- Sanguinante PrimoI want mon cher to answer his Skype ;~;
10:49Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeBut she is ignoring me. ;-;
- Welcome to purgatory, please grab a cookie and sit down ~
~ Also please read our chat policy
10:49Sergeant SteelHoovesMaybe she's working on the bot, Agner?
10:49Blondvscarberryno one want to talk?
10:49FriendlyJimI don't know what mon cher means.
10:49Ectobiologistit means my dear
10:49Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeEven when she is working on the bot, she still answers
10:49Sanguinante PrimoYe
10:49Sanguinante PrimoMon cher means my dear
10:49FriendlyJimMin kära
10:49Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeI think she is mad at me or something.
10:50Sanguinante PrimoMa chérie means My darling
10:50FriendlyJimMin kära=my dear=mon cher
- X3
10:50Sanguinante PrimoMon ange means my angel~
- Ma Lune means My Moon~
10:50BlondvscarberrySO ALONE
- FriendlyJimSometimes I feel like even though we're culturally different we have more similarities than differences.
10:51Sanguinante PrimoHow so, Jim?
10:51Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeMój drogi means My dear in Polish
10:51Blondvscarberryall alone
10:51FriendlyJimYou know, simple things with language and the way we approach things.
10:51Blondvscarberryin my head
10:51AlexKrailthe truth in it is that anyguy not fromthere would be a forener in france or any country there not from
- Lord Daevyd, Lord of Time has kicked Blondvscarberry from chat.
10:51AlexKrailyoud never be fully accepted
- Sanguinante PrimoI'm not from France :O
10:52FriendlyJimThe differences between America and Sweden are pretty slim, I think I should focus on the similarities instead of the differences.
10:52AlexKrailswedish language is pretty big differencee
10:52Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeBut I am from Poland \(^~^)/
10:52AlexKrailand they lok at you different too
10:52FriendlyJimI know, but grammar wise not so much.
10:52Sanguinante PrimoSwedish is a beautiful language
10:52AlexKrailits psychologicaly proved
- Sanguinante PrimoDra ät helvete.
- Blondvscarberry has joined the chat.
10:53Sanguinante PrimoRight, Jim? >.> I think I spelt that right
10:53AlexKrailand many swedes and otherguys hate america for what its done to their cultures
10:53Sanguinante Primo*spelled
10:53AlexKrailglobalization destroys somuch culture
10:53Blondvscarberrygot kicked out So sorry if i was annoying
10:53FriendlyJimI used to hate Americans, but now I realize that there are good and bad people everywhere.
- Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeAlex
10:53Year Of The CommunistRavioli Raviolo give me dat Bootioli
10:53AlexKrailyeah but american culture is infectious
10:53Lord Daevyd, Lord of Timedon't talk about things you don't understand
- just some advice
- not saying you don't know.
10:53Sanguinante PrimoAmerica, economically, socially, etc. is shit :P
10:53Lord Daevyd, Lord of Timejust advice.
10:53AlexKrailand its not even real culture anymore
- just media control of thouights
10:53FriendlyJimYeah but I feel like an arse for hating the people.
10:53BlondvscarberryOk. i'm so stupid sometimes maybe i should stay off
10:54AlexKraildont tell me i dont understand
10:54FriendlyJimTo think that I once would have disliked you
- FriendlyJimTo think that I once would have disliked you because you were American

10:54Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeWell, you obviously didn't understand Polish history
10:54Year Of The CommunistA lot of countries are controlled by the media
10:54FriendlyJimI feel a bit guilty.
- Lord Daevyd, Lord of Time has kicked TheGuyBehindYou from chat.
10:54Sanguinante PrimoYou would have disliked me, Jim?
10:54AlexKrailthats difffrent story guy
10:54Sanguinante Primo
10:54AlexKrailthis is amrican history i live here
10:54Lord Daevyd, Lord of Timeas you assumed that Poland tried to invade Russia
10:54AlexKrailits domin ated by media elite
10:54FriendlyJimMaybe, I used to think you were all the same.
- Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeWell, with all due respect, many Americans don't understand history in other countries. @Alex
10:55Sanguinante Primo^
- whats that?
10:55Year Of The CommunistTinyURL makes links like the one you posted smaller
10:55AlexKrailwhos talking about things they dont know from now
- Sion.jones.14 has joined the chat.
10:55Sanguinante PrimoTake Canadians for example~
- AlexKrailhave you talked to allguys from america?
- thats prejudice and racism
- Davidrojo0315 has joined the chat.
10:56FriendlyJimI wish I had never hated Americans.
10:56Sanguinante PrimoYou think they are all maple syrup and smiles~
- 10:56Sanguinante PrimoYou think they are all maple syrup and smiles~
10:56Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeHOW THE FUCK IS THAT RACISM?
10:56Davidrojo0315Hi :)
10:56Sion.jones.14hello david
10:56Sanguinante PrimoCandians, historically, are some VIOLENT motherfuckers.
10:56Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeHi David.
10:56Ectobiologisti dont think that, stormie
10:56AlexKrailfor being prejudiced against americans guys
10:56Davidrojo0315Whats going on? :)
10:56Year Of The CommunistCANADADA
- Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeNever said I was being prejudiced, Alex
10:57Ectobiologisti can tell you that
10:57TheGuyBehindYouhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qxCWNMSBy3w Watch the video . . . you know you want to.
10:57Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeYou don't understand Polish history
- you don't understand Russian history
10:57AlexKraili understand russian history well enoughs
10:57Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeDon't tell me I'm being racist
10:57Year Of The Communisti understand russian history kinda
- I know a lot
10:57TheGuyBehindYouIm bored
10:57Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeYou thought that Stalin HELPED Russia.
10:58TheGuyBehindYouwho knows a good pasta
10:58Year Of The CommunistTo pass a class
- I didn't ;-;
10:58Sanguinante PrimoMost americans don't even know AMERICAN history, much less other countries'
10:58AlexKrailhe DID industrialize Russia with his 5 year plan
10:58Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeNot you, Communist
10:58AlexKrailpurged the trotskyists
10:58Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeI was talking to Alex
10:58Year Of The CommunistPlease
10:58AlexKraildefended against Germany
10:58TheGuyBehindYouI know alot about american history
10:58Year Of The CommunistCall me Obijuan
10:58Davidrojo0315I like russia
10:58Year Of The CommunistOr Plague
10:58Sanguinante PrimoObi?
- o.o
10:58Year Of The CommunistYo
- FriendlyJim has left the chat.
10:58Sanguinante PrimoYou got name change
- wai
10:58AlexKrailand your basiclly saying that if i dont understand polish history racism is okay
10:58Year Of The CommunistBecause
10:58Sanguinante PrimoBut
10:58AlexKrailthats dumb logics
10:58Year Of The CommunistI needed a new name bb
- Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeWanna see my reasoning for that Alex?
10:59Year Of The CommunistDon't worry I'll go back in a year
10:59BlondvscarberryI'm an american and i agree americans can be stupid
10:59Sanguinante PrimoWut
10:59Sion.jones.14i bet none of you know the history of WALES
10:59AlexKrailgo ahead
10:59Ectobiologistits difficult to not try to pm you when you take 20 minutes to reply on skype
- @time
10:59Sanguinante Primo...
10:59Year Of The CommunistYeah
- I'll change my name in a year
10:59Ectobiologistjust saying'
10:59AlexKrailthats great reasoning
- very logical
- Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeRacism is not telling someone that they don't understand another country's history
- RACISM is insulting that group of ethnicity
11:00AlexKrailyou said all americans guys are ignorant and dont know history
11:00EctobiologistRacism is singling out a certain race or telling someone they can or cannot do something entirely based on their race
11:00Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeI said, the MAJORITY of Americas
11:00Ectobiologistit is nothing more
11:00AlexKrailamerican is a group of ethnicisty
11:00Sergeant SteelHoovesHow about we drop this now
11:00Ectobiologistnothing less
11:00Sanguinante PrimoThe majority of Americans are idiots.
11:00Davidrojo0315How in the hell is that racism that is not racism whats so ever
11:00Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeAmericans.
11:00Sanguinante Primoc:
- Sergeant SteelHoovesHow about we drop this now
11:00Ectobiologistnothing less
11:00Sanguinante PrimoThe majority of Americans are idiots.
11:00Davidrojo0315How in the hell is that racism that is not racism whats so ever
11:00Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeAmericans.
11:00Sanguinante Primoc:
- TheGuyBehindYou has left the chat.
11:00Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeNo, Weaver, wait.
11:00Year Of The CommunistI'm an idiot kinda
- PrincessMiranda has joined the chat.
11:01AlexKrailhave you talked to the majority of americans?
11:01BlondvscarberryHey i'm an american. I mean i know i can be stupid at times but I'm an american
11:01AlexKrailyour assuming this based on what?
11:01Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeI'm going to make the lil shit see reason.
11:01Sergeant SteelHoovesWell, it seems to be causing an argument, Agner
- No
11:01Ectobiologistno you aren't
- PrincessMiranda has left the chat.
11:01Ectobiologistthis needs to be dropped
- now
11:01Sanguinante PrimoGiggy, Alex, take it to teh PM's
11:01Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeFine, I WANT to have him see reason.
11:01Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeBut I won't
11:01Ectobiologistnot in public then
- Lord Daevyd, Lord of Timesince Weave doesn't want me to.
11:01Ectobiologistits causing drama
11:01Sergeant SteelHoovesPM him then, but just keep it out of main
11:01Sanguinante PrimoPM's~
- AlexKrailpm me bro
11:02Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeNope
11:02Sergeant SteelHoovesAlex, do you agree to drop it too?
11:02Lord Daevyd, Lord of Timethis matter is done.
11:02Sanguinante PrimoAnd Noah, to answer your question, nah. Don't do it.
11:02Blondvscarberrya got a question
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