- EternalChaos413>brah
7:49The Damn BatmanWell at least Nintendo isn't like Infinityward who just try and jump on whatever bandwagon within arm reach
7:49MetafawkerOcarina of Time I guess Paladin
7:49Metafawkerlist em' plz
7:49Devincooper64because not only was princess naming FRANCHISES
7:49Metafawkerso you can teach Robot XD
7:49Devincooper64but used the fact if a game was good or not to decide to note originality
7:49G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYOK, this is gonna be a weird question, but who here plays Call of Duty?
- Welcome to purgatory, please grab a cookie and sit down ~
~ Also please read our chat policy
7:49MetafawkerI know COD
- but
7:49JamesDNauxNow that is unoriginal kiddie shit
7:49MetafawkerI don't play it XD
7:49The Last PaladinMario, Zelda, Fire Emblem, Pokemon
7:49AlexKrailhi whats up on the chatting here
7:49The Last Paladinwhat ese
- GiygasForPresident has joined the chat.
7:49BrokenSquidI've just been forced to move my laptop outside
7:49The Last Paladin*else
7:49G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYOK. Which developer is better, Infinity Ward or Treyarch?
7:49Princess Robot Bubblegum22Hm you are correct
- The Bitter Cold has joined the chat.
7:49BrokenSquidI have to go now.
7:49MetafawkerI'm not into Fire Emblem
7:49Princess Robot Bubblegum22I messed up there
7:49The Last PaladinStarfox was fucking great
7:50The Last Paladini loved it
7:50AlexKrailhi GiygasForPresident
7:50Princess Robot Bubblegum22Lemme rephrase
7:50EternalChaos413Ur mum Alex 
7:50MetafawkerMetroid too
- and Kirby.
7:50Devincooper64Because I was able to name 5 wii games off the top of mhy head, that were fun, and original
7:50The Last Paladinmetroid needs a new game
7:50GiygasForPresidentCan a mod/admin tell me why my creepypasta was deleted?
- TacobellL4D2 has joined the chat.
- BrokenSquid has left the chat.

7:50The Last Paladinkirby is getting one so i
7:50AlexKrailhi TacobellL4D2
7:50MetafawkerMetroid's freaking behind
7:50Princess Robot Bubblegum22Nintendo is unoriginal in its games designs, and its games are shit
7:50The Last Paladinam happy with that
7:50Princess Robot Bubblegum22Hows that?
7:50AlexKrailby BrokenSquid
7:50Devincooper64I want a metroid - the angtsy teen shit
7:50Princess Robot Bubblegum22Well
7:50The Last Paladini may get the kirby game
7:50Princess Robot Bubblegum22The new games that is
7:50MetafawkerI will try to get the new one.
7:50Princess Robot Bubblegum22I admit the old classics are awesome
7:50JamesDNauxDo tell me
7:50Devincooper64That works
7:50Metafawkerone reason why Kirby's behind is because, Paladin
7:50AlexKrailyour guys are such grammar nazis
7:50JamesDNauxHow is Nintendo unoriginal when everyone else is churning out the same FPS crap every other month?
7:50G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYIt's the eyes of the tiger
7:50Devincooper64i can agree the new games are kinda subpar in being good
7:50G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYIt's the thrill of the fight
7:50MetafawkerYou know The Crystal Shards?
7:50Sanguinante PrimoMore than likely, Quality Standards Giygas
7:50Metafawkerand Back to Dreamland?
7:51Princess Robot Bubblegum22James
7:51Devincooper64Like the new super mario bros
- fuck those games
7:51AlexKrailas long as it sounds fonetic who cares
7:51The Last PaladinOH
7:51Princess Robot Bubblegum22That doesnt not make ninto unoriginal
7:51Princess Robot Bubblegum22Just makes it unoriginal ASWELL
7:51Sanguinante PrimoBecause butchered English is not allowed. :33
7:51Devincooper64Oh please paladin, nintendo wont
7:51Metafawkerwait what
7:51EternalChaos413Halo 2 and 3 were decent IMO.
7:51Princess Robot Bubblegum22by the by, i hate cod
7:51The Last Paladinthey do
7:51Sanguinante PrimoAnyway. brb
7:51Metafawkerno dude
7:51CreepyMorefedoraMother games are one of the greatest games ever made
- *some
7:51The Last Paladinfuck nintendo for that tho
7:51MetafawkerI don't like Earthbound.
7:51G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYHey you know what else needs a new installment?
7:51The Last Paladinactually
7:51Metafawkerat all
7:51JamesDNauxIf you're going to complain about them being unoriginal
7:51Devincooper64James, your argument is based off the assumption that james likes CoD
7:51G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYThe Less Caps series!!
7:51The Last Paladinearthbound wasn't that kid friendly
7:51Devincooper64which is fucking stupid
- Gjlewis has joined the chat.
7:51JamesDNauxDo tell me, how would you make an original game?
7:51Princess Robot Bubblegum22Prb..
7:51The Last Paladinbad joke g4
7:51AlexKrailhi Gjlewis
7:51The Last Paladin010
7:51Princess Robot Bubblegum22Get it right devin
7:51Devincooper64also princess
7:51CreepyMorefedoraMost of the Mother series weren't kid friendly
7:51JamesDNauxI'm assuming that I like CoD?
7:51The Last Paladin*1/10
7:51JamesDNauxWhat Devin?
- Thanks.
7:52Devincooper64you need to stop referring to Franchises
7:52Princess Robot Bubblegum22He meant me james
7:52The Last Paladinno bitch
7:52Metafawkertrue Fedora
7:52Devincooper64because theyre supposed to be the same game
7:52GiygasForPresidentWhy did LOLSKELETONS delete the creepypasta I uploaded?
7:52The Last Paladinomg
7:52Devincooper64with a little few features tweaked
7:52MetafawkerEarthbound sickens me for a reason...
7:52The Last Paladingiygas from mother
- TacobellL4D2 has left the chat.
7:52Devincooper64Earthboud is overrated
7:52The Last Paladinthe last stage
7:52G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYMother 2.
7:52CreepyMorefedoraMother 3 is very emotional...
7:52MetafawkerGiygas, for a common reason.
7:52Devincooper64* Devincooper64 is killed by everyone
7:52JamesDNauxHumour me
7:52AlexKrailLOLSKELETONS deletes everything for being a huge tirant and dictator guy on here
7:52MetafawkerI don't like MOTHER
7:52JamesDNauxHow would you make an "original" game?
- no
7:52Devincooper64I already said jeames
7:52The Last Paladinopinions
7:52AlexKrailhe deleted both my pastas
7:52The Last Paladinyou don't need to tell anyone
7:52Devincooper64originallity is a shit useless term
7:52AlexKrailfor no reason
7:52The Last Paladin*everyone
7:52G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYHe deletes pastas that he finds not meeting up to the QS.
7:52Devincooper64its nothing abhout bein g original
- its about making the concept right
7:53JamesDNauxI'm not speaking to you Devin
7:53AlexKrailthey were so spooky and one still is because i still have it
7:53Devincooper64Ah, i see
7:53MetafawkerThe reason why he deletes your pastas is BECAUSE IT DOES NOT FOLLOW THE QUALITY STANDARDS
7:53JamesDNauxI'm speaking to the one who says "Nintendo is unoriginal"
7:53The Last Paladinhm
7:53Devincooper64also, I can see nintendo is on the lacking side of originality lately
7:53Princess Robot Bubblegum22There is no originality in games, i never said there was?
- Do I have to keep ranting out caps
7:53Fantastic Mister HorseZomg caps.
7:53Princess Robot Bubblegum22I rephrased what i said earlier
- I messed up
7:53Devincooper64Meta, calm them caps
7:53MetafawkerSorry about that.
7:53G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYMeta, that's Devin
7:53Princess Robot Bubblegum22Originality int what makes a game
- I know that now
7:53G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYDevin's job*
- what
7:53JamesDNauxYes, you claim it is all shit because it is unoriginal
7:53Princess Robot Bubblegum22But
7:53Devincooper64its alright G4
7:53AlexKrailsounds like you want to be a mod Metafawker
7:53Princess Robot Bubblegum22Dont change the fact
7:53Devincooper64hes not even doing my kob
7:53JamesDNauxHow would you make an original game?
7:53MetafawkerLol no Alex.
7:53JamesDNauxDo tell me
7:53Princess Robot Bubblegum22That there are no original games
7:53MetafawkerI don't want mod rights.
7:53GiygasForPresidentNobody can tell me why my creepypasta was deleted or where I can ask why?
7:53G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYDevin rants in all caps sometimes.
- Gjlewis has left the chat.
7:53Devincooper64James, I already talked to Princess about it
7:54G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYNo offense, Devin.
7:54AlexKraila humble person would be the best person to mod
7:54Devincooper64he retraccted his statment
7:54GiygasForPresidentFuck it.
7:54EternalChaos413Giygas check your fucking PM//
7:54MetafawkerNope, Alex.
7:54GiygasForPresidentI don't have any PMs.
7:54Devincooper64also G4, I dont caps rant ._.
7:54JamesDNauxSo is he just claiming that all games are shit now?
7:54Princess Robot Bubblegum22James is a dumbass...
7:54Devincooper64do I?
7:54MetafawkerRights earn you nothing but happyness.
7:54G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYNo wait.
7:54Devincooper64James, oh my gosh -_-
7:54Princess Robot Bubblegum22Did he not just read me post?
7:54EternalChaos413Yes you do.
7:54Princess Robot Bubblegum22Fucking hell..
7:54G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYI'm thinking of Bugu.
7:54MetafawkerDoes mod rights earn you money?
7:54The Last Paladinme post
7:54JamesDNauxHow rude
7:54G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYMy bad.
7:54EternalChaos413I sent you one.
7:54Devincooper64nintendo fanboys at their worst
7:54JamesDNauxNamecalling will get you nowhere
7:54Devincooper64* Devincooper64 walks away slowly
7:54Princess Robot Bubblegum22I dont expect it to james
7:54MetafawkerLook guys.
- IF your story was deleted
- CrazyUndertaker has joined the chat.
7:55Metafawkerdon't be so butthurt about it
7:55GiygasForPresidentNotifications There are no notifications
7:55MetafawkerRead the Quality Standards before you post a pasta
- otherwise
7:55Metafawkerit might get deleted.
7:55G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYIf it at first you don't succeed, try try again.
7:55MetafawkerSimple to say.
- CrazyFerret has joined the chat.
7:55MetafawkerCrazyFerret, long time no see
7:55G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYHai Ferret.
7:55Devincooper64James, you dismiss a few things about what princess said and your argument was built off of assumptions Princess, you dismissed important things, but you fixed them, and you have a solid argument
7:55Devincooper64me on the other hand... im ugly
- Dinorauria 2 has joined the chat.
7:55Devincooper64so... yeah
7:55CrazyFerretHello people
7:55G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYHai Dino.
7:55The Last Paladinwhat's that game fire emblem is supposed to be getting a crossover with?
7:55AlexKrailhi Dinorauri 2
7:55JamesDNauxWell one must make assumptions
7:55CrazyFerretHow is everyone doing
7:55GiygasForPresidentWell I'm upset because someone named SomeOrdinaryGamer made a Youtube video and said he liked it.
7:56Devincooper64Actually no james
7:56Princess Robot Bubblegum22James, you are a fucking pussy and while my calling you a bastard may not affect you in the least and gets me nowhere as you say, i am satisfied with myself when i do call you a bitch ass loser
7:56AlcohollicAFine, I guess, Crazy. You?
7:56G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYSomeOrdinaryGamers is amazing.
7:56Devincooper64ok ok
7:56MetafawkerWell, SOG and CP are way different, Giygas.
7:56Devincooper64this is going to far
7:56G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYMy favorite: Mutahar
7:56Devincooper64guys stop
7:56MetafawkerThey are not exactly the same.
7:56Princess Robot Bubblegum22:3
7:56CrazyFerretBetter than I have been in a long while
7:56Devincooper64or im bashing your heads in
7:56Princess Robot Bubblegum22Kk decin
- Gjlewis has joined the chat.
7:56MetafawkerMy favorite: Mullet Mike
7:56JamesDNauxWow, aren't you mature?
7:56GiygasForPresidentSOG made a video reading it.
7:56EternalChaos413i fucking hate SOG.
7:56Devincooper64I SAID STOP
7:56Fantastic Mister HorseYay, ping.
7:56Devincooper64* Devincooper64 slaps everyone with the
7:56Princess Robot Bubblegum22Heehee
7:56Fantastic Mister HorseZomg caps.
7:56MetafawkerI love you guts,'
7:56Princess Robot Bubblegum22Im getting happy
7:56Metafawker> guts
7:56CrazyFerretDont feel like killing myself for one lol
7:56CrazyFerretI am in a good mood
7:56AlcohollicADepression problems or just stressed out?
- bruh
7:57Devincooper64wow, what an amazing album
7:57Princess Robot Bubblegum22Hi horse
- Uh..
7:57JamesDNauxLeave for a month and suddenly everyone is pissy
7:57AlexKrailwhat album
7:57Devincooper64I need to go buy this album
7:57Dinorauria 2I trololol'd.
7:57MetafawkerYou know what's CP's Amazing Album?
7:57Princess Robot Bubblegum22Horse
7:57Devincooper64the dark, dark light by There Will Be Fireworks
7:57Princess Robot Bubblegum22Who are you again?
7:57Fantastic Mister HorseYes?
7:57MetafawkerThe Pasta Riot
- signed by LOLSKELETONS
7:57Fantastic Mister HorseActually, I don't know.
7:57CrazyUndertakerUh, hello...
7:57CrazyFerretI think I figured out how to never be friend-zoned again
7:57Fantastic Mister HorseWait.
7:57Princess Robot Bubblegum22A...
- Ag..
7:57MetafawkerSo much swearing.
7:57Princess Robot Bubblegum22No...
7:57Dinorauria 2Ye
7:57Princess Robot Bubblegum22Starts with an a?
7:57Fantastic Mister HorseNo.
7:57AlexKrailnot my kinds of music to be lissening of
7:57MetafawkerOh wowe. *whistles* Finding out why people swear.
7:57Princess Robot Bubblegum22H?
7:57Fantastic Mister HorseAnd I won't say it actually.
7:57Dinorauria 2*Yes.
7:58Princess Robot Bubblegum22No gatorThats zy
7:58Fantastic Mister HorseAnd no.
7:58Devincooper64Why you were friendzoned 1. expected a realtionship when there wasnt one 2. they dont like you that much, youre a friend for a reason 3. youre ugly
- take your pick
- NightsCrystal has joined the chat.
7:58AlexKrail@there will be fireworks
7:58EternalChaos413fuck shit bitch metalfucker
7:58Princess Robot Bubblegum22Horse aint pretending to be gner pretending to be zy
- Uh..
7:58MetafawkerEternal, LEL
7:58Princess Robot Bubblegum22Other way round
7:58G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYRon Weasley made it out of the friendzone.
7:58IndefinitesilenceYesh! I gots mahself sum badges. Good ones! Hyper Realistic Blogger and (Don't) Go To Sleep. :)
7:58Devincooper64oh yeah and 4
7:58CrazyFerretI figured out how to not be friendzoned ever again
7:58Dinorauria 2I r uglees
7:58Princess Robot Bubblegum22Haha
- Yes!
7:58CrazyFerretI think
- Gjlewis has left the chat.
7:58Princess Robot Bubblegum22He did!!
7:58Devincooper644. you might be one of those "ugh these douches getting all the girls" people
- Gjlewis has joined the chat.
7:58Dinorauria 2Is serious!
7:58MetafawkerWho cares if you're ugly XD
7:58AlexKrailMRM hahahahaha
7:58Devincooper64that attitude will make your a double negative magnet
7:58Princess Robot Bubblegum22Fucking guineas world record holder gator
7:58G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYAt least I actually have a girlfriend.
7:58Princess Robot Bubblegum22Hahahaha
7:58EternalChaos413remember silence, dont pointsgame.
7:58CrazyFerretI was up until an hour ago when I had a revelation
7:58JamesDNauxOh yes, there's an easy method to never be "friendzoned"
7:58Metafawker> MRM
7:58Devincooper64and all the girls also are negatives
7:59JamesDNauxIt's called stop trying to get in everyone's pants
7:59G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYTake a guess at her name.
7:59The Last Paladin>ay least i actually have a girlfriend
- *at
7:59Devincooper64Lolz James
7:59Metafawker> at least i'm not at risk with the secret girls outside
7:59Princess Robot Bubblegum22No james
- That makes you their friend
- Putting you there
- Emily.lyons.3150 has joined the chat.
7:59CrazyFerretI realized I just need to ask what they see me as. If they say just as a friend then I can just be their friends and look elsewhere
7:59Metafawker> risks: getting infected by their secret, the point "Secret Chicks"
7:59G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYHai Emily.
7:59AlexKrailhi Emily.lyons.3150
- NightsCrystal has left the chat.
8:00EternalChaos413inb4 facebook log-inners join.
8:00AlexKrailbye NightsCrystal
8:00G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYI forgot what inb4 means
8:00Emily.lyons.3150hai peoplesssss
8:00Princess Robot Bubblegum22If i like a girl and im their friend id ask them out, if she rejects me id carry on as before
- The Damn Batman has left the chat.
8:00AlexKrailbye The Damn Batman
8:00Fantastic Mister HorseIn Before, G4.
8:00Sanguinante PrimoI dated a friend once
8:00CrazyFerretI think asking will save me a lot of effort and make us both feel more comfortable
8:00Sanguinante PrimoShit backfored on me
8:00Sanguinante Primo*backfired
8:00MetafawkerWhen they leave, you do know they can't see the chat right?
- Welp. Never mind. *faceplant*
- CrazyUndertaker has left the chat.
8:01Devincooper6420 CPWikiCoins to anyone who guesses who my profile picture is
8:01G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYHow I high dive: Just dive into the water.
8:01AlexKrailbye CrazyUndertaker
8:01EternalChaos413alex just stfu goddammit
8:01CrazyFerretSo that is my formula for never being friend zoned
8:01G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYHow Meta high dives: FLAIL!
- The Bitter Cold has left the chat.
8:01The Last Paladin>cowikicoins do nothing
- Emily.lyons.3150 has left the chat.
8:01AlexKrailbye The Bitter Cold
- GiygasForPresident has left the chat.
8:01MetafawkerI have a feeling somebody is recording us, exclusing NSA XD
8:01Sanguinante PrimoWalter
8:01MetafawkerAlex, please
8:01IndefinitesilenceUmm... Please don't kill me, but did anyone think that the last, like, 3 lines in The Devil Game kind of screwed over the ending? ._.
8:01Devincooper64YOu knew already cas
8:01The Last Paladin*cp
8:01AlexKrailbye Emily.lyons.3150
8:01Sanguinante PrimoIt's Walter being all badass, Dev :33
8:01MetafawkerHow Gator flys: Bwilfhw
8:01EternalChaos413Alex. Stop.
8:01CrazyFerretWhat do you think Devin?
8:01AlexKrailbye GigyasforPresident
8:01The Last Paladinshit
8:01G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYHow I fly?
8:01CrazyFerretAm I onto something here?
8:01Metafawker* Metafawker facepalms
8:01The Last Paladinno one would know mine
8:01MetafawkerAlex, can you stop?
8:01Devincooper64Alex, is users are asking you to stop
- please stop
8:02The Last Paladinif they can find out
- shit
- props to them
8:02Devincooper64unless its a bot command, which im pretty sure it is
8:02G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYAnd we can't stop...
8:02AlexKrailno its not
- Gjlewis has left the chat.
8:02G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYAnd we won't stop...
8:02Devincooper64G4 nu
- * Devincooper64 slaps G4
8:02AlexKrailsee i wont do with it this time
8:02G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYThat was just perfect timing.
8:02Devincooper64you cant sing bad songs in our room
8:02Metafawkeroh okay kid
8:02Princess Robot Bubblegum22Gator, man..
for everyone.
8:02G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYOnly one thing left to do.
8:02ChaoZStriderSo no rapping? okay
8:02The Last Paladin20princecoins for anyone who can guess who my avatar is
8:02CrazyFerretWhat do you think?
- I am onto something?
- Gjlewis has joined the chat.
- TAM3736 has joined the chat.
8:03Devincooper64Onto what?
8:03G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYWB Gj
8:03CrazyFerretOr am I talking out of my ass here
8:03G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYHai Tam.
8:03MetafawkerWho is rapping, Chao.
8:03The Last Paladinok so no answer
8:03Devincooper64your friendzone plan
8:03CrazyFerretThat I should just ask what they see me as
8:03IndefinitesilenceS.E.C.R.E.T: Something educational can ruin everyone's time.
8:03Devincooper64brb, I have to go scroll up
8:03CrazyFerretThat way it will be clear
8:03Devincooper64I was getting water when you were saying it
- Jonathan.baxter.3979 has joined the chat.
- AlcohollicA has left the chat.
8:03MetafawkerLEL IDNEFINITE
8:03EternalChaos4135,000 CPWcoins to whoever guesses who my icon is correctly.
8:03Princess Robot Bubblegum22Festival..
- No no..
8:03G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYF.I.N.A.L.S: Fuck I never actually learned shit.
8:03Princess Robot Bubblegum22Music gig thing
- Lil' Miss Rarity has joined the chat.
8:04G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYHai maria.
8:04AlexKrailhi Lil' Miss Rarity
8:04Metafawker> Hello Frens @Eternal
8:04IndefinitesilencexD G4T0R
8:04Devincooper64Thats actually a good idea ferret
8:04EternalChaos413Alex, STOP.
8:04The Last Paladinhey, maria
8:04Devincooper64though 1. you gonna have to know them well
8:04Princess Robot Bubblegum22Well chaos?
8:04Metafawkerlol Eternal
8:04EternalChaos413no meta
8:04Metafawkerhe said hello
8:04Princess Robot Bubblegum22Did i win?
8:04G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYS.C.H.O.O.L: Seven crappy hours of our lives.
8:04Devincooper642. there was no number 2
8:04The Last Paladinwhat are we talking about
8:04Metafawkernot bye after the users leave
8:04The Last Paladingetting the girl?
- aha
8:04Metafawker@Eternalistic Brotha
8:04IndefinitesilenceI have eight.
- Gjlewis has left the chat.
8:04G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYHow normal people say goodbye: Bye.
8:04MetafawkerU HAVE 8 TAKIS?!
8:05AlexKrailbye Gjlewis
8:05Metafawkerlolololo- not
- TAM3736 has left the chat.
8:05CrazyFerretI just entered the dating world after years of being stuck in the friendzone and Im not going back
8:05G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYHow I say goodbye: I wanna see you out that door, baby bye bye bye.
8:05JamesDNauxSeven hours? Funny, I went to school for years
8:05EternalChaos413zoom in on my icon to see it metalfucker
8:05MetafawkerYou said you won't do it and YOU ARE STILL GOING ON
- @Alex
8:05Devincooper64remember that one hannah montanna episode where jackson and miley were dating, because they thought hannah and jackson where a thing?
8:05The Last Paladintest
- ok
- false alarm
8:05The Last Paladin@crash report
8:05AlexKrailok i promise this time
8:05EternalChaos413ALEX< STOP.
8:05Metafawkerno no no
- > promise
8:05JamesDNauxPeople remember that Devin? All I can think of now is wrecking balls
8:05Devincooper64Ill be super honest, I really like Hannah montana
8:05AlexKrailhahahahahh really
8:05Devincooper64its one of my favorite disney show
8:05Jonathan.baxter.3979What's yawl favorite creepypasta
- ImGonnaBeThatGuy has joined the chat.
- >.>
8:06MetafawkerTo be honest. So. Since when did kids come to chat and say promise....
8:06AlexKrailhi ImGonnaBeThatGuy
8:06IndefinitesilenceI have no idea how to breath.
8:06G4T0R4D3xEN3RGYShe can't be tamed, so she had a breakout and told the world that she can't stop on the wrecking ball.
- You have been kicked by Devincooper64.
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