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2:24AngryEnclaveSoldierSockpuppeting, trolling, causing drama, etc
2:25Shor Nordic God of MankindThat one wasn't Jyggalag though
2:25Shor Nordic God of MankindSomeone else is making alts
2:25REPTILE,THE DEMENTED PONYwhats Sockpuppeting?
2:25ZedwardHDwhat's sockpuppeting?
2:25ScholarOfTheScrollsAlt acocunts, Reptile
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2:25AlexKrailhi whats for the chatting here
2:26REPTILE,THE DEMENTED PONYnothing special
2:26AlexKrailhey repitle hows your socks doing
2:26Crowell001Just BS'ing, Alex
2:26REPTILE,THE DEMENTED PONYi am just making my homework
2:26AlexKrailA huge and important issue that people need to know of is the true fact that all world leaders are shapeshifting argonians hidden in disguise. This has been happening for hundreds of years and centuries, ever since Earth was first visited by the saucers. The argonians have taken out, replaced, and switched back every world leader and most celebrities too. We are surrounded on all sides. The moon landing was faked, falsified, and re enacted by the argonians so we wouldn’t discover the HIDDEN BASE KNOWN AS ‘THE MOON’. NASA is actually a argonians organization that stands for ‘National Alliance of Space Aliens’. The Russians have been infiltrated so they want to infiltrate us with argonians that they hired to breach us. An estimated 100% or more of terrorists are argonians. The argonians also have mind commanding powers that they use to control peoples brains. These evil brain commands are responsible for the holocaust, both Gulf Wars and the Mayan calendar.
2:26Rukathesoldieroh god. the website that guy linked...it is actually making my IQ go lower.
2:26AlexKrail9/11 was an inside job from outside this solar system. Time travelling lizards are a blast from the past.
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