PLPellegriniHey Alex.
1:27Ghost AnubisLike I took that image.
1:27AlexKrailhi whats up for the chatting here
1:27Zippertrain85It's a little dark.
1:27Ghost AnubisWorshiper
- Stalleo's Bodyguard
- Those 3.
- I made the fisherman image brighter.
- Zippertrain85 has left the chat.
1:28Ghost AnubisBut it starts looking worse at higher settings.
1:28AlexKrailso are youguys for being stormcloaks or imperials in elders scrolls
1:29Ghost AnubisWe don't talk about that here anymore.
1:29AlexKrailwhy not
1:29PLPellegriniNo flame wars, please...
1:29Sky Above,Voice WithinOh dang. No spamming this time.
1:29XN3RDXD3RPXwhich is better for dual weilding, normal draw or crossdraw?
1:29AlexKrailits too political?
1:29PLPellegriniThese tend to cause discussions, Alex.
1:29Sky Above,Voice WithinAye.
1:29PLPellegriniHeated discussions.
1:29Sky Above,Voice WithinWAIT A SECOND
- ZedwardHD has left the chat.
1:30Crazy131Discussions turn hostile often that's why.
1:30Sky Above,Voice WithinPsy's name is"spy" mispelled!
- He be a spy for North Korea!
1:30AlexKrailor psy for psy op for being a MK Ultras guy
1:30SleepingIIIPiSs You
1:30PLPellegriniOr a spy of Bethesda!
- REPTILE,THE DEMENTED PONY has left the chat.
1:31Sky Above,Voice WithinOr a spy from the Enclave.
- REPTILE,THE DEMENTED PONY has joined the chat.
1:31PLPellegriniOr maybe not, y'know.
- Hey Rept.
1:31XN3RDXD3RPXREP, you're alive!
- jk
1:31Sky Above,Voice Within* Sky Above,Voice Within says "CONSPIRACIES" qhile looking like the guy from Ancient Aliens.
1:32REPTILE,THE DEMENTED PONYi saw that documentary
1:32XN3RDXD3RPXI know what sky means too 
1:32AlexKrailalines are no laughing matters frend
- there really true and real
1:32Sky Above,Voice WithinSure.
1:32PLPellegriniJust for those who haven't seen it yet: User blog:Timeoin/Rules of the Beta
1:32Sky Above,Voice WithinYou're one, I see.
1:32REPTILE,THE DEMENTED PONYnow is just wait tomb raiser answer
1:32XN3RDXD3RPXNeither is genocide Alex
1:32AlexKrailwhat do oyu mean by that
1:33XN3RDXD3RPXNothing really...
1:33AlexKrailfor killing so much guys like Prez Slned thats genocide
1:33Sky Above,Voice Within* Sky Above,Voice Within calls Men in Black.
1:33XN3RDXD3RPXWhatever you say
1:33REPTILE,THE DEMENTED PONY* REPTILE,THE DEMENTED PONY is taken by men in black by accindent
1:34XN3RDXD3RPXunlucky rep
1:34Sky Above,Voice Within* Sky Above,Voice Within is amused. They mistook Reps for an alien.
- Why?
1:34PLPellegriniI mean...
1:34AlexKrailmans in black take guys who see aliens not aliens
1:34Sky Above,Voice WithinSure.
- Mans?
1:34XN3RDXD3RPXJustice should be true no matter what 
1:34Veteran Legionary...
1:34Sky Above,Voice WithinY u no English?
1:34REPTILE,THE DEMENTED PONYmaybe is the hair and the this outfit in a pony
1:35AlexKrailmans in blacks there secret govronment agents
1:35Veteran Legionary...
1:35AlexKrailfor track down and hinting allguys who see of the aliens
1:35Sky Above,Voice Within
1:35PLPellegriniOuch, right in the grammar...
1:35Crazy131Aliens where?!
1:35Veteran Legionary
- wow
1:35REPTILE,THE DEMENTED PONYwait it was me or alex?
1:35AlexKrailhey i can do that to hahahahahhahahahahhaa
1:36Sky Above,Voice WithinI used to talk in the chat like you, but then i took an arrow to the grammar.
1:36Veteran Legionary...
- * REPTILE,THE DEMENTED PONY puts guns on his head
- hey yatalu si online
'Cuz one is not enough.
1:36AlexKrailarrows in the knee jokes are being so old and notfunny for making
1:36Veteran Legionaryyou guys know that by that the guards meant they got a wife and kids
1:36Sky Above,Voice Within* Sky Above,Voice Within is not amused.
1:36REPTILE,THE DEMENTED PONYand i hate iron helmet
1:37Sky Above,Voice WithinNo, Vets.
1:37PLPellegriniYa, I knew. Still funny.
1:37Veteran Legionarythey didnt mean it literally
1:37Sky Above,Voice WithinKotaku (unfortunately) interviewed the devs, and they said it was a random line.
1:37REPTILE,THE DEMENTED PONYis just a character have that damn iron helmet an everybody think is dragonborn
- kotaku?
1:38Sky Above,Voice WithinAye.
- Google.
1:38PLPellegriniPlot Twist!
1:39AlexKrailare you guys whatching the olympics?
1:39AlexKraili watched the openings cermony and it was so good
1:39PLPellegriniI don't really care.
1:40AlexKrailbut i dont have times to watch the rest
1:40Sky Above,Voice WithinOlympics?
1:40AlexKrailfighting the slenderspiracy is tough and hard work
1:40REPTILE,THE DEMENTED PONYyou know olympics on brazil what do you think of that? i think it will sucks
1:40Sky Above,Voice WithinHow do you play that?
1:40PLPellegriniIt will suck so bad.
1:40Sky Above,Voice WithinSeriously though, what Olympics?
1:40PLPellegriniSo bad.
1:40Sky Above,Voice WithinThe para?
1:40AlexKrailbrazil wont be able to get enough money to do good olympics
1:40PLPellegriniSO bad.
1:40AlexKrailthere all poor and starvings guys
- SeniorDiogo has joined the chat.
1:41AlexKrailor mostly
- ゆ has joined the chat.
1:41Sky Above,Voice WithinAye.
1:41AngryEnclaveSoldierHey Senior, UAM
1:41Sky Above,Voice WithinAYE
1:41PLPellegriniHey Diogo hey UAM.
1:41AlexKrailhi SeniorDiogo
1:41Sky Above,Voice WithinAve.
1:41AlexKrailhi otherguy
- with confuzing name
1:41REPTILE,THE DEMENTED PONYyou need to be adminastrator ゆ
1:41PLPellegriniThat's obviously Yu.
1:41Sky Above,Voice WithinWut.
- SeniorDiogo has left the chat.
- :3
1:42Sky Above,Voice WithinSHOWERS!
1:42Sky Above,Voice WithinThat's what you need.
1:42PLPellegriniI like them boobs.
1:42AlexKrailby SeniorDiogo
1:42ゆI had a drink called Boobee once.
1:42Veteran Legionary...
1:42ゆAnd another called Pussy.
1:42Veteran Legionary...
1:42Sky Above,Voice WithinWat.
1:42AngryEnclaveSoldierWhere do you get your drinks from?
1:43REPTILE,THE DEMENTED PONYhey i am here you know
1:43AlexKrailyour mom enclave
1:43Sky Above,Voice WithinI had a dream once. It was called Hot Chicks.
1:43ゆI got one from Poundland, and another from some News Agents.
1:43Speysiderwe get our drinks from the Enclave
1:43Speysiderand the Enclave is invalid.

1:43AngryEnclaveSoldierEnclave serves best drinks
1:43Sky Above,Voice WithinAye.
1:43ゆI get my drinks from TALOS.
1:43Sky Above,Voice WithinPsey....
1:43REPTILE,THE DEMENTED PONYtalos is a douche
1:43AngryEnclaveSoldierProbably from Vivec
1:43Sky Above,Voice WithinI'm invalid.
- You're invalid.
- @Sky:

1:44ゆAES, you don't want to know what drink I got from Vivec.
1:44AlexKraili get my drinks from digifounatins hahahahhahahahahahahahh
1:44Veteran Legionary...
1:44AlexKrailactually there are no drinks in digiworld
1:44SpeysiderI get my drinks from uranus

1:44Sky Above,Voice WithinHe got milk.
1:44Speysidergeddit ?
1:44Crazy131I really know what's going on.
1:44Veteran Legionaryi dont get drinks
1:44Sky Above,Voice WithinAye.
1:44ゆUranus is filled with chocolate milk. =3
1:44Sky Above,Voice WithinDang.
1:44AlexKrailuranus is filled with hole milk
1:44XN3RDXD3RPXOh fugm time to do my next skyrim vid
1:45SpeysiderOh god UAM....
- That sounded really wrong

1:45REPTILE,THE DEMENTED PONYi will never more drink chocolate milk
1:45SleepingIIIFilled with jizz
1:45AlexKrailhuh thought that would do smiley thing
1:45AngryEnclaveSoldierI'm in that part of the internet... again.
1:45AlexKrailhmm so strange
- for it not doing that
1:45REPTILE,THE DEMENTED PONYi will drink coffe with milk by now
1:45XN3RDXD3RPXWhat should I do in my next Skyrim gameplay?
1:46REPTILE,THE DEMENTED PONYits not like i alredy drinked but yeah
1:46SleepingIIIDrink tea, Rep
1:46Sky Above,Voice WithinApparently, even the innuendos are censored in China, so Sleeping has to be blunt.
1:46REPTILE,THE DEMENTED PONYmy little brother is just being killed in GTA online

1:47SleepingIIILittle brother in Chinese means dick
1:47Sky Above,Voice Within
1:47SleepingIIIThank God this chat is not in China
1:47Speysiderthank god Wikia is not in China
1:47AngryEnclaveSoldierWhenever I meet a Chinese person, I'll ask them how their little brother is feeling.
1:47SpeysiderAlex, don't spam
1:47Sky Above,Voice WithinFack.
1:47Ghost AnubisDon't do that again Alex.
1:47XN3RDXD3RPXSpey, what should I do in my Skyrim gameplay?
1:47Speysiderhmmm, Daedric quests ?
- College of Winterhold ?
1:48AlexKraili was trying to make the smileys symmatrical
- but it doesnt work
1:48XN3RDXD3RPXDaedric, hmmm... Ideas man
1:48PLPellegriniThat's spam and therefore against policies.
1:48SpeysiderThe Only Cure
1:48Sky Above,Voice WithinAyw,
1:48AlexKrailoh well i was trying to make it symattrical
1:48SleepingIIIPieces of the Past
1:48Sky Above,Voice WithinBloody deep.
- CommandoProjects has joined the chat.
1:49PLPellegriniDoesn't matter, that's spam, Alex. Don't do it again.
1:49REPTILE,THE DEMENTED PONYmy favortie a night to be remenber
1:49AlexKrailhi CommandoProjects
1:49PLPellegriniHey Commando.
1:49CommandoProjectsHi guys
1:49AngryEnclaveSoldierHi Commando
1:49PLPellegriniLong time, eh, Commando 
1:49SleepingIIIYes, Commando?
1:49Sky Above,Voice WithinHeil, Commando.
1:49XN3RDXD3RPXMight do "The Book of Love" with my dunmer guy... Yes/no/maybe?
1:49CommandoProjectsYeah, long time no see
1:49SpeysiderI wish Bethesda would give more information on the Dwemer Ruins across Skyrim -.-
1:49REPTILE,THE DEMENTED PONYcommando who is that?
1:49ゆA user.
1:49Speysiderthere are so many ruins that have no known history -.-
1:49Sky Above,Voice WithinI think i remember you, Commando.
1:49AngryEnclaveSoldierI wish there would have been some Falmer Ruins in Skyrim
1:50ゆThey're just Dwemer City #3.
1:50Speysiderforgotten vale ?
1:50CommandoProjectsI remember you Sky
1:50Sky Above,Voice WithinAye. Snow Elf Ruins.
1:50XN3RDXD3RPXI know spey, but that is just because they are just there
1:50AngryEnclaveSoldierExcept the Forgotten Veil.
1:50XN3RDXD3RPXto fill space
1:50Veteran Legionarythat would have been cool
1:50Speysider@XN: Yeah 
1:50AlexKrailwhy to be saying aye its not a used word anymore and in thistimes
1:50SpeysiderBthardamz sounds like it was an awesome place at one point >_>
1:50Sky Above,Voice WithinAye.
- I'm a pirate.
1:50Speysiderand Alex, us Scots use the word all the time. >_<
1:51AngryEnclaveSoldierSky makes ARRRRR.
1:51Sky Above,Voice WithinRemember?
1:51AlexKrailayeayaeyaeyaea now i sound like an indians guys hahahhahahahaha
1:51Veteran Legionary...
- You have been kicked by Ghost Anubis.
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