- Devincooper64Ive been mod since last year
2:15BrokenSquidNow.. Where was I.. Oh yes all i ever want to do is be alone but I can't
2:15BelowXeroDouble ban! What does it mean?!
2:15The Bitter ColdI never noticed.
2:15Devincooper64The message? I dont know the template, ,should I just specify the ban and why?
2:15Princess CallieYe.
2:15The Bitter Coldsay "for being a stupid fuck"
2:16Devincooper64kk, how long did you set it to?
2:16FriendlyJimI noticed but I forgot to remember.
2:16Devincooper64I set it to two hours
- Welcome to purgatory, please grab a cookie and sit down ~
~ Also please read our chat policy
2:16Princess CallieI don't use the templates with Message walls
- So did I.
- Two hours.
2:16AlexKrailhi guys whats up with the chat here
2:16FriendlyJim^ this is up
- v this is down

2:16Princess Callie> this is right
- < this is left
- SixthGuyForChatting has joined the chat.
2:16Princess Callie
2:16SixthGuyForChattingoh hi alex
2:16FriendlyJim☭ this is left
2:16AlexKrailhi SixthGuyForChatting
2:16BrokenSquid( What's this then
2:16SixthGuyForChattingits me alexshelper
2:17FriendlyJim卐 this is right
2:17The Bitter ColdSo
2:17Princess Callie
2:17The Bitter ColdSebastian = the raven Edgar Allan Poe met
@ Jim
2:17SixthGuyForChattingi mean *ALEXSHELPER
2:17The Bitter Coldaccording to http://www.mangareader.net/102-2023-3/kuroshitsuji/chapter-14.html
2:17SixthGuyForChattinghi other guys
- for chating
- Huehue
2:17AlexKrail卐☭ now there fiting
- Huehue
2:17The Bitter Coldoh
- oh I see
- Ahahahha
- good one
2:17Devincooper64should this work
- Message Wall:HyperkidxD
2:17BrokenSquidBecause Nazi's that's why.
2:17The Bitter ColdI did Nazi that
- KoalaWarrior has left the chat.
2:17FriendlyJimAw yew
2:18SixthGuyForChattingbye koala
2:18BrokenSquidInb4 more Nazi jokes
2:18AlexKrailby KoalaWarrior
2:18SixthGuyForChattingprobly left for being nazi guy
- in on slenderspirsy
2:18The Bitter ColdWell, I should get back to reading.
- See you later!
- !
2:19Princess CallieAlright. Enough Nazi jokes.
2:19Devincooper64I had a girl in 7th grade write a Black Butler yaoi
2:19SixthGuyForChattingbye bittercold
2:19AlexKrailits no joke frend
- The Bitter Cold has left the chat.
2:19Devincooper64she asked me if I wanted to read it
2:19SixthGuyForChattinghes slenderguy to
2:19Devincooper64everyone in the library screamed no at that moment
2:19AlexKrailslenderspiracy goes back to WW2 times
2:19SixthGuyForChattingleft for not beeing exposed
2:19Devincooper64I never got to read it, which is probably good on my end
2:19AlexKrailby The Bitter Cold
2:19Princess CallieDevin. Watch chat,
2:19SixthGuyForChattingas a slender guy
2:19Princess CallieI gotta edit
2:19Devincooper64* Devincooper64 sits down
- Ok babies, im your baby sitter
- you behave
- or ill beat you.
2:20Devincooper64On the internet it isnt
- online no one can hear you scream
2:20SixthGuyForChattingwere not babaies
- though
2:20Devincooper64Thats what you think.
2:20SixthGuyForChattingwere guys of grown up being
2:20Devincooper64Your writing clearly shows it :p
2:21AlexKrailbeating babies anywheres is illelgal even in Indias and other place wehre theres nothingbut poorguys and no houses
2:21SixthGuyForChattingso you beet us well beet back at you to get are revenge as its nown hahahahahha
2:21BrokenSquidwur definetily grown upz.
2:21Devincooper64Wow, its depressing to read your guys posts
2:21AlexKrailim 25
- broken
2:21Devincooper64That made it even more depressing ._.
2:21AlexKraili was in film schol but i was to be hunted by the Slenderman aka President Slender
- and proxies of him
2:21SixthGuyForChatting*wer not wur plees spel it al rite
2:21Devincooper64Ok, no roleplaying
2:21BrokenSquidYou don't understand the definition of a joke
2:22Devincooper64especially slenderman roleplaying
2:22SixthGuyForChattingnot roleplaying
2:22AlexKrailim not roleplaying frend its a true story
2:22Devincooper64Ugh, one of THOSE people
2:22SixthGuyForChattingsaveing hole big wide world
- BelowXero has left the chat.
2:22SixthGuyForChattingbye xero
2:22Devincooper64Facts -under 13 -fan of pewdiepie -from the americas
2:22SixthGuyForChattingoh hey your of erlier xero
2:22AlexKrailheres the story for it or at least the start
- i have to warn of you though its one mega saga
2:22SixthGuyForChattinghahhaahaha sory i left so soon erlier
- brokenxero
2:22SixthGuyForChattinghahhaahaha sory i left so soon erlier
- brokenxero
- *beloexero
2:23SixthGuyForChattingwow chatingsd becomeing to beeing dead
2:23BrokenSquidAlright Sixth, the spelling and grammar jokes are getting old
2:23Devincooper64ALEX, does the fucking enter button not work or something?
2:23SixthGuyForChattingyou looking at the truth aka SlenderSlayer's blog
- the turth to waht hapened for reel
2:24SixthGuyForChattingagenst slenderspirasy
2:24Devincooper64* Devincooper64 adds more users to the hate list
- Anywho...
- im going to be tabbing in and out for my elfen leid review
- fucing
- hell,man
2:24Devincooper64so behave, ill be checking back and forth
2:25SixthGuyForChattingandretheblacksmith.blogspot.com is one that andre just made its new hahahahahhahahahahaha
- alexshelper.blogspot.com is mine
- Devincooper64 has kicked SixthGuyForChatting from chat.
- SixthGuyForChatting has joined the chat.
2:25BrokenSquidAdvertising and stretch?
2:25Devincooper641. no stretching/samming 2. please make sure links actually work
2:26SixthGuyForChattingnazi guy kick me from it hahahahhahahahhahha probly in spirasy
2:26AlexKrailhttp://iamtheslenderslayernowingerman.blogspot.com/ http://thehuntergetshuntednowinportugese.blogspot.com/ http://iamtheslenderslayernowinarabic.blogspot.com/ http://marblehornetstheblog.blogspot.com/http://annihilatethemall.blogspot.com/ http://whiteelephantspart2.blogspot.com/ http://thequestofmyrageingvengeance.blogspot.com/ http://abovethetimeriver.blogspot.com/
- Devincooper64 has kicked SixthGuyForChatting from chat.
2:26AlexKrailtheres the rest for the story
- SixthGuyForChatting has joined the chat.
- You have been banned by Devincooper64.
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