- The Bitter ColdWhy would you watch the anime but not read the manga, Devin?
11:13Devincooper64Ok, im walter now
11:13The Bitter ColdThe pedophilia overtones are much stronger in the anime.
11:13Devincooper64Actually, im more for manga
11:13Castoweary PleasantSame here
- WhiteReaper has left the chat.
11:14BeyondSlothzWho has seen Fairy Tail?
11:14AlexKrailby WhiteReaper
11:14The Bitter ColdI'm referring to BB in specific.
11:14Castoweary PleasantI draw manga so I know the pain it takes to make one
11:14The Bitter ColdI don't watch Fairy Tail.
11:14AlexKrailpedofile overtones are in all japenese culture
11:14JacktheRippeer1865who has heard the tale of chipp da ripper
11:14Devincooper64Oh, I read the manga mostly, sometimes anime
11:14Castoweary Pleasantand I enjoy it a lot more
11:14AlexKrailand tenacle rapes
11:14Devincooper64i read the first volume of black butler
- Alex
11:14UrotsukIwhat anime are you talking about?
11:14Devincooper64no rape talk please
11:14UrotsukIwhere can i watch it?
11:14JacktheRippeer1865woah woah
11:14BeyondSlothzDevin kick me plz :3
11:14AlexKrailok sorry if i tramatized anyone
11:14MylittlesadistRape?...OH sorry kinda new to english
11:14Castoweary Pleasant*twitching*
11:15Devincooper64Because I said so.
11:15BeyondSlothzFine 3:
- ily
11:15The Bitter ColdUrotsuki, it's called Kuroshitsuji, or Black Butler in English.
11:15Castoweary Pleasantawww
11:15Castoweary Pleasantbromance
11:15UrotsukIOh that.
- Could not care less now
11:15The Bitter Coldlol
11:15MylittlesadistIs the butler black or is that just the title?
11:15BeyondSlothzBYE BUBS
11:15JacktheRippeer1865give me the butter
11:15The Bitter ColdIt's just a title.
11:15Castoweary PleasantBAI
11:15Sanguinante PrimoI am back
11:15Devincooper64the butlers are white
- they wear blakc suits though
- have black hair
11:16JacktheRippeer1865give me the toast
11:16UrotsukIso you're saying it isn't about slavery?
11:16Mylittlesadistah ok
11:16Castoweary Pleasantnao
11:16UrotsukINow it just sounds boring as fuck
11:16Devincooper64and one of them wears a vag pad on his eye
11:16AlexKrailby BeyondSlothz
11:16The Bitter Coldrofl
11:16Mylittlesadistvag pad?
11:16Devincooper64theyre called eye patches
- Benfunk44 has left the chat.
11:16Sanguinante PrimoxD
11:16Devincooper64but it looks like a fucking vag pad
11:16Sanguinante PrimoVag pad
11:16The Bitter ColdIt does.
11:16Castoweary Pleasantlol
11:16Sanguinante PrimoI'm dying
- Daylight Torn has joined the chat.
11:16BeccaLovegood>vag pad
11:16Castoweary Pleasantcant stop
11:16BeccaLovegoodwhat the fuck
11:16The Bitter ColdNever thought of it that way
11:16BeccaLovegood>VAG PAD
11:16MylittlesadistOHHHH...you sneaky mother fucker :P
- vag eyes
11:16Devincooper64like in every anime, that one girl has her vag pad taped to her face just in case she forgot the tampons
11:16Sanguinante PrimoYou cheeky dickwaffle~
11:17Castoweary PleasantI never thought of it that way
- BeyondSlothz has left the chat.
11:17Devincooper64then theres also the one with different color eyes, because that makes you look cool I guess
11:17JacktheRippeer1865give me the bacon
11:17The Bitter Coldhttp://media0.giphy.com/media/IAqSIS7KicpIQ/200_s.gif
11:17Sanguinante PrimoI feel like watching Hellsing Abridged now
11:17The Bitter ColdLook at the "eyepatch."
11:17Castoweary Pleasantits called hetrochromia
11:17Devincooper64YOu should cas
- its halarious
11:17Castoweary Pleasantand its real
11:17The Bitter ColdIt looks uncannily similar to a vag pad.
11:17Sanguinante PrimoI have
- Several times
11:17Devincooper64while youre at it, watch the sword art online abridged
11:17AlexKrailthat makes you look genetcally diseasesd
11:17Devincooper64its halarious
11:17Sanguinante PrimoI can quote whole episodes >.>
11:17The Bitter ColdAlso, halarious?
11:17MylittlesadistWhats that video?
11:17The Bitter ColdWhat does that mean?
11:17Castoweary Pleasantit's actuallya genetic inbalence
11:17BRVRHaunted gaming video.
- there
11:18Sanguinante PrimoMy cousin has heterochromia.
11:18Devincooper64is your day better
11:18AlexKrailyeah a ganetic disease
11:18MylittlesadistThat creep bot isnt here?...
11:18Castoweary Pleasantmy sis does too
11:18Sanguinante PrimoOne eyes is green, one is blue
11:18Devincooper64knowing I just fixed my spelling mistake
11:18MylittlesadistWhat happen to it?
11:18Devincooper64of one letter
11:18Castoweary Pleasanton a lesser scale though
11:18Devincooper64that doesnt really infect the integrity of the word
11:18MylittlesadistI just noticed
11:18UrotsukIEAT A COCK
- Sanguinante Primo has kicked JacktheRippeer1865 from chat.
- JacktheRippeer1865 has been banned by Devincooper64 .
11:18The Bitter ColdJack the Ripper didn't commit murders in 1865.
11:18Castoweary Pleasantwhoa
11:18The Bitter ColdYour argument is invalid.
11:18Devincooper64He has been kicked twice for spam
11:18Castoweary Pleasantjustice right thar
11:18Sanguinante PrimoHe has?
- Oki then
11:18AlexKrailby JacktheRipper1865
11:18Mylittlesadistomg urto your profile picture makes it more hilarious!
11:19Devincooper64Yeah, warned, kicked, and that was extreme
- i have it set to two hours
11:19Castoweary PleasantDevinCopper...Man?
11:19Sanguinante PrimoOki
11:19Castoweary PleasantDCMAN!
11:19MylittlesadistIs agnersteinerson still a admin?
11:19Sanguinante PrimoMod.
11:19Castoweary PleasantLets hope i dont get sued
11:19MylittlesadistSame thing admin mod
11:19Sanguinante PrimoNo
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