- Welcome to purgatory, please grab a cookie and sit down ~
~ Also please read our chat policy
1:45CheinasWell I'm alive.
1:45Fatal Diseaselel XD
1:45CheinasI think
- So good
1:45AlexKrailwhy did i get banned from here aka the chat
1:45Zombiekiller3121That's sound quite good.
1:45SOMEGUY123$Delete Shrek is drek > sux
1:45Fatal DiseaseThe Fulcrum
1:45CheinasYou got kicked, actually
1:45Fatal DiseaseI love this.
- I really do.
1:45FriendlyJimYes I'm god, but rituals are fun.
- They make me feel all amazing inside.
1:46ShawnHowellsCPBut you need to believe to do a ritual.
1:46AlexKrailwell why for being kicked
1:46CheinasIf you were banned you wouldn't be back for minmun two hours
1:46ShawnHowellsCPHence the entire point.
1:46CheinasAnd you were kicked for all the ha's, I'd assume
1:46Fatal DiseaseThe whole post is a wall of text - but that's its intention though.
1:46CheinasI believe that is counted as spam here.
1:46AlexKrailso no fun allowed zone in here huh
1:46CrashingCymbalI just realised SG asked me to delete it.
1:46AlexKrailno laughing allowed for it
1:46CrashingCymbalNot Fatal
1:46AlexKrailin here
1:46SOMEGUY123The of the nrainbow killer No
1:46CheinasNah, this place is cool
- Long as you follow the rules.
1:47SOMEGUY123Cym, it didn't meet the QS in the first place
- Wolfenmaus has joined the chat.
1:47CrashingCymbalThat title.
1:47CheinasHello Wolfenmaus
1:47AlexKrailhi Wolfenmaus
1:47CrashingCymbalI deleted it for being too vague.
1:47Fatal Disease>inb4 Crashing deletes The Fulcrum
1:47ShawnHowellsCPJim, never in my life have I been more confused by a single person.
1:47FriendlyJimTo put much more shortly, the only thing I don't regret is the thing that hut me, the things I'm proud of.
1:47CrashingCymbalOh yeah, that lol
1:47Fatal DiseaseThat.
1:47WolfenmausStop being drunk.
- Kristopher-Is-Awsome! has joined the chat.
1:48Fatal DiseaseThat story, right there. Is the best one sentence story on this site.
1:48CrashingCymbalHai Kris
1:48SOMEGUY12318:44, February 6, 2014 SOMEGUY123 (talk | contribs | block) deleted page Jeff the Killer (Does not meet the wiki's quality standards: I ALSO WANT MORE FANS. )
1:48AlexKrailhi Kristopher-Is-Awesome!
1:48CheinasThey delete Jeff the Killer?
1:48Kristopher-Is-Awsome!Copy and paste?
- Aww.
- :(
1:48WolfenmausWhy isn't it deleted yet?
1:48SOMEGUY123Wolfen, it WILL get deletd
- *deleted
1:48Zombiekiller3121Goodbye I'm going home from school
1:48FriendlyJimI'll stop being drunk when I have someone who cares about me :P
1:48Fatal DiseaseHoly shit.
1:48CheinasNot soon enough
- Bye Zombie
- I'm out too
1:49SuperplankofdeathThe Torture Game oh hey i remember this game
1:49SOMEGUY123We would get vandalised as fuck
1:49Superplankofdeathi used to play that all the time
1:49SOMEGUY123Plank, I did too
1:49Kristopher-Is-Awsome!Jeff the killer is one of the most populer pastas ever getting rid of that is like saying kill this site
1:49Superplankofdeathwe should not delete jtk
1:49ShawnHowellsCPWe care about you >__>
1:49SOMEGUY123I fucking love that game
1:49CrashingCymbalJtK is one comment away from 666 comments.
1:49Superplankofdeaththat would be bad
1:49FriendlyJimYes but not like that.
1:49WolfenmausWe protect every page.
1:49Superplankofdeathi love it too
1:49FriendlyJimI'm just another talker.
1:49WolfenmausWe couldn't get vandalized.
1:49AlexKrailjeff the killer is a terrable pasta should be deleted
1:49SOMEGUY123Jeff the Killer
1:49WolfenmausOur fortifications are secure.
1:49AlexKraili could write better stories in my sleeping time
1:49Superplankofdeathdrek the killer
1:50Kristopher-Is-Awsome!its my favorite
1:50Fatal DiseaseIhsoy is a great story.
1:50FriendlyJimYou've never shared a bed with me, gotten drunk with me, bailed me out when I was really fucked up, no matter how much I love you nothing can change that.
- Cheinas has left the chat.
1:50Fatal Diseaselel jk
- Zombiekiller3121 has left the chat.
1:50AlexKrailbye Cheinas
1:50WolfenmausPosted the 666'th comment.
1:50AlexKrailby Zombiekiller3121
1:50ShawnHowellsCP1. I live hald way across the globe
1:50ShawnHowellsCP2.Getting drunk together online dosn't count?
1:50SOMEGUY123What the fuck
1:50FriendlyJimI'd totally share a fucking bed with you.
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