- Kill1mesBad
1:39AgnersteinSo, no bashing
1:39Agnersteinat all, okay?
1:39Kill1mesBut it is a block option though
1:39Princess Rose Lynn RoseAgner I'm scared
1:39Agnerstein4 months isn't a ban option
1:39Adiostoradorkuro whats your tumblr
1:39Agnersteindoesn't mean I can't make it 6 ^_^
- Welcome to purgatory, please grab a cookie and sit down ~
~ Also please read our chat policy
1:40Prince Finneow* Prince Finneow bashes a stick against a tree
- #thuglyfe
1:40AlexKrailhi whats for the chatting here
- uro ruoruror
1:40Kill1mes* Kill1mes bashes Finn's skull in
1:40UrotsukIoh uh
1:40Kill1mesAdio, don't spm please/
1:40UrotsukIi do have a tumblr
- oh oops
1:40UrotsukIbut i don't really use it
- uuh hold on
1:40UrotsukIlet me fetch it
1:40Kill1mescuz fuck things
1:40Adiostoradorkhow do you not use tublr
- umblr I mean
1:40Adiostoradorkfrick it
1:40Prince Finneow>umblr
1:41Adiostoradorkheck you]
- Tucutucson has left the chat.
1:41Prince Finneowwhat the frick
1:41Kill1mesheck you too
1:41AlexKrailbye Tucutcson
1:41Adiostoradorkim telling my mom on you thtat was a swear
- that was mean and it hurtnmy fleling
1:42Kill1mesGo to heaven you little fecal matter expelling hole
1:42AlexKrailhey lets be meture here swares are okay for gron ups people
1:42Princess Rose Lynn RoseBig brother agner
1:42Prince Finneowadio, whats your tumblr
1:42UrotsukII don't like tumblr, because its filled to the brim with white cis male hating idiots who claim to be feminists but instead are just idiots who either think saying that they are feminist will make people like them or just think women should be the superior
1:42Kill1mesI dunno
1:42AgnersteinAlright, I'm leaving
- XxJeffieTheKillerxx has joined the chat.
1:42Agnersteinfor a while
- bye guys.
1:42AlexKrailhi XxJeffieTheKillerxx
1:42Princess Rose Lynn RoseAgner wait
1:42Adiostoradorkfluffyplushrumps and yeah social justice is a no for me
- Agnerstein has kicked XxJeffieTheKillerxx from chat.
1:42Kill1mesJeffie, don;t spam
- XxJeffieTheKillerxx has joined the chat.
1:42Kill1mesAgn, give the guy.girl a wrning at least
1:42AlexKrailhi XxJeffieTheKillerxx
1:42AgnersteinDon't spam, please?
1:42Princess Rose Lynn RoseI'm scared
1:42XxJeffieTheKillerxxy was i kicked :'(
1:43Adiostoradorkoh my god here comes the weeb
1:43XxJeffieTheKillerxxwhats that
1:43UrotsukIi mean i only really use tumblr to follow crablouse
1:43Kill1mesWhich should have been a warning anywyas
- Sanguinante Primo has joined the chat.
1:43UrotsukIAnd in case you don't know who he is,
1:43Kill1mesall those i's together
- spam
1:43Adiostoradorkor whatever tht thing is
1:43UrotsukIhes a porn artist.
1:43CreepyMorefedoraWb sang
1:43Kill1mesunneeded characters and strecthing and all
1:43AgnersteinI've gotten sick of warning people
- they do it anyway.
1:43AlexKrailporn artists are dont exist porn is degenracy not art
1:43UrotsukIhere i guess
1:43Kill1mesIt's the duty of a mod though.
1:43UrotsukImy tumblr http://ebectobiologistegbertjohn.tumblr.com/
1:43Kill1mesWarn, then kick
1:43ShawnHowellsCPPorn is love
1:43Agnerstein*sigh* fine.
1:43Adiostoradorkjeffie is probably 12.9 pfffff
1:43ShawnHowellsCPPorn is life
1:43Kill1mesUntil the rules change
1:44AgnersteinThey better change soon
1:44Kill1mesPorn is a disgusting abomination
1:44Adiostoradorkim laugiin so hard omfg
1:44Kill1mes*hate incoming*
1:44XxJeffieTheKillerxxim 13 :p
- Noah, want to watch over chat for me?
1:44Adiostoradorkwhy are we even talkin oabout porn and I respect your opinion
1:44ShawnHowellsCPA SEXY disgusting abomination
1:44AlexKrailShawnHowellsCP huh i wonder what kind of porn you watch sounds like megabad illelgal stuf
1:44Princess Rose Lynn RoseI'm scared
1:44Kill1mesAgn, some don't know it's wrong though
1:44XxJeffieTheKillerxxand a pretty little girl to :3
1:44Kill1mesLike this guy
- AndretheBlacksmith has joined the chat.
1:44ShawnHowellsCPDon't tell the cops
1:44AgnersteinYeah, well, tell them to read the rules then.
1:44AlexKrailhi AndretheBlacksmith
1:45XxJeffieTheKillerxxi have black hair just like jeff
1:45AgnersteinYou want to Noah?
1:45AndretheBlacksmithHey Their Guys Wahts The Creepy Going Ons
- Hi Alex
1:45AgnersteinI can fin someone else.
1:45Prince Finneowo shit dude i just gained like 3 followers in 2 seconds
1:45Adiostoradorki respect everyones opinion even if their assholes beciase that's my iopinon too
1:45UrotsukIwhat do you mean watch the chat
1:45Kill1mesPlease do not talk like that, Andre
1:45Sanguinante PrimoI'm going to be off and on
- A lot
1:45Kill1mesAnd not much
- You?
1:45Sanguinante PrimoSo...
1:45Agnersteinif no mods are on, then can you scrnshot anything significant?
- sure
1:45Adiostoradorknone of this makes sence
1:45AlexKrailwhats for nopt captzilizing words thats cansorship
1:45AndretheBlacksmithIm Not Talking Like Anything Im Typeing So Dumb Guy HAHAHAHAhahahahahahaAHAHAHA
1:45Princess Rose Lynn RoseAgner I'm scared
1:45Kill1mesFatal can mod him if no other mods/admins turn up
1:45AgnersteinAndre, stop.
1:45Adiostoradorkoh mu god
1:45AgnersteinNo, Ryan
- He can't.
1:46AdiostoradorkAndrew no
1:46Kill1mesI MEant Please Don't Type Like This
1:46Prince Finneowguys
1:46AgnersteinCleric's new rule
1:46Kill1mesWhy not?
- OH.
- Oh*
1:46Agnersteinwe cann't make temps without reason.
1:46Prince Finneowwho is smuppetbucket
1:46UrotsukIThe reason would be no mods
1:46XxJeffieTheKillerxxcan i be a mod
1:46AdiostoradorkKanaya Doesn't Like That Rule
1:46Kill1mesThere are no mods or admins on?
1:46Agnersteinand having no mods on, isn't a reason apparantly.
1:46AndretheBlacksmithStop Waht You Didnt Even Say What To Stop Anyway HAHAahahahah YOu Said Stop Thing Im Not Doing
1:46Prince Finneow^
- ninjad
- Agnerstein has kicked AndretheBlacksmith from chat.
1:46UrotsukIhow is that not a reason
1:46AlexKrailClerics new rule for being a megahuge spellnazi and no capzilation in it
1:46AgnersteinI don't know.
1:46Kill1mesIsn't the main point of temps?
1:46AlexKrailbye AndretheBlacksmith
1:46AgnersteinI don't understand the rule myself.
1:46Adiostoradorkaww no caps rthta sucks
- sorry i had to
- TacobellL4D2 has joined the chat.
1:47Kill1mesLink the rule, Porny?
1:47Adiostoradorkyo tako
1:47AgnersteinI don't know where it is
1:47Kill1mesHey Raco
- Taco*
1:47AgnersteinI only know the rule.
1:47AlexKrailhi TacobellL4D2
- TacobellL4D2 has left the chat.
1:47Kill1mesUser: ClericofMadness
- I'm out
- YAwer1967 has joined the chat.
1:48Adiostoradorkim out then
1:48AlexKrailhi YAwer1967
- hey 1967 thats old your like 60 years old then
1:48AgnersteinCya Ryan
- I'm off to bed
1:48Agnersteinor just rest
- whichever
- bbl
1:49YAwer1967wow you baned my frend andre for nothing that he did wow your so nazi guys the mods in hear huh or are you not mods and volunteer forse eether way wowwoowowowow
- Kill1mes has left the chat.
1:49AgnersteinHe wasn't banned
- and ps
- socl
1:49YAwer1967bye kill
- Adiostoradork has left the chat.
1:49AlexKrailbye Kill1mes
- bye Adiostoradork
- YAwer1967 has been banned by Agnerstein .
1:49AlexKrailhey why for banning him
1:49ShawnHowellsCPWe aren't nazi's
1:50ShawnHowellsCPwe are dictators, damnit
- Finn
- Look
- http://msparp.com/chat/dd70d30e2ab84cf6a6956a9e701d5c3c/log
- i remember doing this
- I had fun.
- Forerunning has joined the chat.
1:50AlexKrailhi Forerunning
1:51Forerunninghi im new :)
- KoalaWarrior has joined the chat.
1:51AlexKrailhi KoalaWarrior
1:51AgnersteinRead the rules please ^_^
- Chat Rules
1:51XxJeffieTheKillerxxRules r dumb
1:51AgnersteinAnd have a good day!
- Agnerstein has kicked XxJeffieTheKillerxx from chat.
1:51Forerunninglol ok
- Halo reference?
1:51AlexKrailbye XxJeffieTheKillerxx
1:51Forerunningsee my avatar?
1:52AgnersteinNoah, you are now able to minimod, just don't be a dick about it.
- XxJeffieTheKillerxx has joined the chat.
1:52AgnersteinIf someone asks, tell them to leave a message on my wall
1:52Prince Finneowhttps://31.media.tumblr.com/eba75a4b1b81f8e82adb3d6b665cf6fb/tumblr_mvtif2eent1qdlh1io1_r1_400.gif
- Another Random Person has joined the chat.
- Last warning.
- K?
1:52XxJeffieTheKillerxxwat did i do
1:52AgnersteinHey Simon
- SBetre928 has joined the chat.
1:53Another Random Personk
1:53AlexKrailhi Another Random Person
1:53AlexKrailhi SBetre928
1:53Agnersteindo not bring this in main
1:53SBetre928thats so stooped your the sock guy agnerstein
- hi agen alex
- SBetre928 has been banned by Agnerstein .
- Artie
1:53AlexKrailbye SBetre928
1:54UrotsukIoh okay
- and if he comes back
- tell him to leave
- If he doesn't take a scrnshot.
- If he doesn't, take a scrnshot
- *
1:54AlexKrail*screenshot hahahahahahhahaha
- sobad spellguy
1:54Agnersteinand show me.
- Alex, stop.
- Thats me
- in a few years
- Suptiele3122 has joined the chat.
- Sanguinante Primo has left the chat.
- SOMEGUY123 has joined the chat.
1:56AlexKrailhi Suptiele3122
1:56AlexKrailhi Sanguinante Primo
1:56Suptiele3122waht so dumb bad rules
1:56AgnersteinAnother sock
1:56AlexKrailhi SOMEGUY123
1:56Suptiele3122im not a sock
1:56Suptiele3122your a shoe
1:56AgnersteinYou are in violation of having a sock
- actually
1:56Agnersteinmultiple socks.
1:56Suptiele3122two for playing that game
1:57AgnersteinWhat's that supposed to mean?
1:57UrotsukIJust fucking block him
- already
1:57Suptiele3122your multiple shoes
1:57SOMEGUY123r u a soque?
1:57UrotsukIIP block
1:57AlexKraileveryguy should have muliple socks for their feet not getting dead an ifected
- Suptiele3122 has been banned by Agnerstein .
- Block him.
1:57AlexKrailbye Suptiele3122
1:57AgnersteinIP Block
- And Aelx
- Alex*
1:57AlexKrailwhy block me>
- ?
1:57AgnersteinStop with the "Hi" "Bye" shit
1:57AgnersteinThank you.
- Thanks SG.
- Now, I need sleep.
- OH
1:58SOMEGUY123Wait what, I can't kick hi-
- Oh he left
1:58AlexKrailwell one of the mods said i could say hi
1:58AgnersteinI know
1:58AlexKrailbut just not bye
1:58Agnersteinjust don't do that so much
- please.
- SG
- Wolfenmaus has joined the chat.
1:58AlexKrailhi Wolfenmaus
1:58AgnersteinI'm giving Noah permission to mod
1:58SOMEGUY123Special:Contributions/SOMEGUY123 dose contribs
1:59Agnersteinhe isn't a mod, but he can mod other users, if no admins are on. Is that alright, SG?
1:59SOMEGUY123Fatal's here
1:59AgnersteinI know
- but he's leaving soon
- Alright, you still up for it, Noah?
1:59Prince FinneowGiving noah permission to mod? best open the geck then
1:59Fatal DiseaseHm.
1:59Prince Finneow
2:00SOMEGUY123Fetus PM pl0x
- >Mod
- No thank you.
2:00AgnersteinBeau, stop.
- This isn't your decision, I made this before you came in.
2:00WolfenmausBut I just started.
- I'm allowed to voice my opinion.
2:00AlexKrailmod me ill be so good mod and bring of law and order to the room
2:00SOMEGUY123Beau? Y'know that means Boyfriend in French
2:00AlexKrailbut not like the show hahahahaaahhha
2:00AgnersteinI trust him, and I don't see why you fucking people have to bash him like that.
2:00Prince Finneowwhat
2:00ShawnHowellsCPnothign went bad when they open the geck
2:00WolfenmausWe have our reasons, Aggy.
2:00XxJeffieTheKillerxxill be the best mod here just sayin :3
2:00ShawnHowellsCPif that was a follout reference
2:01George Huxley:~) Hey
2:01Prince Finneow>bestmod >has jeff in name
2:01AgnersteinAre they offsite reasons, Beau?
2:01SOMEGUY123No, you wouldn't Jeffie
2:01XxJeffieTheKillerxxYES I WOULD D:<
2:01SOMEGUY123Oh, Wolfen
2:01WolfenmausPartially, but not all.
- you broke a rule
2:01AlexKrailbye Agnerstein have a good sleep majke sure to get eght hours for being fully rested and refreshed
2:01ShawnHowellsCPno caps lock
2:01SOMEGUY123You caused drama the first time you were here, Jeff
2:01Prince FinneowAlso that was a fallout reference
2:01Fatal DiseaseWell.
2:01ShawnHowellsCPbut fin
2:01XxJeffieTheKillerxxno i didnt
2:01Fatal DiseaseAnd now, I leave.
2:01XxJeffieTheKillerxxur liers
2:01Prince Finneowyes
2:01ShawnHowellsCPnothing bad happened when they opened the G.E.C.K.
2:01UrotsukIoh whats this now
2:01AgnersteinThe mod?
2:01Prince Finneow
2:01ShawnHowellsCPit restored water
- 3 times
2:02UrotsukIam i subject to conversation
- i was reading tumblr.
- whats happening.
2:02Prince Finneowstuff
2:02AlexKraileveryguy is subject for conversation thats free speech the meaning of it
- Pte ryan98 has left the chat.
2:02Fatal Diseasebrb
2:02AgnersteinFreedom of speech isn't allowed here
2:02AlexKrailthats megaterrafying
2:02AgnersteinThis isn't America.
- Fatal Disease has left the chat.
2:02WolfenmausI'm a mod, I have authority here.
2:02AgnersteinTechnically, this is Poland
2:03WolfenmausSo I get a say.
- That's that.
2:03AgnersteinI get that Wolfen
- And the only admin left
2:03AlexKrailwell i dont want to go down that road again hahaahaaha
2:03SOMEGUY123Oh noes, I'm in charge
2:03Agnersteinbut to come in here, and say no because you don't like the fucking person isn't a good rason.
2:03SOMEGUY123>inb4 SG panics
2:03WolfenmausYou want a good reason?
2:03UrotsukIwhat person
- KoalaWarrior has left the chat.
2:03AgnersteinNo offense, but that is a very shitty reason.
2:03WolfenmausHow about stalking and constantly abusing Becca?
2:03Prince Finneow>inb4 i accidently get remodded and the world expoads
2:04UrotsukIwhose stalking becca
2:04Prince FinneowWOLFEN THANK YOU
2:04AgnersteinCan we not talk about that in main?
2:04ShawnHowellsCPDon't restart this flame war
- >_>
2:04UrotsukIwho are you talking about
2:04ShawnHowellsCPNot again
2:04WolfenmausYou wanted a reason.
- I gave one.
2:04AgnersteinI did.
- and I got one
- So, that is a reason
- yes, a good reason
- but my opinion still stands.
2:04UrotsukIwho are you two talking about ._.
2:04AgnersteinYou, Noah.
2:04Prince Finneowi can think of many reasons
2:04George Huxley:~) Hey some :~) Hey wolfe :~) Hey agner :~)Hey Alex :~)Hey another :~)Hey Creep :~)Hey Fore :~)Hey Gator :~)Hey Jane :~)Hey Pe :~)Hey Prin :~)Hey Prin :~)Hey shawn :~) Hey some :~) Hey Jeff :~)GHey Uro
- Agnerstein has kicked George Huxley from chat.
2:05Prince Finneowbut seriously fukc it
- George Huxley has joined the chat.
2:05UrotsukIExcuse me
2:05AgnersteinSo, he will not be mod, Beau
2:05George HuxleyWhy kick? :~±
2:05UrotsukIWho the fuck told you i was ever "Stalking" becca?
2:05Agnersteinbut he has a mods permission to take scrnshots and break up fights, okay?
2:05UrotsukIwho the fuck said i ever "Abused" her
2:06AgnersteinThat'll be our little medium, or middle ground, I guess.
- Anyhow, I need sleep.
2:06WolfenmausA compromise.
2:06AlexKrailhow to even abuse someone on the internet thats so megadum hahaaahhaa
2:06AgnersteinAlright, I'm gonna leave now, Noah, you know what to do.
2:06ShawnHowellsCPYou gave noah a bit of power
2:06AgnersteinI did.
2:06ShawnHowellsCPI feel like a target
- XD
2:06AgnersteinIf he targets you, it will be for a valid reason
- Yuki Amano has joined the chat.
2:06UrotsukIAfter yesterday you would be a target, Shawn?
2:06AlexKrailhi Yuki Amano\
2:07Yuki AmanoHey.
- Agnerstein has left the chat.
2:07AlexKrailwell what to be for talking now
- Maskyandh00die has joined the chat.
2:08Prince FinneowPeople got unnecessarily angry
2:08AlexKrailwow rooms so exprired aka dead for the talking
- hi Maskyandh00die
- Tucutucson has joined the chat.
2:08Another Random Personk
2:09Prince Finneowwhen the fuck did you get here
2:09AlexKrailhi Tucutucson
2:09TucutucsonHey SG
- Hey ppl
- Well, I killed the chat
2:09Yuki AmanoBack
- BelowXero has joined the chat.
2:09AlexKrailhi BelowXero
- SOMEGUY123 has left the chat.
- Mr.stache65 has joined the chat.
2:10AlexKrailhi Mr.stache65
2:10Mr.stache65Is that guy our new greeter?
- Sanguinante Primo has joined the chat.
- Forerunning has left the chat.
- ClericofMadness has joined the chat.
- :D
2:10AlexKrailhi Sanginate Primo
2:10XxJeffieTheKillerxxHi Clerifico
2:10Sanguinante PrimoMeow
2:10AlexKrailhi ClericofMadness
2:10Yuki AmanoHey cleric.
2:10Sanguinante PrimoUncle Cleric!
2:10Prince Finneowhere comes the lord and savior
2:10Sanguinante PrimoHai
- xD
2:10WolfenmausHey Celery.
2:10ClericofMadnessayyyyyyye gurlz
- G4T0R4D3xEN3RGY has left the chat.
- Such honor
- Hellboyo78 has joined the chat.
2:11Sanguinante Primo;-;
2:11Yuki AmanoCleric
2:11AlexKrailwow good that alts gone now a huge load of my huge
2:11ClericofMadnessCome get some tentacle huggin'
2:11Yuki AmanoHow ya doin?
2:11AlexKrailhi Hellboyo78
2:11Prince Finneowcleric gotz dem SWAGZ
2:11TucutucsonHe's a celeb
2:11Hellboyo78hello alex
2:11Prince Finneowdem tentacle dick swag
2:11Sanguinante Primo*tackles Uncle Cleric* Hai~
2:11Yuki AmanoNo one ever tackles me. :/
2:11ClericofMadnessPages in category "Death" The following 199 pages are in this category, out of 199 total. We removing this category? lol
2:12AlexKrailtheyre only 199 pages wow thats not a lot
- for being on this site
2:12Mr.stache65Out of ten thousand and something that ain't a lot.
2:13ClericofMadnessThere were several thousand in there. It was bloated.
2:13Prince Finneowhttps://24.media.tumblr.com/3192588a23126a31fde24e4f56116a4d/tumblr_mpgvw9PvCE1rj7z7ro2_250.gif Oh Yes!
2:14Mr.stache65There are at least 12,000 pasta on this wiki. It's so full!
2:14Sanguinante PrimoYou're NAKED!
2:14Hellboyo78http://www.jesus-is-savior.com/Evils in America/marilyn_manson-the_truth.htm << lulz so funny
2:14Sanguinante Primo"Oh yes!"
2:14ShawnHowellsCPfound a troll page
- The War
2:14AlexKrailso full of grabage OC and copypasta
2:14ShawnHowellsCPit just says buttsex
2:15Prince FinneowxD
2:15Yuki AmanoI'm gonna go watch underage women with huge tits and almost no clothes run around. I'm also going to watch people get murdered, raped and hurt badly, and with this I'm going to sit back and enjoy and even encourage all of it! Or in other words, watch anime.
2:15Mr.stache65"It's you!" "Oh yes!" "... Your naked" "OH YES"
2:15Yuki AmanoDr who
- :P
2:16AlexKrailthats megadisrubing Yuki Amano
- Maskyandh00die has left the chat.
2:16AlexKrailnoguys should be for doing that
2:16Yuki AmanoThen don't watch anime
- XD
- Thats 78% of all anime
- CreepyMorefedora has left the chat.
- BelowXero has left the chat.
2:16Prince Finneow#hetaliaisapparently22%ofanime
2:17Yuki AmanoHentai is porn version of anime
2:17Hellboyo78lol the site i just linked said john Lennon was an anti-christ.
- Sanguinante Primo has left the chat.
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