- MessianI hope VHS comes back. DVD sucks.
3:56NeveRsayNeveR* NeveRsayNeveR pours desu everywhere
3:57LosKingsThats a good email
3:57AlexKrailVhs will never come back
3:57SilverspotsBad Los 
3:57ShiftyheadI like this username. You can make things out of that username
3:57AlexKrailblu rays is even worse than dvd though
3:57AlexKrailforr being so expansive
- Lil' Miss Rarity has left the chat.
3:57LosKingsU know wut
- Messiantrue'
3:57LosKingsI'ma go get another name change
3:57AlexKrailbye lil miss rarity
3:57SilverspotsHey Los.
- First
- NeveRsayNeveRIamNotAPedoForLikeingLittleBoys@ChristianMingle.com
3:59GnomeClawHere's a thing
3:59Lil' Miss RarityThread:245648#16
3:59MirgilHey, dropping in real quick cause I have a question. Do we actually need to put our email's on our profile?
3:59GnomeClawThis isn't really a creepypasta
- Princess Monogatari has joined the chat.
3:59MessianHey justin, is your last name corkery?
- It's
- Lol
3:59Messianoh mkay
3:59SilverspotsOkay, then I'll call you Justin
3:59NeveRsayNeveROH AND I KILL 'EM
3:59LosKingsI don't really like my middle name
3:59AlexKraili perfer blackpeoplemeet.com
3:59SilverspotsI don;t either
3:59Princess Monogataritest
3:59LosKingsMy mom named me after some heartthrob
3:59SilverspotsSo I never tell it
3:59GnomeClawA Cry for Help
3:59LosKingsMy middle name is Prinze
3:59Princess CallieGood job, Maria.
- Princess Monogatari has left the chat.
4:01LosKingsGoing to the Philippines
- gonna miss you guys

- Princess Monogatari has joined the chat.
4:01NeveRsayNeveRah kk
4:01AlexKrailbye princess monogatari
4:01SilverspotsAh, sounds nice!
4:01LosKingsThe timezones are different there
4:01NeveRsayNeveRHave fun Los
4:01SilverspotsWe'll miss you too, Justin.
4:01Princess MonogatariGOD DAMN
4:01LosKingsso if I can go on the wikia over there
- AkiraWinged has left the chat.
4:02LosKingsMost of you might not be on
4:02AlexKrailb ye akirawinged
4:02NeveRsayNeveRHey Mono
- Matt11111 has joined the chat.
4:02AlexKrailhi matt111111
4:02Princess MonogatariI HAVE TO USE INCOGNITO
- urgh
4:02Matt11111Hi. I'm nobody.
4:02MirgilHey guys, about the whole mandatory email thing. Do we just need it connected onto our profile or do we need to actually have it listed on our profile page?
4:02MessianI left the wiki for like 3 months a while ago and no one gave a sht
4:02SilverspotsI had a weird dream that I kept switching bodies with random people in chat last night.
4:02NeveRsayNeveRMe too Mono
- lol
4:02I'm Angry ManAlex, it's not really necessary to say an user's full name, just giving an advice.
- Lol
4:02Princess MonogatariBecause regular fucking Chrome stops loading shit for chat halfway
- Maria
4:02LosKingsDid you check peoples vagoo 
4:02Princess MonogatariIt refuses to load chathacks
- Fatal DiseaseShe changed her name to HereIsThePoper, and then left.
4:03LosKingsShe was my bestfriend 
4:03MessianFatal, did you take away my hax?
4:03Princess Monogatarihttp://prntscr.com/2oysz4 the worst popup I have seen so far
4:03AlexKrailyou can change names on thissite?
4:03LosKingsAll those movie nights
- BatmanBaleLover has joined the chat.
4:03Fatal DiseaseOur friendship doesn't matter, Los 
- TigerTheLoser has joined the chat.
4:03Princess Monogatariyes
4:03NeveRsayNeveRYe I miss her
4:03LosKingsI had with her and Pram
- Lil' Miss Rarity has joined the chat.
4:03SilverspotsYes, Alex
4:03LosKingsand it does Fatal
- Matt11111 has left the chat.
4:03LosKingsatleast I have you

4:03Fatal Diseaseye
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