- Welcome to purgatory, please grab a cookie and sit down ~
~ Also please read our chat policy
3:31I'm Angry ManNot Mario, Maria.
3:31AlexKrailhi cuál está para arriba para la su chatthing
- itchfuck
3:31SilverspotsAlex, please do speak English
- fuckfuck
3:32AlexKrailthats bigited silverspots
- someguys speak notenglish langugages
3:32SilverspotsWe have a spanish creepypasta wiki
3:32SilverspotsThis is the english version
- Lil' Miss Rarity has left the chat.
3:32SilverspotsSo we kinda like speaking english here
3:32I'm Angry ManAlex, use this:
3:32LosKingsdead chat
3:32I'm Angry Manhttp://es.creepypasta.wikia.com/wiki/Portada
- That is the Spanish Version.
- This is the English Version.
3:33SilverspotsAh damn Mike, beat me.
3:33AlexKrailim not spanish
3:33MessianMessian en espanol
3:33Fatal Diseasehttp://prntscr.com/2oyflz
3:33LosKingsHey guys
3:33Fatal DiseaseBreak it Bradley
3:33I'm Angry ManBut you speak the language.
3:33SilverspotsWe just request English is used here, Alex.
- And that's al.
3:33LosKingssomethings wrong with chat for me
- Silver
3:33LosKingsI can't send messages
3:33Messiani hate creter. he s a n iduiot
3:33SilverspotsCan't see some messages, Los?
- Remove chathacks
3:33GnomeClawI'm not the best at poem like editing
3:34Princess CallieThe chat keeps eating all my beautiful messages.
3:34GnomeClawA Dance
- LosKings has left the chat.
3:34SilverspotsI'm not either. But I'll look over it.
3:34GnomeClawAlthough this is a really weird story...
- I don't even think it can go to the poem category...
3:34SilverspotsMost stories here are weird.
3:34Fatal DiseaseCallie. All our messages are beautiful 
3:34NeveRsayNeveRchat you greedy fuck stop eatin mah messages
3:34I'm Angry ManFinal, maybe it's not a poem.
3:34Princess Callie
- Shiftyhead has joined the chat.
3:34GnomeClawIf it isn't...
3:34Princess CallieI've had to refresh twelve times.
3:34I'm Angry ManThe person who wrote it just pressed "Enter" like a madman.
3:34I'm Angry ManI think.
3:35NeveRsayNeveRHi Shifty
3:35GnomeClawSilver got it
3:35Fatal DiseaseCallie
3:35Princess CallieYush?
3:35Fatal DiseaseDoes thou have chat hacks?
3:35Princess CallieYe.
3:35Fatal Diseaseeliminate them
3:35Fatal Diseasethats the problem
3:35SilverspotsMy chat is fine, as I don't have chat hacks.
3:35AlexKrailthatsa real emo story aka the dance that one
3:35GnomeClawCreepypasta Wiki:Requests for VCROC/
- :3
3:35AlexKrailbad story imo
3:35SilverspotsPings don't work for me 
3:35Princess CallieIt's usually fine.
- With the hacks.
3:35GnomeClawNah Callie
3:36Fatal DiseaseYeah. Apparently now they're going into shits.
3:36GnomeClawHacks has been acting weirdly recently
- BRVR has joined the chat.
- SilverspotsWhy does he even still have his rights?
3:38I'm Angry ManI don't want to be a mod anymore 
- LosKings has left the chat.
3:38SilverspotsHe hasn't been on like three months.
3:38I'm Angry ManThanks to Cleric's idea.
3:38AlexKraileveryhguy has his rights
- PetrovTheRussian has joined the chat.
3:39Princess CallieI think that he does need demoted.
- LosKings has joined the chat.
3:39AlexKrailthats the point of rights
3:39SilverspotsWe mean mod rights, Alex
3:39Shiftyheadthese rules *derp*
- StevieGLiverpool has joined the chat.
3:39SilverspotsNot civil rights
3:39SilverspotsHey Stevie
- SilverspotsNot civil rights
3:39SilverspotsHey Stevie
3:39The Damn BatmanI should have applied to be a mod when I had the chance 
3:39Lil' Miss RarityEyeless Jack is still a mod because he hasn't done anything wrong.
3:39SilverspotsHe's been inavtive as fuck
- atal Disease^
3:39SilverspotsHe visits maybe once every two months, and not even for ten minutes
3:39The Damn BatmanBesides been inactive
3:39SOMEGUY123user:Eyeless Jack
3:39Princess CallieAnd in truth, as far as Cleric goes, methinks honestly he needs to remember that it's not just his site. He didn't let the mods vote before he required them to put their email in open public.
3:39I'm Angry ManIt's been long since I saw him.
3:40Lil' Miss RarityHasn't passed the limit
3:40SilverspotsAnd he's created a fair amount of drama too
- ShiftyheadI think I will write a new creepypasta....but I have to use proper english...well I know English ,btu I can screw uo the gramar
3:40Fatal DiseaseAnd make it good, too.
3:40SilverspotsSo we're just gonna let him visit once every few months?
3:40Fatal DiseaseMake sure its not a blacklisted subject, either.
3:40I'm Angry ManUser blog:I am Eyeless Jackie/school dance coming up
3:40Shiftyheadlike the....
3:40I'm Angry ManSpamblog.
3:40I'm Angry ManCheck that.
3:41Shiftyheadlike there....
3:41Lil' Miss RarityIt's not hurting anyone
3:41NeveRsayNeveRUse Spell check Shifty
- I have an Croatian laguange on
3:41Lil' Miss Rarity$delete User:Lil' Miss Rarity/chat.js > shit
3:41Quality ControlPage User:Lil' Miss Rarity/chat.js was deleted.
3:41Shiftyheadthe spell check will ...check everything
- Lil' Miss Rarity has left the chat.
3:41Shiftyheadunless I cahnged it to english
3:41AlexKrailyour a croat perrson?
- Lil' Miss Rarity has joined the chat.
3:41AlexKrailoh cool
- l' Miss RarityYou seem to think not comming here is a big issue
3:42The Damn BatmanI can't be a mod for 3 readons
- *reasons
3:42Shiftyheadbasicly I use the croatian laguange because my keyboard is croatian and i'm croatian too....so
- GnomeClawEveryone here speaks english shifty
3:42AlexKrailbye loskings
3:42NeveRsayNeveRI dont
- Jeffssonhey maria
3:43TemmingtonNo hablo Ingles.
- AlexKrailhi fatal disesase
- Messian has joined the chat.
3:46Fatal Diseasew:c:flibber
3:46ShiftyheadLoskings why didn't you come here before.
3:46AlexKrailhi messian
3:46LosKingswhat do u mean
3:46Jeffssoni thought it said shitty head at first
3:46LosKingsI was hear, except I couldn't talk on chat
3:46ShiftyheadThe damn batman I saw that it's really not funny
3:46Messianmy internet is poop
3:46The Damn BatmanIt is
3:46Messianits glitchy
3:46TemmingtonMan, back in the day it was hard to earn chat moderator. Nowadays it's as easy as a popularity contest.
- .-.
3:46The Damn BatmanIt's comedy gold
- You actually had to earn it
3:47Fatal Diseasetest
- Lets see if this works
- Alright.
3:47NeveRsayNeveRUser blog:I am Eyeless Jackie/me THIS BLOG IS GOD TEIR
3:47AlexKrailthen you must be megapopular guy by it
3:47The Damn BatmanI'm popular
3:47The Damn Batman(not)
3:47LosKingsNow it's all about "I like you, you should be mod"
3:47GnomeClawWell, any other way people the admins try to find moderators
3:47I'm Angry ManI wonder if Cleric is actually going to be dick-ish enough to terminate anyone who disagrees with him.
3:47GnomeClawUsers start ranting
- hiftyheadI forgot how you do the faces
3:47Princess Calliehttp://prntscr.com/2oyly9 Skelly's response to Mandatory Email.
3:47AlexKrailcleric souunds like megahuge naziguy
- or hitler hisself
3:48I'm Angry ManSkelly is win.
3:48GnomeClawOh shit XD
- I'm Angry ManSkelly is win.
3:48GnomeClawOh shit XD
3:48I'm Angry ManAnd looking right now, kind of, Alex.
3:48NeveRsayNeveR> Megahuge
3:48Princess CallieHe's just like "I refuse."
3:48The Damn BatmanThose creepy users who come on and say "omgzz I like to cut my parentz caus they beat meh"
- MessianLOL
3:48HiddenSpiritSHUTUP BATMAN
3:48I'm Angry ManAnd I'm sure telling Wikia about that will not do anything.
- Since they're just a load of lazy shitheads.
- HiddenSpiritI thought you were a new user, dangit lol
3:49AlexKrailyou guys should do a coop on cleric
3:49The Damn BatmanC'mon, Hidden
3:49MessianCleric is god.
3:49I'm Angry ManEven though I do not have mod/admin/bureaucreaut rights, I still find that stupid as fuck.
3:49NeveRsayNeveRlolol losers
- NeveRsayNeveRlolol losers
3:49HiddenSpiritUr the lozer
3:49Princess CallieWell, it depends. Some users consider email personal information.
3:49GnomeClawIts stupid, but I'm not testing Cleric's word
3:49I'm Angry Man^^
3:49Princess Rose Lynn Rosejeffy pm
3:49I'm Angry ManThat would be me.
- AlexKrailWithin the military context the term "cyborg soldier" who nominate an often appears soldier equipped with systems of weapons and survival integrated into your body. An example of this interaction is the Pilot's Associate , developed in 1985 , which would use artificial intelligence to help fighter pilots aircraft during combat, performing actions deemed necessary as the automatic use of weapons and self-examination of the airplane (Gray in Cyborg Handbook ).
3:54Fatal DiseaseI already gave out my email on my talk page, and its in my profile.
- you didn't warn for the wall!
3:54ShiftyheadAlex is that your creepypsta
3:54AlexKrailcyborgs are megastrange stuff forr being actually real
- no
3:54AlexKrailits an article
3:54SilverspotsPlease warn for walls next time, Alex
3:54AlexKrailabout cyborgs
- ok sorry
3:54SilverspotsWalls are over three solid lines of text
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