- xKrailanyways
- PrincessMiranda has joined the chat.
10:08BlondvscarberrySo i'm just read abandoned by disney it was so creepy
10:08Pugston McgeeSomeguy
10:08AlexKrailhi someguy
10:08Pugston Mcgeebut 64?
- Hm
10:08BelowXeroJust randomly here, doing nothing.
10:08AlexKrailhi princess miranda
10:08FriendlyJim* FriendlyJim rubs Trityn's belly
10:08XSteele Fistxsame xero
- WaveDivisionMultiplexer has joined the chat.
10:08Blondvscarberryhi i'm virginia
10:08Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeWut
10:08Year Of The CommunistWhy are there so many prince and princesses like shit dude
10:08Pugston McgeeYou sure are
10:08Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeJim, wut you doin
10:08AlexKrailhi wavedivisionmultiplexer
10:08FriendlyJimHello Pari
10:08Lord Daevyd, Lord of Time.///.
10:08FriendlyJimI'm sitting here doing stuff.
10:08Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeCAS
10:08Nightshade of DarknessThat's what I'm doing is nothing lol
10:08Pugston McgeeYo pari pari chicken
10:08Year Of The Communist* Year Of The Communist pets Daevyd
10:08FriendlyJimI'm going to get some more wine.
10:08WaveDivisionMultiplexerI'm back
10:09XSteele Fistx666
10:09AlexKrailso anyway i had an ideas for a creepypasta on this site
10:09FriendlyJimBut I don't know if I should.
10:09The Bitter ColdYou do that, you little winer.
10:09AlexKrailits called "The Haunted Well"
10:09Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeDo I need to blow the fuck up again?
10:09Pugston Mcgee>>>>
10:09BelowXeroJoseph Stalin vs. Adolf Hitler. Stalin wins.
10:09AlexKrailits about a haunted well
10:09Year Of The CommunistBlow up on me bb c;
10:09Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeBecause you bitches wanna treat me like a dog?
10:09Blondvscarberrydoes any one know something about some called rayon?
10:09Pugston Mcgeename pugston
10:09Lord Daevyd, Lord of Time:O
10:09Pugston Mcgeeage -
10:09FriendlyJimI don't want to do about anything.
10:09XSteele Fistxrussia vs germany
10:09FriendlyJimEverything is so hard.
10:09AlexKrailThe Haunted Well
- Dinorauria 2 has left the chat.
10:09Pugston Mcgeesex: with jim
10:09The Bitter ColdI just noticed that Year acts strangely similar to Gramm.
- Is there a connection?
- PrincessMiranda has left the chat.
10:09XSteele Fistxyou decide
10:09Year Of The Communist* Year Of The Communist cuddle Darvyn
10:10AlexKrailthats ny creepypasta
10:10Year Of The CommunistDaeyvn*
10:10AlexKrailbye dino bye princess
- my internet works!!!
10:10Year Of The CommunistWhy are letters so close to each other
10:10Pugston Mcgeei have no pm
- have you fooled me
10:10Year Of The Communist^
10:10Sanguinante PrimoI can't PM
10:10WaveDivisionMultiplexersorry, pugston
10:10Year Of The Communistyes you can
10:10WaveDivisionMultiplexerjust a sec
10:10Pugston Mcgeehow many years must i suffer from your oppression
10:10Blondvscarberryi'm being ignored
10:10Pugston Mcgeeeons ago my people perished at your hands
10:10Year Of The CommunistTalk louder
10:11Sanguinante PrimoUm. No
10:11Pugston Mcgeeoh i got a pm
- all is forgiven
10:11Sanguinante PrimoNow I have torefresh
10:11Sanguinante PrimoFuck
10:11WaveDivisionMultiplexerwhy? (why!)
10:11Nightshade of DarknessI'm a quiet type for once lolez
- BelowXero has left the chat.
10:11XSteele Fistxfuckityfuckfuckfuck
10:11Sanguinante PrimoBecause PM's fucking lag my chat
10:11Blondvscarberryhas anyone ever heard of a person tht has no face and wears a black hoodie
10:11Pugston Mcgeefug :DDD D
10:11Sanguinante PrimoHance the I CAN'T PM
- Roxy Cat has left the chat.
10:11Sanguinante Primo*Hence
10:12Nightshade of DarknessBlond I have I think
10:12Year Of The CommunistBlond I have
10:12XSteele Fistxyoda i am
- FriendlyJim has left the chat.
- FriendlyJim has joined the chat.
10:13Sanguinante PrimoI'm all happy and giggly and stuff
10:13Pugston Mcgeelol
- webe jom
10:13XSteele Fistxmust go to gym
- WaveDivisionMultiplexer has left the chat.
10:13Sanguinante PrimoHELP. I'm supposed to be surly and pissy
10:13FriendlyJimAm I a bad person? :/
10:13Sanguinante PrimoBecause I'm a teenager
10:13Pugston Mcgeeyes
10:13Sanguinante PrimoWhy, Jim?
10:13FriendlyJimI feel like it at least.
10:13Pugston Mcgeeyour very bad ;)
10:13Sanguinante PrimoYou're an amazing person o.o
10:13Pugston Mcgeeu mush b punish ;)
10:13Year Of The Communistyou
10:13FriendlyJimBecause I feel like everything I do just becomes wrong.
10:13Year Of The Communistyou stop pug
10:13Pugston Mcgeebad big boi
- :P
- Pugston Mcgee has left the chat.
10:14Blondvscarberryso bored
- Year Of The Communist has left the chat.
- WaveDivisionMultiplexer has joined the chat.
- Silverspots has joined the chat.
- Year Of The Communist has joined the chat.
10:14AlexKrailThe Haunted Well
- Nightshade of Darkness has left the chat.
10:14AlexKrailhi sliverspots
- Nightshade of Darkness has joined the chat.
- XSteele Fistx has left the chat.
10:14AlexKrailhi commie hi wavedivision
10:14SilverspotsSo apparently we weren;t watching the movie in class
10:14Sanguinante PrimoJim, you've been there when I needed someone to unload on. You've been an amazing friend, literally since the day I joined
10:14AlexKrailhi nightshade
- I just don't know.
10:14Nightshade of DarknessHello ^^
10:14FriendlyJimIt just feels like everyone matters more than me.
10:15ThexosAaaand there went my mood.
10:15Sanguinante PrimoYou matter to me.
10:15Year Of The Communist* Year Of The Communist embraces Silverspots and whispers in his ear
10:15Year Of The Communist"neigh"
10:15Sanguinante PrimoGreatly.
- PrincessMiranda has joined the chat.
10:15Year Of The Communistc;
- Hi
- Mirando
10:15FriendlyJimI try to love people as much as I can but nobody loves me back.
10:15BlondvscarberrySO BORED! anyone want to chat
10:15EctobiologistNo one matters any more than anyone else
10:15WaveDivisionMultiplexerlook at the little @ over here
10:15BlondvscarberryI'm leaving
10:15Sanguinante PrimoI love you, Jim :33
10:15FriendlyJimI love you too.
10:16SilverspotsYeah Jim, you're great.
10:16WaveDivisionMultiplexeralso NOAH
- you're back!
10:16PrincessMirandasooo what are we all talkin about?
10:16FriendlyJimBut it doesn't feel that real because everyone in my ordinary life hate me.
- and stuff
- Ditto Jim
10:16Ectobiologistfinally someone other than someguy uses a fucking exclamation mark
10:16FriendlyJimAnd I feel so ashamed of everything I am.
10:16PrincessMirandai love things and stuff
10:16Blondvscarberrynever mind nothign else to do
10:16SilverspotsThat's why we have this place
10:16Nightshade of DarknessI'm not really talking at all
10:16EctobiologistYes im back
10:16Sanguinante PrimoEveryone in my offline life hates me except for a handful of people.
10:16SilverspotsOh, I don't feel ashamed
- Dinorauria 2 has joined the chat.
10:16SilverspotsI don't give a fuck about that people think of me
- Someguy64 has left the chat.
10:16Year Of The CommunistI feel ashamed for what's gonna happen tonight
10:16Blondvscarberrydoes anyone actually chat about creepypastas
10:16Silverspotsother than my friends
10:16Sanguinante PrimoI have to hide who I am on a daily basis.
10:16Year Of The Communistyes
10:17Ectobiologistno blond
10:17Year Of The CommunistWhen we delete them
10:17Ectobiologistthats against the rules
- Pugston Mcgee has joined the chat.
10:17Ectobiologistno creepypasta talk
10:17SilverspotsMe too, Spud
10:17Pugston Mcgeemotherfucker
- b& 4 lyf
10:17SilverspotsOnly because
10:17Pugston Mcgeelook noah's back
10:17FriendlyJimIt feels like I'm so distant from my friends, one of them started doing drugs without me, another one doesn't come here often, the third is depressed as fuck.
10:17WaveDivisionMultiplexerI'm sick and everyone finds me revolting and contagious
10:17Pugston Mcgeehey killl
10:17SilverspotsI don't want me rl friends to know how messed up I am
10:17FriendlyJimSo I don't have anyone to talk to.
10:17SilverspotsHey Pugaluga.
10:17Year Of The CommunistSilver
10:17Blondvscarberryok. well i'm bored so yeah... what do you talk about on here?
10:17WaveDivisionMultiplexermy friends haven't called me in a week
10:17Pugston Mcgeehah
10:17FriendlyJimThat's why I come here so often, because nobody else cares.
10:17Year Of The CommunistCan we go on a deletion spree? :3
10:17Pugston Mcgeeoh come on jim
10:17ThexosWe can do drugs together.
10:17Silverspots*deletes you*
10:17Pugston Mcgeewtf no
10:17ThexosCheer up, man.
- Someguy64 has joined the chat.
10:18FriendlyJimYou're the only people I can talk to.
- In the whole wolrd.
10:18Ectobiologistwe talk about shit and wet dreams @ blond
10:18Pugston Mcgeewe understand
10:18SilverspotsI have maybe... five people irl I can talk to.
- But you guys
- are awesome
10:18Pugston Mcgeebtw come 2 me 4 sex ay
10:18ThexosI have none.
10:18Nightshade of DarknessI am the silent one most of the time
10:18SilverspotsExceppt you, Pugs
- u sux
10:18Pugston Mcgee:(
10:18ThexosI'm always in my room.
10:18FriendlyJimYou're awesome too
10:18Pugston Mcgeelol
10:18ThexosI never leave.
10:18FriendlyJimI don't know why I feel like this.
10:18Pugston Mcgeei must take a shit
- Year Of The Communist has left the chat.
10:18Blondvscarberryi'm so bored anybody want to talk
10:18SilverspotsOr Optimistic
10:18FriendlyJimBye Puggeh
10:18Silverspotsor what
10:18ThexosDo you feel isolated?
10:19WaveDivisionMultiplexerI do.
10:19SilverspotsLAter Pugaluga
10:19Sanguinante PrimoI lost a lot of friends when I did that thing. .-.
- Someguy64 has left the chat.
10:19FriendlyJimI feel like I live in a small box and everything I do is controlled by a handfull of people who don't care.
10:19SilverspotsWhat thing
10:19WaveDivisionMultiplexerwhat thing, cass?
10:19FriendlyJimNobody cares.
10:19Blondvscarberrydoes anyone ever feel alone?
10:19Sanguinante PrimoAnd even more the second time. After the third, I only had one person left .-.
10:19FriendlyJimNot even my parents.
10:19ThexosI know what thing.
10:19Nightshade of DarknessMe
10:19SilverspotsA kingdom of isolation, and it looks like I'm the queen~
10:19Ectobiologistnew peoples face when they join and we're talking about wet dreams https://scontent-a-atl.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/t1/1622167_1447285215500422_1807045270_n.jpg
10:19PrincessMirandaalways </3
10:19TheGuyBehindYouAnyone know any other good creepypastas?
10:19Sanguinante PrimoKillsy, the thing .-.
- Pugston Mcgee has left the chat.
10:20BlondvscarberryI feel alone all the time. depression sucks!
10:20WaveDivisionMultiplexerthe thing?
10:20PrincessMirandaSkinWalker is a good one.
10:20SilverspotsIs this the same thing I'm thinking of?
10:20SilverspotsThe really bad think
10:20ThexosThe Jack-off?
10:20Sanguinante PrimoYe
10:20FriendlyJimI wish I could talk to somone.
- *someone
- Damn...
10:20BlondvscarberryI'll talk to you Jim
10:20Sanguinante PrimoI lost all of my friends because of it .-.
- All but one .-.
10:20ThexosI'm here if y'wanna talk, bruh.
10:20SilverspotsWell we won't abandon you like some damn real life people
10:20Sanguinante PrimoI know ^-^
10:20SilverspotsWe're here for ya, Spud.
10:20PrincessMirandaugh, i hate real life people.
10:21SilverspotsI like some real life people
- like five
- But yeah
10:21FriendlyJimNow I feel like I can't go one day without drinking. ;_M
10:21Blondvscarberryreal life sucks.
10:21FriendlyJimThat it does.
10:21WaveDivisionMultiplexerwow, my friends abandoned me for just being sick, and I don't mean 'stay away from her, she's contagious,' I mean: 'DONT EVEN CALL THE FREAK'
10:21AlexKrailmy creepyspasta got delted for why
- Nightshade of Darkness has left the chat.
10:21AlexKraili just uploaded it and it got deleted
10:21Blondvscarberryfake life people can understand me
10:21SilverspotsAgh, I kee getting emails from colleges and I don;t know what to do and it's stressing me out
10:21ThexosI love how we're all outcasts, isolates, freaks. All collected together into one big group, now not so isolated, perhaps from other people, but not from each other.
- Birds of a feather.
10:22Blondvscarberryreal life no one likes me
10:22SilverspotsBirds of a feather stuck togethr
- Justin "Zeke" David has joined the chat.
10:22The Bitter ColdI don't even come in here that often anymore.
10:22Justin "Zeke" DavidGot my name changed bitches
10:22SilverspotsHey Justin
10:22Lord Daevyd, Lord of TimeTax payments, Justin.
10:22SilverspotsHey Butt
10:22BlondvscarberryGonna change my username to devil's arrow
10:22The Bitter ColdAlso, you can't be outcasted if you're a virtual student.
10:22Sanguinante PrimoI can't connect to many people. I unno.
- Princess Rose Lynn Rose has joined the chat.
10:22Thexos>Rose Lynn Rose
- I always laugh at that for some reason.
10:22The Bitter ColdMusic, knowledge, and good grades are all I really know.
10:22SilverspotsRedundant username
- Music and... yeah, music is all I know of those three
- .-.
10:23Ectobiologistwho are you justin
10:23Princess Rose Lynn RoseTuT
10:23Ectobiologistyou joined in september-
- oh its los
- Sup
10:23AlexKrailwhy did my creepyspasta get deleted
10:23Ectobiologistit was probably shit
10:23AlexKrailit was so spooky
10:23Sanguinante PrimoBitter, that's why I love virtual school... Except for the fact that I have only one friend and I'm stuck in the hell hole of a home.
10:23Princess Rose Lynn RoseBig brother
10:23The Bitter ColdIt probably didn't meet the quality standards.
10:23FriendlyJimBecause it wasn't that good probably.
- Blondvscarberry has left the chat.
- Someguy64 has joined the chat.
10:24FriendlyJimCas I wish I could make you happy, like take you bowling or something.
- Waldofan has left the chat.
10:24FriendlyJimThat'd be great-
10:24SilverspotsChat bowling day
10:24AlexKrailhere ill post it here its so sppoky
- Year Of The Communist has joined the chat.
10:24The Bitter ColdSpeaking of bowling, I saw The Big Lebowski for the first time like three days ago
10:24Sanguinante PrimoJim, I am happy :33
10:24SilverspotsI wish that was real
10:24The Bitter ColdFuck it, let's go bowling.
- Year Of The Communist has left the chat.
10:24Sanguinante PrimoPost shit, get kicked, Alex
- Year Of The Communist has joined the chat.
10:24AlexKrailOnce upon atimes there was a haunted well orr at least it wasnt haunted yet. It was owned by a small famly of fourguys in it except not all guys for one being the wife and one daughter too. One day once upon a later times the daughter fell down into the well and drowned to death she died from it. Thats when the well got haunted it was by her dead and drowned spirit or also known as ghost. It was so scary. One day as the wife was cleaning the house the dead and drowned ghost of her daughter showed up she was soaking wet and dripping with water from the well except it wasnt real water it was spirit water because she was a ghost. She thats the wife got so scared she tried to ran but she was all around her. There were more than one ghosts event though it was just one. The ghost was miltiplying.
10:24EctobiologistThe big lebowski was a great fil-
10:24FriendlyJimCousin, it'e me Niko, let's go bowling.
- You have been kicked by Lord Daevyd, Lord of Time.
10:25The Bitter ColdDon't tell him I said that
- lol
- too late
10:25Year Of The CommunistOH DAVID
10:25Sanguinante PrimoLet's go bowling~
10:25Year Of The Communistdaevyd
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